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The official Telegram channel of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the People's Republic of Bangladesh
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The sons of the "willing to fight to the last Ukrainian" Ukrainian ambassador to the UK, Vadim Prystaiko, reside in Belgium and the UK.

That’s all. Ordinary fascism.

French democracy, being guarded like this.

You'll work until you're dead and you'll be happy.

Macron's minions caving in skulls in Paris.

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🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Saint Petersburg, June 15, 2023)

🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Zaporozhye NPP update
🔹 Organ trade in Ukraine
🔹 Ukrainisation of UNSC agenda
🔹 Situation in Afghanistan
🔹 Nuclear deterrence
🔹 Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
🔹 European Union

And more...

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As a result of the destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant due to prolonged shelling by the Ukrainian armed forces, 36 settlements in Kherson Region were flooded.

A large-scale humanitarian operation has been taking place in this Russian region over the last few days. Russian Emergencies Ministry workers rescued almost 2,000 people, among them hundreds of children.

While Russia is making every effort to save the residents of the affected areas and to provide them with essential supplies, Kiev continues to target civilian sites.

Russia is fully committed to the principle of the inadmissibility of a nuclear war. There can be no winners in such a war, and it must never be waged.

The hypothetical use of nuclear weapons is only possible under extraordinary circumstances for purely defensive purposes.

An astronomical amount of [COVID19] vaccines, many times the size of the EU population, was purchased on behalf of the EU member states, at an astronomical cost and mainly from a single company, Pfizer.

the multi-billion dollar amount and the terms of the contract were not made public. This was done without bidding, without documents and without witnesses. Such decisions were made simply by text message.
🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, June 28, 2023)

🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 EU's financial instrument for Ukraine
🔹 Ukrainian law on national minorities
🔹 Situation in Moldova
🔹 Lithuania’s repressive moves
🔹 Russia-Japan
🔹 Discrimination against Russian athletes
🔹 Struggle against Neocolonialism
🔹 Russia-Africa
🔹 Nagorno-Karabakh settlement
🔹 Direct scheduled air transport to Cuba

And more...

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The West has now focused on persuading countries of the Global South to take part in the so-called Peace Summit. Organised without Russia, it purports to find a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine conflict. The sole purpose of this gathering is to promote Vladimir Zelensky’s so-called peace formula, which is a total fraud. It is a list of ultimatums for Russia.

Attempts to determine the outcome of the Ukraine conflict without Russia’s involvement are doomed to failure.

#France #Neocolonialism

French President Emmanuel Macron labelled Russia “the sole colonial power of the 21st century” waging an imperialist war and being a destabilising influence in Africa.

Perorations of this kind are inappropriate considering France’s dubious role in Africa. The international community remembers the dirty pages of Paris’s colonial history; France is still striving to exploit Africa’s resources, masking its neo-colonial methods and schemes with false rhetoric and pretended concern for the Africans’ welfare.


The West, through the Kiev regime, is dragging Moldova into the Ukrainian conflict and what’s more, is regarding it as a possible second Ukraine. The Moldovan authorities are getting closer to becoming direct accomplices of the criminal Kiev authorities, while making their own population hostages.

We have repeatedly pointed out to Chisinau that assistance from the collective West, including in the military sphere, serves its own interests exclusively.
🎙 FM Sergey #Lavrov’s interview with the Great Game programme on Channel One (June 28, 2023)

#US involvement in Russian affairs
#NATO’s expansion to the East
• Situation around #Ukraine
• The West's so-called “rules-based order”

