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Lost like tears in rain. DS, ML, a bit of philosophy and math. No bs or ads.
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Extreme NLP network miniaturization

Tried some plain RNNs on a custom in the wild NER task.
The dataset is huge - literally infinite, but manually generated to mimick in-the-wild data.

I use EmbeddingBag + 1m n-grams (an optimal cut-off). Yeah, on NER / classification it is a handy trick that makes your pipeline totally misprint / error / OOV agnostic. Also FAIR themselves just guessed this too. Very cool! Just add PyTorch and you are golden.

What is interesting:
- Model works with embedding sizes 300, 100, 50 and even 5! 5 is dangerously close to OHE, but doing OHE on 1m n-grams kind-of does not make sense;
- Model works with various hidden sizes
- Naturally all of the models run on CPU very fast, but the smallest model also is very light in terms of its weights;
- The only difference is - convergence time. It kind of scales as a log of model size, i.e. model with 5 takes 5-7x more time to converge compared to model with 50. I wonder what if I use embedding size of 1?;

As added bonus - you can just store such miniature model in git w/o lfs.
What is with training transformers on US$250k worth of compute credits you say?)

Playing with name NER


So, I needed to separate street names that are actual name + surname. Do not ask me why.
Yeah I know that maybe 70% of streets are human names more or less.
So you need 99% precision and at least 30-40% recall.
Or you can imagine a creepy soviet name like Трактор.

So, today making a NER parser is easy, take out our favourite framework (plan PyTorch ofc) of choice.
Even use FastText or something even less true. Add data and boom you have it.

The pain

But not so fast. Turns our there is a reason why cutting out proper names is a pain.
For Russian there is the natasha library, but since it works on YARGY, it has some assumptions about data structure.
I.e. names should be capitalized, come in pairs (name - surname), etc etc - I did not look their rules under the hood, but I would write it like this.

So probably this would be a name - Иван Иванов
But this probably would not ванечка иванофф

Is it bad?
Ofc no, it just assumes some stuff that may not hold for your dataset.
And yeah it works for streets just fine.

Also recognizing a proper name without context does not really work. And good luck finding (or generating) corpora for that.

Why deep learning may not work

So I downloaded some free databases with names ( respects your secutity lol - the 100M leaked database is available, but useless, too much noise) and surnames.
Got 700k surnames of different origin, around 100-200k male and female names. Used just random words from CC + wiki + taiga for hard negative mining.
Got 92% accuracy on 4 classes (just word, female name, male name, surname) with some naive models.

... and it works .... kind of. If you give it 10M unique word forms, it can distinguish name-like stuff in 90% of cases.
But for addresses it is useless more or less and heuristics from natasha work much better.

The moral

- A tool that works on one case may be 90% useless on another;
- Heuristics have very high precision, low recall and are fragile;
- Neural networks are superior, but you should match your artifically created dataset to the real data (it may take a month to pull off properly);
- In any case, properly cracking both approaches may take time, but both heuristics and NNs are very fast to create, but sometimes 3 plain rules give you 100% precision with 10% recall and sometimes generating a fake dataset that matches your domain is a no-brainer. It depends.

New Workhorse Tokenization Method for Morphologically Rich Languages?

Some time ago I read an NMT paper by the Chinese researchers where they effectively use some stemmer for the Russian language and predict the STEM and the SUFFIX (не только суффикс в нашем понимании, но и окончание, что на самом деле разумно) separately. They claim that this reduces complexity and makes Russian more similar to languages with less variation.

For the Russian language, approx. 300 endings (full word minus its stem) cover 99% of all cases.

So separately tokenizing "endings" (300 is a very small number) and using BPE or embedding bags to model the "stems" so far seems to be the best of both worlds.

There is no proper subword tokenizer for Russian (приставка, корень, суффикс, окончание), but with this approach you can just get away with snowball stemmer from nltk.

