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🔹両国首脳は、まず第一に #CIS#CSTO#SCO を含む多国間組織の中で、両国の行動を緊密に調整することの重要性を強調した。
🇷🇺🇹🇯📞On April 8, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.

The Heads of State exchanged greetings on a landmark event, the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations and pointed out the importance of consistently implementing the agreements reached during a visit by President of Tajikistan to Russia in December 2021 and of close coordination of their actions within the framework of multilateral organisations, first of all the CIS, the CSTO and the SCO.
🔹 二国間関係
🔹 国際話題
🔹 今年9月にウズベキスタンのサマルカンドで開催される #SCOサミット に向けての準備
#SCO#上海協力機構 )
🇷🇺🇺🇿 Телефонный разговор с Президентом Узбекистана Шавкатом Мирзиёевым

🔸Состоялся обмен мнениями по ключевым вопросам двустороннего взаимодействия. Затронуты также некоторые международные темы, в том числе в контексте подготовки к запланированному на осень текущего года в Узбекистане заседанию Совета глав государств – членов Шанхайской организации сотрудничества.

🔸Подтверждён обоюдный настрой на всестороннее укрепление российско-узбекистанских отношений стратегического партнёрства и союзничества.

🔸В ходе телефонного разговора Владимир Путин тепло поздравил Президента Узбекистана с 65-летием.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺 On the sidelines of the #SCO summit in Samarkand, President of Russia Vladimir #Putin held talks with his foreign colleagues:

🇰🇬 President of Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov
🇹🇲 President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov
🇮🇷 President of Iran Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi
🇵🇰 Prime Minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif
🇨🇳 President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping
🇺🇿 President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev

🇷🇺🇨🇳🇲🇳 Trilateral meeting with President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping and President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh
🇰🇬 キルギス共和国のサディル・ジャパロフ大統領
🇹🇲 トルクメニスタン共和国のセルダール・ベルディムハメドフ大統領
🇮🇷 イランのライシー大統領
🇨🇳 中国国家主席 習近平
🇷🇺🇨🇳🇲🇳 ロシアのプーチン大統領、中国の習近平国家主席、モンゴルのオフナー・フレルスフ大統領の3者会談もあった。
Media is too big
📆 ユジノサハリンスクで10月7日、統一ロシア党総評議会の国際協力及び海外同胞支援委員会第4回会合が、ラブロフ外相を議長として開催された。
💬 ラブロフ外相のスピーチより:今日、世界の政治、経済の中心はヨーロッパ大西洋地域からアジア太平洋地域へと不可逆的に移行しつつある。
#EAEU(ユーラシア経済連合)、 #SCO(上海協力機構)、 #ASEAN(東南アジア諸国連合)を含むユーラシアの主要多国間機構の加盟国による力の結集を支持する。これらの国々が堅固で相互補完的な繋がりを構築して団結することを支持して、我々は立ち上がる。
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📅 On December 9, President of Russia Vladimir Putin took part in a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Bishkek.

💬 President Putin: First of all, I would like to join the words of gratitude addressed to the President of Kyrgyzstan and thank all our Kyrgyzstani friends for the work they have done during their EAEU chairmanship.

☝️ This year, our integration association has performed effectively and continued to grow steadily.


Uninterrupted trade in all vital goods in the EAEU has been ensured, by the way, including, as I have already said, food, and also energy.

Meanwhile, work has accelerated in the transition to national currencies in mutual settlements. The process of creating a common payment infrastructure and integrating national systems for the transmission of financial information has begun.

🇷🇺 Russia will assume the chairmanship the Eurasian Economic Union. Let me give you a broad summary of what we consider to be our future priorities:

🔹 to update the strategic benchmarks of EAEU development;
🔹 to strengthen the technological sovereignty of the EAEU member states;
🔹 to continue efforts to jointly introduce information technologies;
🔹 to build up investment cooperation;
🔹 to expand scientific, technical and educational contacts.

❗️ The Eurasian Economic Union and our integration work in general are attracting the attention of more and more international players, and many foreign states are interested in developing ties with our association. I will not repeat everything now but will just say that I fully agree with the proposals of our colleagues to expand this work, including with regional structures, such as the #SCO and #ASEAN.

Russia welcomes the invigoration of the EAEU’s international business ties and contacts. It will help further expand the range of preferential and non-preferential agreements with foreign partners.

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Main Foreign Policy Outcomes of 2022⚡️

The year 2022 saw history-making events, such as the emergence of a new international reality, and became a turning point for Russia’s foreign policy.

👉 The recognition of the Donetsk & Lugansk People’s Republics, the start of the Special Military Operation in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter, the referendums held in the DPR & LPR and the liberated territories of the Zaporozhye & Kherson regions and their subsequent integration into Russia – these events will forever go down in the history of Russia.

They put an end to 30 years of Russia’s honest attempts to develop equitable relations with the collective West.

✍️ Russia & other like-minded countries adopted a political declaration in support of the inviolability of the UN Charter.

