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β€‹β€‹πŸ”– Training Pro Tip: Intra-series load contrast

This method takes advantage of the post-activation empowerment of heavy lifting. By doing a heavy lift at the beginning, you activate the nervous system and the neuromuscular junctions, recruiting more fibers. If you immediately switch to hypertrophy work using the same movement pattern, you will keep the fibers active, getting more stimulation.

❕Two different weights are used in each series.
βœ”οΈStart by placing 75% of your maximum on the bar, securing πŸ›‘ it with clips.
βœ”οΈThen add an additional 10-15% weight to the other side of the locks (now 85-90% of the maximum is on the bar).
❕Doing so will make it easier to remove the weights quickly before starting the descending set.
βœ”οΈDo a heavy rep (85-90%)
βœ”οΈQuickly unload the extra weight. Ideally a partner does.
βœ”οΈPerform as many repetitions as possible, with good technique and without cheating πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ.
❕Reps should be between 7 and 10. If you do more than ten, increase πŸ“ˆ the weight slightly.

#Protip #Bodybuilding #Training #Christian_Thibaudeau
πŸ† POW aka Product of the week #12 winners:
MASTERON-E 200 / Pharmaqo
BOLDENONE 300 / BioTeq Labs
WINSTROL 10 / Pharmaqo
πŸ”₯50% Hot deal for 48 hours only! Don't sleep! πŸ’«
β€‹β€‹πŸ”Ž Under the scope: Tamoxifen

Tamoxifen was first synthesized in 1962 by scientists at the British pharmaceutical company Imperial Chemical Industries PLC (now AstraZeneca).
It blocks estrogen by attaching to receptor sites in breast tissue and other tissues, like the liver.
It’s not an AI (Aromatase Inhibitor) so it will not lower concentration of estrogen in blood plasma.
It was first used to treat or prevent breast cancer in females, since breast cancer cells are very responsive to the hormone estrogen and is still used for that purpose, but gradually being replaced by AI, such as anastrozole and exemestane.

❕Class of Drug – Anti Estrogen

❕Subclass – SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator)

❕Half-life – 5 to 7 days

πŸ”– It was the first drug used in bodybuilding to prevent estrogen effects on the body during a steroid cycle, especially gynecomastia, but now it’s used mainly during PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) alongside clomiphene. Both have shown to work in synergy to increase testosterone natural production after a cycle.
Current choices for keeping estrogen sides under control during cycles are anastrozole, exemestane and letrozole, but a few bodybuilders still use tamoxifen for that purpose, which is now considered an old school approach.

#Underthescope #Nolvadex #PCT
​​πŸŽ₯ Pro video: How much more you should be training when you're on gear

We receive this question quite often. People forget to leave time for recovery, miss out on gains, and then can't figure out why their blast netted such poor results. "I think my gear must have been bunk." Nope. Your routine was. You grow at rest, not while you're training, and finding the right amount of volume as well as the right frequency is crucial to making the most of your hard work.

Being the hardest worker in the gym is great, but you also have to be the hardest rester in the gym if you want to make real progress.

This video from Ben Pollack is the start of a series that will dive into all of this a bit deeper. Please support his channel!

#Protip #Bodybuilding #Video #Harmprevention
πŸ“ Short cycles: why you should consider them

In practical terms, any use of supraphysiological hormones for an amount of time between 2 to 6 weeks can be considered a short cycle. Now you may have heard throughout your whole life that anything below 8 or 10 weeks is a waste of time and gear, but in reality, there are a few cases where running shorter cycles can be beneficial, here are a few:


#Article #Bodybuilding #Harmprevention #Protip
β€‹β€‹πŸ‘€ Find ten differences...
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The season of big promos is on and we are glad to share the first one with members of our channel in advance! The code is already active. Choose wisely. Pin smart!
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β€‹β€‹πŸ”– Training Pro Tip: Regressive range of motion aka The R-ROM

This method is especially effective in compound movements, particularly those with a great range of motion.

❕It works with the bench, squat, and even the deadlift.
❕It can also be used in exercises such as curls (especially the pulley curl), triceps extensions, hamstring curls, leg extensions, hack squat, or press.
βœ”οΈYou start the exercise by doing the full range.
βœ”οΈ Reps are performed until failure is close, at which point the range of motion is shortened ⬇️ by half and partial reps are continued.
βœ”οΈWhen you approach failure in the partials, the range of motion is cut back in half, performing quarter repetitions until you reach total failure.
❕Depending on the exercise, the partials will be done on the top or the bottom.

#Protip #Bodybuilding #Training #Christian_Thibaudeau
β€‹β€‹πŸ”Ž Under the scope: HGH Tips & Tricks

❕ Itβ€˜s important to buy a good pharma grade quality human growth hormon.
❕ Studies showed that it’s not benefical using more than 2 iu for lipolysis purposes.
❕ Split the dosage to at least 2 shots per day. For example 2iu before AM cardio and 2 iu before your evening workout.
This would be suitable for a beginner with HGH.
⚑️Check your thyroid after a couple weeks. GH can lower your T3 and T4 levels.
⚑️ Check your blood sugar. GH can increase it.
In most cases with 2-4iu GH, you will not need thyroid hormones or Insulin.
❕ If you add HGH to your cutting cycle, your muscles will be much fuller and you can keep or add a bunch of size during cutting, especially when itβ€˜s combined with Trenbolone.
❕ GH will increase your IGF1 levels a lot and can cause muscle hyperplasia. For this purpose and in generel it’s used for at least 6 months.