Without endings (cases) and suffixes (conjugation) - you effectively get something very similar to English or German. With the power of embedding bags or BPE you can model the rest.

If anyone is doing experiments now - please tell if this scheme is:

- Superior to embedding bags
- Plain BPE

Russian Text Normalization for Speech Recognition

Usually no one talks about this, but STT / TTS technologies contain many "small" tasks that have to be solved, to make your STT / TTS pipeline work in real life.

For example:

- Speech recognition / dataset itself;
- Post-processing - beam-search / decoding;
- Domain customizations;
- Normalization (5 => пять);
- De-Normalization (пять => 5);

We want the Imagenet moment to arrive sooner in Speech in general.
So we released the Open STT dataset.
This time we have decided to share our text normalization to support STT research in Russian.

Please like / share / repost:

- Original publication
- article
- GitHub repository
- Medium (coming soon!)
- Support dataset on Open Collective

Russian Speech Recognition

You may have heard about our dataset, Open STT.

And yeah, if you have not guessed we have built a Speech-To-Text system that is better / on par with alleged "market leaders", the only difference being that we publish something for the common good and we do not need 100 Tesla GPUs (wink-wink, Oleg).

Also if it is not super obvious, this thing is already deployed into production and it really works.

Now we decided to go out of stealth mode a bit and publish a series of publications in online Russian / English publications:

- A piece on - just published - it is very short and abridged, you know habr;
- 2 more detailed pieces on - coming soon!

If you want more gory details, you can see a couple of posts on our project's website:

- STT system quality benchmarks -
- STT system speed
- How to measure quality in STT

If you would like to test our system, you may first want to:

- Try a demo (more beautiful mobile demo coming up!)
- See the API

Sentence / Word Tokenizer for Russian

Looks like razdel just got a decent facelift:


Nice! Well, it is very cool that such libraries exist if your need a one-liner for a tedious task!

But probably you could just get away with nltk.sent_tokenize + some cleaning (remove non-printables, space punctuation, remove extra spaces) + embedding bags =)

A Blog ... about Building Your Own Search Engine

You heard it right -

And this is not some highly sophisticated blockchain technology that would work on if everyone adopts it. A few facts:

- They are open that their team exists at least starting from 2013 and is financed by Burda (I wonder why Burda finances this, they raised this question, but did not answer it)
- They do not rely on Google or Bing (unlike other alternative engines)
- The methods they describe - are down-to-earth, sane and hacky sometimes
- Biggest corner cutting ideas / what makes them different:

-- Aggressive no tracking policies - i.e. they have an assessor network, but the data is aggregated on the client side, not server side
-- Build first approximate search using KNN on search queries only
-- Then results are refined using ad hoc filters (i.e. date, porn, language, etc etc), page content, page popularity
-- Mine for search queries aggressively using other SEs, artificial data, own assessor network
-- They store vectors for word separately and then just sum them
-- Their KNN index ... would fit in your RAM (100 - 200 GB) =)
-- Emphasis on mining data from anchors - it arguably he best annotation in search
-- Looks like they do not use any explicit PageRank like algorithms

About the quality of their search. It kind of sucks, except when it does not, except when it does. I.e. it works well for well defined topics like wikipedia, looking up some docs for python, looking up cat photos etc

It does not really work
- For Russian
- For new content - there is a noticeable lag
- For rarer topics

Also it is a bit slow. Also I hope they do not perish and this becomes a decent alternative.

Building Scalable, Explainable, and Adaptive NLP Models with Retrieval

I am so tired of "trillion param model go brrr" bs. It is nice to see that at least some people are trying to create something useful for a change.

Is retrieval “all you need”?

The black-box nature of large language models like T5 and GPT-3 makes them inefficient to train and deploy, opaque in their knowledge representations and in backing their claims with provenance, and static in facing a constantly evolving world and diverse downstream contexts. This post explores retrieval-based NLP, where models retrieve information pertinent to solving their tasks from a plugged-in text corpus. This paradigm allows NLP models to leverage the representational strengths of language models, while needing much smaller architectures, offering transparent provenance for claims, and enabling efficient updates and adaptation.