✍️ An overwhelming majority of states members of the UN GA approved the annual Russia-initiated resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism.

✍️ At Russia’s initiative, the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the 5 Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War & Avoiding Arms Races was adopted in January 2022.

International cooperation within the framework of the #EAEU, #SCO & #BRICS made rapid headway.

Allied relations with Belarus continued to grow stronger.

Several major initiatives have been implemented within the framework of the #CIS aimed at strengthening integration ties in all spheres of the organisation’s activities.

The mechanisms of the #CSTO operated efficiently.

Russian diplomats have significantly stepped up efforts to achieve the peaceful settlement of international conflicts. Russia extensively supported stabilising the situation in Afghanistan. Russia has promoted a complex approach to the Syrian dossier, including within the Astana format. We have promoted comprehensive normalisation of the relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

We have successfully developed ties with our many international partners who are interested in maintaining a constructive dialogue with Russia.

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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🇷🇺🇨🇳 On February 2, Sergey Lavrov received Ma Zhaoxu, First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

During the meeting, Sergey Lavrov highly praised the current state of relations between Russia and China, which are developing dynamically in accordance with the agreements reached at the meeting of the two countries' leaders on December 30, 2022. Their practical implementation was discussed.

🤝 In view of the lifting of quarantine restrictions, the Sides agreed on the expediency of restoring the tempo of face-to-face contacts, mutual tourism, and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries as soon as possible.

A number of topical issues on the bilateral, global and regional agendas were discussed. The constructive dialogue and high level of bilateral coordination within the #UN, #BRICS, #SCO and other international organisations and associations was praised as fully corresponding to the partnership and trust-based nature of relations between our countries.

☝️ They noted their rejection of confrontational policies, as well as attempts by individual countries to interfere in the internal affairs of other states, or to restrain their development by imposing sanctions and other illegitimate methods. The officials reaffirmed their intention to reliably defend the sovereignty, security, and development interests of the two countries, and to build together a more just and democratic multipolar world order.

The conversation took place in a traditionally friendly atmosphere.

Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
📄 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin’s Article for People’s Daily Newspaper, «Russia and China: A Future-Bound Partnership» 🇷🇺🇨🇳

March 19, 2023

READ IN FULL (original on Kremlin.ru)

💬 I am glad to seize this opportunity to address the friendly Chinese people in one of the largest and most authoritative world media in advance of the state visit of President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping to Russia. This landmark event reaffirms the special nature of the Russia-China partnership, which has always been built on mutual trust, respect for each other's sovereignty and interests.

We have high expectations for the upcoming talks. We have no doubt that they will give a new powerful impetus to our bilateral cooperation in its entirety. This is also a great opportunity for me to meet with my good old friend with whom we enjoy the warmest relationship. <...>

🤝 The firm friendship between Russia and China is consistently growing stronger for the benefit and in the interest of our countries and peoples. The progress made in the development of bilateral ties is impressive.

The Russia-China relations have reached the highest level in their history and are gaining even more strength; they surpass Cold War-time military-political alliances in their quality, with no one to constantly order and no one to constantly obey, without limitations or taboos.

We have reached an unprecedented level of trust in our political dialogue, our strategic cooperation has become truly comprehensive in nature and is standing on the brink of a new era. President Xi Jinping and I have met about 40 times and have always found time and opportunity to talk in a variety of official formats as well as at no‑tie events. <...>

Unlike some countries claiming hegemony and bringing discord to the global harmony, Russia and China are literally and figuratively building bridges. Last year our border regions were connected by two new bridge crossings over the Amur river, which has been a ”river of friendship“ since time immemorial. Amidst the ”waves and winds“ that sweep the planet, we closely cooperate in international affairs and effectively coordinate our foreign policy positions, counter common threats, and respond to current challenges, standing shoulder to shoulder as a ”rock amid a fast flowing stream.“

We actively promote democratic multilateral structures such as the #SCO and #BRICS, which become more and more authoritative and influential and attract new partners and friends. The work aimed at coordinating the development of the Eurasian Economic Union with the One Belt, One Road Initiative also goes in this vein.

❗️ Our countries, together with like-minded actors, have consistently advocated the shaping of a more just multipolar world order based on international law rather than certain ”rules“ serving the needs of the ”golden billion.“ Russia and China have consistently worked to create an equitable, open and inclusive regional and global security system that is not directed against third countries. In this regard, we note the constructive role of China's Global Security Initiative, which is in line with the Russian approaches in this area.

We can feel the geopolitical landscape in the outside world change dramatically. Sticking more stubbornly than ever to its obsolete dogmata and vanishing dominance, the ”Collective West“ is gambling on the fates of entire states and peoples. The US's policy of simultaneously deterring Russia and China, as well as all those who do not bend to the American dictation, is getting ever more fierce and aggressive.

The international security and cooperation architecture is being dismantled. Russia has been labelled an ”immediate threat“ and China a ”strategic competitor.“ <...>

🇷🇺🇨🇳 I am convinced that our friendship and partnership based on the strategic choice of the peoples of the two countries will further grow and gain strength for the well-being and prosperity of Russia and China.