❕ The product is sensitive, once it’s mixed with bacteriostatic water. Temperature changes can damage the 191 amino acid hormon, so you should keep it in the refrigerator.
❕ It is also used for anti aging purposes. In fact your skin will get tighter and better looking. Also GH result to less or disappearing acne in most cases.
πŸ’‘ Generally better healing: your muscles will recover faster after workouts, also broken bones and other injuries will recover quicker with HGH.
❕ GH will cause water retention, so donβ€˜t be afraid of gaining some water weight in the beginning. The water retention allows you to use heavy weights without getting injured.

πŸŽƒ Don't miss to buy HGH with 30% Halloween promo discount!
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#Underthescope #Protip #Bodybuilding #Harmprevention #Protocol
Steroidify pinned Β«β€‹β€‹πŸŽƒ Exclusively: Halloween 2021 Promo secret start: 30% OFF Entire Store! * The season of big promos is on and we are glad to share the first one with members of our channel in advance! The code is already active. Choose wisely. Pin smart! πŸ’« Promo code:…»
πŸ† POW aka Product of the week #13 winners:
ULTIMA-PROP / Ultima Pharma
FEMAMED 2.5 / Deus Medical
ULTIMA-NPP / Ultima Pharma
πŸ”₯50% HOT DEAL for the next 48 hours!⚑️
β€‹β€‹πŸ”ŽArticle: Should you train while sick?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the middle of some desert for the last couple of years, you probably know we’re living in a pandemic, so at the moment if you’re feeling sick, especially with COVID-19-like symptoms, it’s best for you and for whoever trains at your gym that you stay at home, but in normal times or if you have access to a home gym, here are a few facts to help you choose whether or not you should train while feeling sick:

βœ… It might help you get over a cold faster: training while sick helps flush useful nutrients through the body and aids in expelling toxins, so it will help you get back to normal faster;
βœ… You’ll probably feel stronger: while being counter-intuitive, during the early stages of a cold, while your throat is just feeling a little sore or your nose a little funny, your immune system will release antibodies. These antibodies together with the altered hormonal state will act as strength enhancers. You’ve probably experienced this before when you were not feeling too well but still went to the gym and in the end felt stronger for some reason;
βœ… Sitting around and feeling miserable will only get you further into the sickness cycle. It’s been proven that one’s psychological state can alter significantly how fast that person will heal from being sick back to normal. The feeling of accomplishing a workout even when sick can be helpful in getting healthy faster.

‼️ Of course, it all sounds great but keep in mind that training while sick is only recommended for mild symptoms. If you’re really not feeling well, go see a doctor and follow his instructions, which may include taking medication and resting. If that’s not the case, try going for a light walk or doing some basic bodyweight exercises. You’ll be back on your feet before you know it.

#Protip #Article #Bodybuilding #Harmprevention #Health #Training
β€‹β€‹πŸ“Ί Steroidify. The beginning
β€‹β€‹πŸ”– Pro Tip: Stanolone (pure DHT) – The Ultimate Steroid?

We all know that DHT derivative steroids like Winstrol or Masteron will make you harder and your skin thinner, but did you know that many bodybuilders nowadays are using actual DHT when preparing to a competition?

❕Stanolone, aka androstanolone, aka dihydrotestosterone can be found in oral, topical gel and injectable forms and is a lot stronger than its derivatives.

Oral – Very low
Topical – Around 10%
Injectable – 100%

❕On the positive side, users report very quick thinning of skin and that granite effect, followed by great vascularity.
Negatives would be faster aging, dry joints, androgenic alopecia and possible prostate enlargement, so it should be avoided for extended periods.

πŸ’‘DHT gel can be found in human grade form with a 2.5% concentration. It’s used by male transsexuals for clitoris enlargement and to help developing male secondary sex characteristics, like deepening of voice, body/facial hair growth and an overall more masculine look.
It has also been reported to reverse gynecomastia in its early stages.
All in all, Stanolone is a relatively obscure, yet powerful hormone for bodybuilding.

#Protip #Bodybuilding #Underthescope #Health
​​πŸŽ₯ Pro video: Unf%! Your Bodybuilding #2

The latest in Ben Pollack's "Unf%! Your Bodybuilding" series. Here he touches in the importance of mind muscle connection, and starts to get into how you can get the most out of your training session without using crazy amounts of volume.

Ben Pollack is in no way affiliated with Steroidify. Please go and support his channel. He is a great training resource, with years of content already available and new content posted regularly.

#Protip #Bodybuilding #Video
πŸ“ Post-injection pain. Why it may occur and how to avoid it.

Post-injection pain, or PIP, generally speaking is the pain experienced after taking an intramuscular shot of a certain substance, in our case a mixture of a hormone salt, any concentration of solvent, preservatives/antiseptics, and a carrier. Most of the pain is caused when carrier and solvents are absorbed by the body and the crystals are left behind in the muscle pocket.

In this article, we’re going to go over the main causes for PIP:

❕How long the ester is: shorter esters (e.g., propionate or acetate) form harder, stronger crystals, with a melting point close to 100ΒΊC, while longer esters often have a melting point closer to a human’s body temperature of around 30 to 40ΒΊC, the exception being cypionate, a longer ester with higher melting point.

❕Concentration of hormone: for explanation purposes, let’s say it takes the body 24h to absorb 1ml of carrier oil + solvent + 50mg of testosterone propionate.

❕Solvents used: not all solvents are made the same, for example...


#Article #Harmprevention #PIP #Protip
β€‹β€‹πŸ”† Friday stone mood
#Fun #Mythbusters #Bodybuilding