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💊 Nattokinase: a supplement you should be taking

The use of Anabolic Steroids and other PEDs leads to an increase in blood thickness. This is extremely dangerous, as it causes an increase in blood pressure that can cause dizziness, headaches, nosebleeds and other annoying side-effects short-term, but also cardiac hypertrophy and even deadly cardiovascular events in the long run.

Donating blood during and/or after cycles/blasts is one of the best ways to offset this side-effect, but preventing the blood from becoming thicker in the first place is much better, and that is where Nattokinase comes in.

#BloodPressure #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #CardiovascularHealth #HarmMitigation #Heart #HeartHealth #Nandrolone #ProTip #SteroidCycles #Steroids #Testosterone

💉 MOTS-c: a promising PED

MOTS-c (Mitochondrial Open reading frame of the Twelve S rRNA-c) is a 16-amino-acid, mitochondrial analogue peptide that has recently garnered some attention in bodybuilding circles thanks to its seemingly miraculous properties.

The role of MOTS-c is to regulate metabolic functions for the production of energy. It’s mechanism of action is incredibly complicated and not very well-understood, but we can get a good idea of its effects by reading the preclinical trials it has gone through and the anecdotal information shared by users who have experimented with it.

#Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #CuttingCycle #FatLoss #HarmMitigation #Health #MOTSC #ProTips #WeightLoss

💊 Epistane: the most underrated cutting AAS

Epistane (also known as methylepitiostanol and “Havoc”) is the oral, 17-alpha-alkylated version of epitiostanol, a DHT derived steroid that was used in Japan for the treatment of breast cancer due to its anti-estrogenic properties.

The most interesting thing about the history of Epistane, is that it was legally sold over-the-counter by supplement stores all over the western world during the 2000s and even early 2010s. In fact, it was available on Amazon for a while too.

#AAS #AnabolicSteroids #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Bulking #Cycles #Liver #MSten #OralSteroids #ShortCycles #Steroids #Superdrol #Ultradrol

💉 Insulin protocols in bodybuilding: the game-changing hormone

The quest for maximum muscle hypertrophy and optimal performance usually drives bodybuilders to explore various training methodologies and nutritional strategies. Among different approaches, insulin usage is probably one of the most powerful approaches one can use, being praised by many as the hormone that started the mass monster era, alongside with growth hormone. However, understanding the intricacies of insulin protocols, particularly in terms of dosages and timing, as well as its interactions with other hormones and food, is essential for safe and effective implementation. In this article, we will take a look into the concepts behind insulin protocols, as well as shed some light on dosages, timing, and monitoring for bodybuilders.

#BasalInsulin #BloodGlucose #Bodybuilding #Carbs #FastActingInsulin #Insulin #IntraWorkoutNutrition #PreWorkoutInsulin

🔬 B-AET: the fat-burner you’ve never heard of

B-AET, also known as Beta-Androstenetriol, is a DHEA metabolite that offers incredible health benefits, anti-catabolism, and fat-loss.

Unfortunately, chances are you’ve never heard of this compound before. Fortunately, the reason why you’ve never heard of it before is that it’s incredibly hard to find, and not because it has some major drawback that makes it unusable.

#Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Clenbuterol #CuttingCycles #DHEA #FatLoss #HarmMitigation #Health #ProTips #StubbornFat #WeightLoss #Yohimbine

💉 Testosterone Replacement Therapy for those who don’t do cycles very often

If you are on TRT or planning to hop on it in the future, you will love this post. We all know what Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is, but today I want to introduce a concept I like to call TRT+.

TRT+ is for those who don’t do cycles (blasts) very often, but who want to take their TRT protocol to the next level in a sustainable way.

This is NOT medical advice, and I would not encourage you to do TRT+ if your TRT protocol is being closely monitored by a medical specialist.

#Anabolics #AntiAging #BioHacking #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #HarmMitigation #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone #TRT

💉 Testosterone Replacement Therapy for those who don’t do cycles very often (Part 2)

In part 1 of the “TRT PLUS” series, we covered two strategies that anyone on TRT can implement to take their protocol to the next level and essentially be on a mini-blast for an extended period of time and without compromising their own health.

In this 2nd part, we will be covering two more strategies you can use to turn your basic TRT into a truly exciting but stil healthy “TRT+” protocol.

#Anabolics #AntiAging #BioHacking #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #HarmMitigation #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone #TRT

💉 Tirzepatide: better than Ozempic?