We surveyed much of the existing and emerging work in this space and highlighted some of our work at Stanford, including ColBERT for scaling up expressive retrieval to massive corpora via late interaction, ColBERT-QA for accurately answering open-domain questions by adapting high-recall retrieval to the task, and Baleen for solving tasks that demand information from several independent sources using a condensed retrieval architecture. We continue to actively maintain our code as open source.

​​No Language Left Behind
Scaling Human-Centered Machine Translation

No Language Left Behind (NLLB) is a first-of-its-kind, AI breakthrough project that open-sources models capable of delivering high-quality translations directly between any pair of 200+ languages — including low-resource languages like Asturian, Luganda, Urdu and more. It aims to help people communicate with anyone, anywhere, regardless of their language preferences.

To enable the community to leverage and build on top of NLLB, the lab open source all they evaluation benchmarks (FLORES-200, NLLB-MD, Toxicity-200), LID models and training code, LASER3 encoders, data mining code, MMT training and inference code and our final NLLB-200 models and their smaller distilled versions, for easier use and adoption by the research community.


#nlp #translations #dl #datasets
​​LLaMA: Open and Efficient Foundation Language Models

LLaMA is a set of large language models, ranging from 7B to 65B parameters, that have been trained on publicly available datasets containing trillions of tokens. The LLaMA-13B model performs better than GPT-3 (175B) on most benchmarks, and the LLaMA-65B model is competitive with other state-of-the-art models, such as Chinchilla70B and PaLM-540B. This suggests that it is possible to achieve excellent performance in language modeling without relying on proprietary or inaccessible datasets.



A detailed unofficial overview of the paper:

#deeplearning #nlp #transformer #sota #languagemodel
​​Scaling Transformer to 1M tokens and beyond with RMT

Imagine extending the context length of BERT, one of the most effective Transformer-based models in natural language processing, to an unprecedented two million tokens! This technical report unveils the Recurrent Memory Transformer (RMT) architecture, which achieves this incredible feat while maintaining high memory retrieval accuracy.

The RMT approach enables storage and processing of both local and global information, allowing information flow between segments of the input sequence through recurrence. The experiments showcase the effectiveness of this groundbreaking method, with immense potential to enhance long-term dependency handling in natural language understanding and generation tasks, as well as enable large-scale context processing for memory-intensive applications.

Paper link:
Code link:

A detailed unofficial overview of the paper:

#deeplearning #nlp #bert #memory
​​Retentive Network: A Successor to Transformer for Large Language Models

The Retentive Network (RetNet) has been proposed as a game-changing foundation architecture for large language models. RetNet uniquely combines training parallelism, low-cost inference, and impressive performance into one sleek package. It ingeniously draws a theoretical connection between recurrence and attention, opening new avenues in AI exploration. The introduction of the retention mechanism for sequence modeling further enhances this innovation, featuring not one, not two, but three computation paradigms - parallel, recurrent, and chunkwise recurrent!

Specifically, the parallel representation provides the horsepower for training parallelism, while the recurrent representation supercharges low-cost O(1) inference, enhancing decoding throughput, latency, and GPU memory without compromising performance. For long-sequence modeling, the chunkwise recurrent representation is the ace up RetNet's sleeve, enabling efficient handling with linear complexity. Each chunk is encoded in parallel while also recurrently summarizing the chunks, which is nothing short of revolutionary. Based on experimental results in language modeling, RetNet delivers strong scaling results, parallel training, low-cost deployment, and efficient inference. All these groundbreaking features position RetNet as a formidable successor to the Transformer for large language models.

Code link:
Paper link:

A detailed unofficial overview of the paper:

#deeplearning #nlp #llm