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Marine Lefebvre of SOS FAIM #Luxembourg, a development #NGO that fights #hunger and #poverty by supporting #sustainable #family #farming in several countries in #Africa, will talk about: 'The challenges that #microfinance has not met...' at
Tegawendé is a researcher at University of Luxembourg investigating vulnerabilities in the #mobilemoney ecosystem & #leading the SIGMMA/MoNeyBox initiative developing a highly #secured #software stack for #mobile #money in #Africa on a #Blockchain #infrastructure.
#fintech #money
At The LHoFT's Inclusion Africa Week 2020, Alex discussed the start-up ecosystem in Burkina Faso & possible applications of #sikobaPay in #Africa with a delegation including Dr. Aminata Sabana (Joseph Ki-Zerbo University) & Christian Ouedraogo (United Nations Development Programme).
#financialinclusion #socent