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For #FinclusionWeek organised by Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion
Sikoba and De Kär are organising a conference about alternative approaches to #Financialinclusion
Speaker slots available

#grundeinkommen #FIW2019 #basicincome #RendaBàsica #UBI #revenuuniversel #bge
Marine Lefebvre of SOS FAIM #Luxembourg, a development #NGO that fights #hunger and #poverty by supporting #sustainable #family #farming in several countries in #Africa, will talk about: 'The challenges that #microfinance has not met...' at
Welcome to! Here is Alexandre Mortelette presenting Marine Lefebvre’s talk “The challenges that #microfinance has not met …”

#finclusionweek #SocialImpact #zerohunger
Unable to attend? Follow @sikobaNetwork to see the presentation slides and videos soon!
Next, a great talk by Tegawendé F. Bissyandé of on “Vulnerabilities in #MobileMoney - Next Steps for Securing #Digital #FinancialInclusion

#finclusionweek #blockchain #DigitalFinance #DigitalPayments #Fintech #DigitalTransformation #money
We will be posting the video on @sikobaNetwork soon
Here is Jean-Sébastien Zippert Coordinator at Etika explaining: “How #cooperative #banks contribute to #financialinclusion

#finclusionweek #GreenFinance #SustainableFinance #Investment #Sustainability
Follow Sikoba to see the presentation slides and videos soon!
And to end the first session here is sikoba’s Alex Kampa talking about “#IOUs as #tools of #economic #autonomy

#finclusionweek #financialinclusion #socent #smartsolutions #technology #Luxembourg #fintech #financialeconomy
We will be posting the video on Sikoba soon
To begin the second session here is Alfred Groff explaining how
#UBI is not what most people think it is!“.

#finclusionweek #UBI #BGE #grundeinkommen #basicincome #RendaBàsica #revenuuniversel #economy
Unable to attend? Follow Sikoba to see the presentation slides and videos soon!
The fantastic talks continue this afternoon with Aleksander Masternak, of Uni of Amsterdam presenting “The Right to #Work: #UniversalBasicIncome vs Job Guarantee”

#finclusionweek #livingwage #policies #RightToWork
We will be posting the video on Sikoba soon
And to end the second session here is Alex Hornung talking about “Financing #UBI: Not a #Money Issue” - great talk!
#finclusionweek #economy #FIW2019 #basicincome #UBI #BGE #revenuuniversel #banking #Finance
Follow Sikoba to see the presentation slides and videos soon!
To start the final session here is Max Hilbert, presenting “Why Integrate into #Capitalism? An Alternative #Development with Alternative Currencies”

#finclusionweek #SupportLocal #ComplementaryCurrency #money #sustainability #wealth

Follow Sikoba to see the presentations slides and videos
More amazing talks today as Jean Lasar presents his talk: “Time to question the link between #money and #FossilFuels

#finclusionweek #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateaction #sustainableliving

Follow Sikoba to see the presentation slides and videos soon!
And to finish todays’ event, here is Aleksander Kampa presenting: “The Modern Hunter-Gatherer Manifesto”

#finclusionweek #finnovation #technology #Innovation #fintech #financialeconomy

Thank you to all of our speakers and all who attended!