This visit of the President of the PRC to Russia will undoubtedly contribute to that.





• 我々が採択した共同声明に注目したい。この共同声明では、露中関係の複合体全体の発展に向けた新たな目標と長期的ガイドラインが定められている。

• 我々の交渉は多くの国際的、地域的問題に対する露中のアプローチが近い、あるいは一致していることを改めて示した。両国は独立した独自の外交政策を追求している。我々はより公正で民主的な多極世界秩序を形成するために協力している。

• ロシアと中国は引き続き信用機関と銀行機関との連携を強化し、経済運営者向けサービスを提供するために自国の決済システムを積極的に利用する。

🤝ロシアと中国は #BRICS#SCO において実りある連携を行っている。[...]両国はユーラシア経済連合と中国による「一帯一路」構想の統合プロセスを組み合わせる努力を継続する決意である。
🗓 5月20日、ロシア連邦のラブロフ外相は、上海協力機構外相会議出席のために実務訪問中のアスタナで、カザフスタン共和国のヌルトレウ副首相兼外相と会談を行なった。 

🇷🇺🤝 🇰🇿 両外相は、ロシアとカザフスタンの同盟と戦略的パートナーシップに関する両国首脳の合意の実現を目的とする共同の取り組みをふまえ、二国間の多面的協力と、#EAEU(ユーラシア経済連合)、#CSTO(集団安全保障条約機構)、#CIS(独立国家共同体)、#SCO(上海協力機構)、#CICA(アジア相互協力信頼醸成措置会議)といったユーラシアの統合組織における両国の協力をめぐり、喫緊の問題を話し合いを行った。双方はいくつかの地域安全保障に関する問題についても見解を一致させ、アプローチを同調させた。

🤝 両外相は、互いの領土内での領事駐在を規定する2020年政府間合意の議定書に署名した。この議定書は、総領事館の新規開設のための枠組みを定めるとともに、領事管轄区域の境界を最適化するものである。

👏 会談は、従来よりロシアとカザフスタンの対話の特徴である友好的な雰囲気の中で行われた。



🇷🇺🇰🇿20 мая Министр иностранных дел Российской Федерации С.В.Лавров в ходе рабочей поездки в г.Астану для участия в совещании Министров иностранных дел Шанхайской организации сотрудничества был принят Президентом Республики Казахстан К.-Ж.К.Токаевым.

🤝Рассмотрены пути дальнейшей реализации договорённостей, достигнутых главами государств и правительств двух стран, а также график межгосударственного диалога. Обсуждены ключевые аспекты расширения двустороннего сотрудничества России и Казахстана, взаимодействия в рамках общих интеграционных объединений – #ЕАЭС, #ОДКБ, #СНГ, #ШОС и #СВМДА.

👆Выражен обоюдный настрой на совместное решение всего комплекса многоплановых задач и реализацию масштабных планов укрепления союзничества и стратегического партнёрства на благо двух стран и народов.

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👆双方は #国連#SCO を含む国際プラットフォームにおける高度な交流を強調したが、その土台には地域的および国際的議題の様々な問題に対するアプローチの一致または類似性がある。

🇷🇺🇵🇰21 мая в Астане «на полях» заседания Совета министров иностранных дел государств-членов Шанхайской организации сотрудничества Министр иностранных дел Российской Федерации С.В.Лавров встретился с вице-премьером, Министром иностранных дел Пакистана М.И.Даром.

🇷🇺🤝🇵🇰В ходе беседы стороны отметили хорошую динамику развития российско-пакистанских отношений.

👆Подчеркнули высокий уровень взаимодействия на международных площадках, включая #ООН и #ШОС, в основе которого лежит совпадение или близость подходов по многим вопросам региональной и международной повестки дня.

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🇷🇺🇮🇷アスタナで5月21日に開催された #SCO 加盟国外相会議の一環で、ロシア連邦のA.Y.ルデンコ外務次官とイラン・イスラム共和国のメフディ・サファリ外務次官(経済担当)が会談した。




✔️我々にとって #SCO#BRICS 、およびユーラシア空間におけるその他の組織は新興多極世界を支える柱の1つです。これらの組織は強ければ強いほど良いのです。


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🇷🇺⚡️ 🇺🇿 ロシアのプーチン大統領とウズベキスタン共和国のミルジヨエフ大統領による共同声明(2024年5月27日)




✔️ 双方は、国連およびその特別機関、SCO、その他の国際機関、フォーラムにおいて、引き続き緊密に協力していく。フォーラム『ロシア・中央アジア』の必要性を指摘する。(中略)






🤝我々は国連、国連安保理、#BRICS#SCO、G20、#APEC など、主要な世界的、および地域的組織やフォーラムで積極的に協力している。


☝️アジア太平洋地域における米国とその同盟国による行動は、地域におけるASEAN中心の安全保障システムを深刻に損なっている。この点において #ASEAN 諸国との連携強化は重要であり、露中+ASEAN議長国というメカニズムの立ち上げを検討している。

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