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Since 2008, our mission is to help rid the world of bad steroids, misinformation on AAS, SARMs, peptides and doping in general, as well as training, nutrition and harm reduction.

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👎 What is a fake natty and why do people still fall for them?

If you’re into fitness, you’ve probably come across the term “fake natty”. Recently, social media and YouTube was taken by storm when the steroid shopping list of a famous influencer called “Liver King” was leaked, revealing that his – actually impressive – physique is a result of not only his diet and lifestyle, as he would claim, but the results of a heavy ongoing steroid and peptide cycle.

#bodybuilding #didyouknow #PEDs

☝🏻Triptorelin: The “One-Shot” PCT

Triptorelin is a peptide hormone that acts as an analog of GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone). GnRH is a naturally occurring hormone produced in the hypothalamus which triggers the production of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone), which stimulate Testosterone production and spermatogenesis, respectively.

The way Triptorelin works is really simple: It replaces our naturally occurring GnRH production and stimulates the production of LH and FSH. This can be great if a low dose is used but can be devastating when overdosed.

#AAS #bloodwork #crashed #cycles #didyouknow #protip #PEDs #protocol #steroids #testosterone #postcycletherapy #PCT #fertility #infertility #peptides

💉 The truth about injectable Dianabol & Winstrol

Did you know that many oral AAS can be injected? The most commonly used and easy-to-find ones are Dianabol and Winstrol, but some users also make their own injectable Superdrol, Anadrol, Turinabol and Anavar preparations.

In this post we will be focusing on the most commonly used ones: injectable Dianabol and Winstrol.

#AAS #bodybuilding #cycles #dianabol #winstrol #didyouknow #PEDs #PIP #protip #steroidprofile #steroids

💪 Debunking 5 muscle myths

More often than not, we hear in the gym or read online these muscle myths that probably have their origins in the so called “bro science”. Today, we will go over 5 of the most common myths and debunk them with some science.

#didyouknow #protip #training

☝🏻 Equipoise: safety concerns

The injectable testosterone-derived AAS Boldenone (aka Equipoise or EQ) has always been regarded as a safe, mild and newbie-friendly AAS. But is it really?

I personally do not think it is, so in this post we will be taking a look at the unique risks that come with EQ so you can decide for yourself!

#AAS #bodybuilding #boldenone #cycles #didyouknow #equipoise #harmmitigation #PEDs #protip #steroidprofile #steroids

☝🏻6 irreplaceable rules for quality of life and performance

We read a lot online about “rules for this”, “rules for that” that are mostly clickbait or someone trying to sell something to you. However, I want to go over the six very basic rules that I consider irreplaceable for anyone looking to improve their quality of life and performance both in the gym and in all aspects of his daily routine.

#biorhythm #didyouknow #harmprevention

💪 Core Training

Core training is a type of workout that focuses on strengthening the muscles that make up your core. These muscles include your abs, lower back, and hips. A strong core is essential for bodybuilders as it provides a solid foundation for all other exercises and movements. It also helps improving posture and balance.

When you work your core, you are not only working your abs, but also the muscles in your back, hips, and glutes. Core training exercises can help to increase muscle mass, improve stability, and reduce the risk of injury.

#didyouknow #diet #supplementation

💪 The Muscle Pump

The muscle pump is a feeling that many weightlifters strive for during their workouts. It is a temporary increase in blood flow and muscle size, which can make the muscles feel fuller and harder. However, many people believe that the muscle pump is directly responsible for muscle growth or hypertrophy. In this article, we will explore the truth about the muscle pump and its relationship to muscle growth.

It is important to understand what causes the muscle pump. It is caused by a combination of blood flow and mechanical tension. When we lift weights, the muscles contract and create tension, which in turn causes blood to flow into the muscles. This increased blood flow causes the muscles to swell, resulting in the pump. However, the muscle pump is only temporary and the blood flow returns to normal once the exercise is completed.

#DidYouKnow #Energy #SportsPerformance #Training

🥘 Do you really need to eat 6 times a day to build muscle?

In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, there are plenty of nutrition myths and misconceptions. One of these myths that has gained popularity is the notion that you must eat six times a day to effectively build muscle. This idea has been widely perpetuated by bodybuilders, leading many individuals to follow strict eating schedules and becoming hostage to their diets. Sure, if it works for them, let them do it. However, recent research suggests that the frequency of meals may not be as critical as previously believed. In this article, we will explore the truth behind the myth and shed light on the real factors that contribute to muscle growth.

#DidYouKnow #Diet #ProTip

🫑 How peppers can spice up your performance

When it comes to enhancing athletic performance, we often look to different supplements and crazy new diets. However, one natural ingredient that deserves attention is peppers in general. Known for their distinctive heat profile and vibrant colors, peppers contain chemical compounds that may offer performance-enhancing benefits. In this article, we will explore the some of the potential effects of peppers on athletic performance and how they can be easily incorporated into your diet with our tips.

#DidYouKnow #Diet #FatLoss

☝🏻 5 new ways we’re fighting cancer – a promising future for patients

Cancer continues to be a formidable global health challenge, affecting millions of lives each and every year. Despite the progresses made in the prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of various cancer types, finding a definitive cure has remained yet a distant goal for medical researchers. However, in recent years, the field of cancer research has witnessed a surge of groundbreaking advancements, offering new hope and possibilities for patients worldwide. In this article, we will take a look at five of the most recent and promising developments in cancer cure.

#DidYouKnow #Genetics #HarmPrevention

🧠 Creatine and depression: Unleashing Creatine’s mood-boosting powers

Creatine is a popular supplement that many people use to enhance their physical performance and muscle growth. But did you know that creatine can also have a positive impact on your mental health? In this essay, I will explain how creatine can help fight depression, based on the latest scientific studies.

#DidYouKnow #Supplementation

😎 Dapoxetine for premature ejaculation

Dapoxetine is a very, very interesting medication. On paper, it is an SSRI (antidepressant). In practice, it is an incredibly useful sexual enhancer that helps men delay ejaculation so as to not disappoint their partner.

The reason why it isn’t also used as an antidepressant despite belonging to the same class of drugs as other antidepressants is that its half-life is incredibly short (under 2 hours).

This means that it cannot increase serotonin’s action for long enough to have an anti-depressant effect, but it does increase it for long enough to allow one to delay ejaculation (studies have shown that low serotonin levels are linked to premature ejaculation).

#Anabolic #Steroids #Bodybuilder #Bodybuilding #DidYouKnow #Endurance #Energy #HarmPrevention #MaleEnhancement #ProTips #Protocol #SexualDysfunction #SexualHealth #Steroids