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🎥 🎞On July 15, the Embassy jointly with the Russian House in Dhaka screened a documentary film “Battle for Africa” by “#RussiaToday” TV channel.
Charge d'Affaires a.i. of the Russian Embassy in Bangladesh Ms Ekaterina Semenova addressed the audience with a welcoming remarks. She shared her assessments of the causes of the current crisis in #Ukraine and told about Moscow’s approaches to settlement of the conflict.
Director of the Russian House Mr Pavel Dvoychenkov in his speech emphasized the historically friendly nature of relations between the USSR and #Africa, which are supported by Russia at the present stage. According to him, the anti-colonial policy of the Soviet Union and Russian multi-vector diplomacy became the basis for building strong ties with the countries of the continent, including at the humanitarian level.
The film aroused keen interest among the public comprising the representatives of the local cultural environment, student circles, the academic community, think tanks and a number of Bangladeshi media.
🎥 🎞15 июля Посольство совместно с Русским домом в Дакке провело показ документального фильма телеканала «#RussiaToday» «Битва за #Африку».
C приветственной речью к аудитории обратилась временный поверенный в делах России в Бангладеш Е.А.Семенова. Она поделилась оценками причин текущего кризиса на #Украине и рассказала о российских подходах к урегулированию конфликта.
Директор Русского дома П.А.Двойченков в своем выступлении отметил исторически дружественный характер отношений между СССР и Африкой, которые поддерживаются Россией и на современном этапе. По его словам, антиколониальная политика Советского Союза и российская многовекторная дипломатия стали основой для выстраивания прочных связей со странами континента, в том числе на гуманитарном уровне.
Фильм вызвал живой интерес у публики из числа представителей местной культурной среды, студенческих кругов, академического сообщества, политологических центров и ряда СМИ Бангладеш.
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🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, July 26, 2023)

🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 #RussiaAfrica Summit
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Russia’s cooperation with African countries
🔹 Day of Remembrance for Child Victims of the War in Donbass
🔹 Harassment of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church
🔹 Double standards of the #UNESCO Secretariat

And more...

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▪️In the context of confrontation with the collective West, our interaction with the states of North Africa is of particular importance. Despite unprecedented pressure from the United States and its allies, up to and including outright blackmail, the countries of the region, guided primarily by their fundamental interests, have taken a balanced and responsible position on the Ukrainian issue.

Today it can be said with confidence that the Westerners’ attempts to isolate Russia and bring discord into our relations with the countries of the Middle East and North Africa have failed. We continue to have regular and intensive contacts with their leadership. Despite the illegal sanctions imposed against Russia, the trade with our key partners is growing.


▪️ The Kiev regime has recently switched to terrorist activity akin to that of ISIS and al-Qaeda, which is primarily due to the obvious failure of the counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, undertaken with the generous sponsorship of the United States and other NATO countries.

I would like to remind ordinary Americans that it is the United States and Great Britain, the two allies, who are sponsoring all these terrorist attacks by the Kiev regime as it targets civilian infrastructure with drones. In fact, Washington and London are paying for all this from their taxpayers’ pockets.

The people of the United States and the UK must understand that they are being drawn against their will into a situation where they become sponsors of international terrorism, even if indirectly.
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🎙 Briefing by Deputy Director of the Foreign Ministry’s Information and Press Department Alexey Zaitsev (Moscow, August 9, 2023)

FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔷 Ukrainian crisis
🔷 Developments in Niger
🔷 EU Report on Human Rights and Democracy
🔷 Situation in Pakistan
🔷 Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing anniversary

And more...

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Having no results on the battlefield to demonstrate to their Western masters, the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev continues to vilely resort to terrorist methods against people in Russia, striking civilian targets, including those far from the front line.

It is revealing that NATO countries are supporting the barbarous actions of the Kiev regime, and continue supplying it with arms, training Ukrainian soldiers and supplying Ukraine with intelligence information for dealing strikes with missiles and drones, including at strictly civilian facilities.


We consider it is extremely important to prevent further escalation of tension in Niger. We believe that there is no alternative to the restoration of law and order and the start of an inclusive national dialogue as soon as possible.