Tirzepatide is a promising new drug belonging to the GLP-1 and GIP Receptor Agonist classes of drugs that has recently been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It appears as an alternative to Ozempic (Semaglutide), which has rapidly become a popular weight-loss medication among celebrities, everyday people and bodybuilders alike.

In this article, we will explore Tirzepatide in great detail by delving into how it works, what its pros and cons are and how to use it effectively.

#Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycles #Diabetes #FatLoss #GLP1Agonist #Injections #Insulin #Ozempic #PEDs #Peptides #Semaglutide #Tirzepatide #WeightLoss

💉 TRT add-ons

After our “TRT PLUS” series, it is time for us to do an article for those who don’t want to go that far and who simply want to take safe natural supplements and/or synthetic drugs that work synergistically with TRT to improve their health, well-being or performance without having to use Anabolic Steroids.

#Anabolics #AntiAging #BioHacking #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #HarmMitigation #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone #TRT

FAQs about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (Part One)

If you are relatively new to the world of AAS and hardcore bodybuilding, chances are you are constantly coming up with questions about these drugs and looking them up on google, only to be disappointed by contradictory answers.

Well, in this FAQ series, we will be answering all of those questions and more in a rational, unbiased way. Let’s get right into it!

#AAS #AnabolicAndrogenicSteroids #AnabolicSteroids #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Bulking #Cutting #Cycles #FAQ #FAQs #PEDs #ShortCycles #Steroids

FAQs about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (Part Two)

This article is an extract from THE ANABOLIC HANDBOOK, a 430-page all-in-one guide to using AAS in which you will not only learn how every AAS on the market works and what kind of results to expect from it, but also how to mitigate their side-effects, recover effectively after a cycle, keep track of your health with bloodwork, and much more.

#AAS #AnabolicAndrogenicSteroids #AnabolicSteroids #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Bulking #Cutting #Cycles #FAQ #FAQs #PEDs #ShortCycles #Steroids

FAQs about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (Part Three)

This article is an extract from THE ANABOLIC HANDBOOK, a 430-page all-in-one guide to using AAS in which you will not only learn how every AAS on the market works and what kind of results to expect from it, but also how to mitigate their side-effects, recover effectively after a cycle, keep track of your health with bloodwork, and much more.

#AAS #AnabolicAndrogenicSteroids #AnabolicSteroids #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Bulking #Cutting #Cycles #FAQ #FAQs #PEDs #ShortCycles #Steroids

FAQs about Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (Part Four)

This article is an extract from THE ANABOLIC HANDBOOK, a 430-page all-in-one guide to using AAS in which you will not only learn how every AAS on the market works and what kind of results to expect from it, but also how to mitigate their side-effects, recover effectively after a cycle, keep track of your health with bloodwork, and much more.

#AAS #AnabolicAndrogenicSteroids #AnabolicSteroids #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Bulking #Cutting #Cycles #FAQ #FAQs #PEDs #ShortCycles #Steroids

💉 HCG for fertility & PCT

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a peptide hormone that occurs naturally in pregnant women. In fact, HCG is the molecule that pregnancy tests detect to determine whether a woman is pregnant or not, and it is also used as a cancer marker since some tumors can secrete it.

In the context of performance enhancement, HCG is extremely useful because it acts as an analogue of LH (Luteinizing Hormone), a hormone produced by the pituitary that stimulates the leydig cells in the testes into producing Testosterone.

This article is an extract from THE ANABOLIC HANDBOOK, a 430-page all-in-one guide to using AAS in which you will not only learn how every AAS on the market works and what kind of results to expect from it, but also how to mitigate their side-effects, recover effectively after a cycle, keep track of your health with bloodwork, and much more.

#AAS #AnabolicAndrogenicSteroids #AnabolicSteroids #Blasting #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Bulking #Cruising #Cutting #Cycles #FAQ #FAQs #Fertility #HCG #PCT #PEDs #PostCycleTherapy #ShortCycles #Steroids

☝🏻 Understanding cholesterol on AAS

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can significantly impact cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. If you are an athlete who values health, longevity and being your best self, you must understand what cholesterol is and keep track of it…

#BloodPressure #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #CardiovascularHealth #Cholesterol #HarmMitigation #Heart #HeartHealth #Nandrolone #ProTip #SteroidCycles #Steroids #Testosterone