We support the mediation efforts undertaken by the African community to help the people of Niger overcome the crisis. At the same time, we believe that an intervention by the troops of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in a sovereign state is unlikely to contribute to the achievement of lasting peace in Niger or the stabilisation of the subregion.
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🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Vladivostok, September 13, 2023)

🔷 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔷 International and interregional ties of Russia’s Far East
🔷 78th session of UNGA
🔷 Ukrainian crisis
🔷 Double standards of “Hague justice”
🔷 NATO Northern Coasts 2023 exercise
🔷 Situation in Niger
🔷 International Day of Democracy

And more...

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On September 10, a milestone event took place in the new constituent entities of the Russian Federation, namely, the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. The first elections to local government under Russian law were held.

Kiev once again made desperate attempts to thwart people that it treats as outsiders from expressing their will. On the night of September 10 the Ukrainian forces used a drone to attack a polling station and completely destroyed it.

Were Ukrainian neo-Nazis the only ones to threaten the electoral cycle participants? Let me remind you that they were joined by the official capitals of Western countries that issued threats to election observers.


The global majority countries are openly expressing their discontent with the fact that the collective West has usurped the right to determine “the only right” version of democracy and its values, according to the West, which has also claimed the prerogative to determine the standards of democracy in different states, communities and nations.

One example of this neocolonial approach is the Summit for Democracy devised in Washington. This strange platform is actually a get-together of the United States’ satellites where loyalty is the main criterion. The main goal of events such as the Summit for Democracy is to divide the international community into us and them while rallying supporters in the struggle for maintaining America’s geopolitical positions.
🎙Embassy comment on the UK current and former Defence Secretaries’ statements on Ukraine

#London is spouting reckless and provocative official statements indicative of its intention to further escalate the #UkrainianConflict.

The British political class seems to have completely disconnected itself from the situation on the ground.

#Kiev is sacrificing the younger generation of Ukrainians for the sake of the geopolitical ambitions and clinical Russophobia of the #UK establishment.

London is still not willing to face the truth: the much advertised counteroffensive by the #AFU has been stopped after minor advances along 2-3 sections of the frontline. Ukrainian reserves are exhausted or destroyed.

British establishment is responsible for the destabilisation of the military and political situation in Europe as well as for the devastation of #Ukraine via its “attrition”.

☝️It is time to begin the search for constructive decisions in the interest of #EuropeanSecurity.

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🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, October 10, 2023)

🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Palestinian-Israeli conflict
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Investigation into the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipelines
🔹 Upcoming general local elections in Moldova
🔹 Nuremberg Trials
🔹 Illegitimate unilateral sanctions imposed by Washington
🔹 Reform of the WTO

and much more...

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💬 We are extremely concerned about the developments in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone.

The top priority now is a ceasefire and stopping the bloodshed. We support the efforts of all stakeholders to address this critical issue. This would make it possible to avoid new casualties, end the suffering of the civilian population, ensure their evacuation through humanitarian corridors and prevent the situation from sliding into a region-wide humanitarian disaster.


💬 Against the backdrop of the Middle East events, US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested that some of the NATO-supplied weapons imported to Ukraine could have been used in the hostilities in Israel.

It is gratifying that the West, albeit fatally late, is beginning to see the light. Some are beginning to realise what is happening, even if only a few people. Russia has long warned the sponsors of the Kiev regime about the high risks of their weapons ending up on the black market and spreading around the world. And that's exactly what has happened.


💬 Russia and China speak out against illegitimate unilateral sanctions imposed by Washington and its satellites. We consider them merely a manifestation of their impotent rage against the emerging new democratic multipolar international order.

Moscow and Beijing are interested in developing international trade and economic ties based on mutual benefits and honest competition. We condemn the attempts to achieve one’s own economic prosperity at the expense of others, because it is nothing but colonialism.
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🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, October 26, 2023)

🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Palestinian-Israeli conflict
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 EU industrial production
🔹 The threat of expulsion of Russian citizens living in Latvia
🔹 Moldova

and much more...

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On October 23, 2023, The Washington Post carried a detailed story about the involvement of Ukrainian security services in the assassination of Darya Dugina, the explosions of the Crimean Bridge and other crimes.

According to the paper, since 2015, the CIA spent tens of millions of dollars on training Ukrainian security services and turning them into America’s allies in the fight against Russia.

It also mentions the UK’s MI-6 in the same context. Those Anglo-Saxon intelligence services reportedly established the No 5 and No 6 divisions at the Security Service of Ukraine. Both divisions were directly subordinated to them and were expected to focus on active measures (acts of sabotage) against Russia.

According to the publication, the CIA was behind Ukrainian security services’ operations all the time. The Ukrainian side coordinated all high-profile operations with the CIA which provided the perpetrators with all the essentials.


We are deeply concerned about the reported geographical expansion of fighting in the West Bank. The potential for conflict is growing along the Blue Line on the Lebanese-Israeli border. We are watching with concern as Israel steps up air strikes on Syrian territory. We are extremely concerned about the military manoeuvres by non-regional parties in the Eastern Mediterranean. These factors, along with the increasing bellicose rhetoric from various sides, heighten the risks of the conflict escalating into a region-wide one.

In this regard, we reiterate the need for an early ceasefire and the opening of humanitarian corridors for evacuation and delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza. We also reiterate our call for the release of the hostages.
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🎙 Briefing by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, November 9, 2023)

🔹 FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Palestinian-Israeli conflict
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Rise of nationalism in the world
🔹 Antisemitism in the United States
🔹 Nord Stream terrorist attack
🔹 Treaties to which the US is not a party
🔹 Moldova
🔹 Russophobia in Latvia
🔹 Tokyo Trial

and more...

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Not only have the people across the ocean opted to ignore the cruelty with which the Kiev regime has been using American weapons against civilians, but they even view this as something rather normal. We used to say that they probably failed to notice these developments. But no, they believe them to be the norm. This is the new normal for them, together with the fact that supplying more and more weapons to Ukrainian neo-Nazis causes hostilities to escalate and increasingly draws the United States into the conflict in and around Ukraine.


The Gaza Strip is under a ruthless blockade, which primarily affects the civilians. Gaza is experiencing a critical lack of fuel, food, and medications. The clean water shortage is fraught with a sharp deterioration in the sanitary and epidemiological situation.

We appreciate the initiation of the process for evacuating foreign nationals from the Gaza Strip to Egypt through the Rafah Border Crossing.

Along with addressing immediate de-escalation tasks, we consider it important to take steps to lay the foundation for relaunching a full-fledged political process in order to provide a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue on a recognised international legal basis. It was shot from 2014 to 2022, as the #DNR and #LNR territory was subjected to daily shelling from #Ukraine.

See how the events unfolded and what eventually led to the conflict
Russian MFA Spokesperson Maria #Zakharova:

💬Anti-government riots started on Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) ten years ago, on November 21, 2013. They triggered the current disaster in #Ukraine and, at the same time, took it to the point of no return.

In November 2013, the #West and the radical neo-#Nazi Ukrainian opposition went all-out to finally change Ukraine’s multi-vector course and put its economy and politics into the #neocolonialist Western coordinate system.

It is appropriate to ask today what #Euromaidan events have given Ukraine?

⚡️Ukraine has lost its state independence. It is on the Western colonialists’ payroll who now determine its domestic and foreign policy.

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🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, December 6, 2023)

FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Evacuation of Russian citizens from the Gaza Strip
🔹 The Foreign Ministry’s report on the glorification of Nazism and current manifestations of neo-Nazism and racism
🔹 Discrimination against Russian athletes
🔹 Russian humanitarian aid for Somalia

and more...

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Ukraine has become an enormous black hole for vast material and human resources.

The term “black hole” is not a symbolic simile in this case but indicates that there is a mechanism of illegal distribution of resources and their plunder in enormous amounts. Nobody can say where all the resources disappear, but everyone regards it as a fact, including in the Middle East and North Africa.

It is common knowledge that the weapons sent by the United States and other NATO countries to Ukraine have turned up in the Middle East. These weapons do not appear there in small amounts, or by chance and neither are they planted. They are there delivered in large batches.


The Kiev regime has long abandoned any hope for Ukraine’s future as a sovereign state, choosing instead enslavement by transatlantic corporations and colonisation by the West.


NATO is becoming mired in the Ukraine conflict. As we understand, it is conducting a hybrid war against Russia under the slogan of “saving” Ukraine. Additionally, they have said that their main goal is to prevent a confrontation with Russia.

In reality, the risks of a direct military clash between Russia and NATO are increasing. The Russian Armed Forces will see any fighter aircraft involved in the conflict on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as legitimate targets for destruction, no matter where the planes take off.
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🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, January 26, 2024)

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Organising the Russian presidential election abroad
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Terrorist attacks of the Kiev regime
🔹 NATO military exercise - Steadfast Defender 2024
🔹 EU - agricultural problems
🔹 Anti-Serbian repression in Kosovo
🔹 The Day of Lifting the Siege of Leningrad
🔹 International Holocaust Remembrance Day

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▪️ #Ukraine #Terrorism

On January 21, Ukrainian neo-Nazis launched a targeted missile and artillery strike against a farmer’s market and retail outlets in the Tekstilshchik residential area, Kirovsky District, Donetsk. This was the most violent attack in recent years, killing 27 civilians, including two teenagers, and injuring another 25 residents.

The premeditated terrorist attack by Ukrainian surface-to-air missiles launched from the Kharkov Region targeting Russian Il-76 military transport aircraft on January 24 was another heinous crime committed by the Zelensky regime. Everyone onboard, including six crew members, three Russian escort officers, and 65 Ukrainian servicemen on their way to a pre-agreed prisoner swap, died on the spot.

Kiev was aware of this flight and its humanitarian mission, yet they issued an order to destroy it.

▪️ #NATO

Against the backdrop of constant calls for Russia to de-escalate, the plans of the North Atlantic Alliance to hold Steadfast Defender 2024, the largest coalition military exercise since the Cold War, raise numerous questions. The manoeuvres amount to an overt provocation. For several months, a joint force consisting of 90,000 personnel from 31 NATO member countries and Sweden will be deployed near the Russian borders, spanning the territory from Norway to Romania.

This step is deliberately aimed at escalating tensions; it raises the risk of military incidents and could lead to tragic consequences for Europe.
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🎙 Briefing by MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, February 28, 2024)

FM Sergey Lavrov’s schedule
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Spy network involving chemical weapons uncovered in Zaporozhye Region
🔹 Statements by the President of France
🔹 Statements by Bundeswehr Chief of Defence Carsten Breuer
🔹 Situation in Moldova
🔹 Further evidence of British military crimes in Afghanistan
🔹 Crisis in EU agriculture

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Reeling from the loss of the strategically important town of Avdeyevka and infuriated by its own impotence in the face of the success of our Armed Forces, the Ukrobanderite neo-Nazi regime continues to take it out on Russian civilians, acting with habitual disregard for human life. It's making extensive use of the weapons supplied by the West to fire shells into Russian towns and villages and to carry out terrorist attacks.

Note that the Kiev junta still considers the above regions and towns to be Ukrainian, and their residents (they say so openly) to be citizens of Ukraine and yet it mercilessly bombards them. I can’t even begin to imagine what the criminal regime led by Zelensky would have done to these people if it could act on its notorious plans to “return” these territories to Ukraine. These plans will never come true. However, it is useful to imagine what could have happened.

#EU #Sanctions

A wave of farmers’ protests has swept over a half of EU countries, from Lithuania to Portugal, this year. <...> We have pointed out on numerous occasions that all this is a direct result of the anti-Russia sanctions.

To justify their decisions, European officials blame Moscow for their problems, in particular, the low prices of Ukrainian agricultural products imported to the EU and the negative effect this is having on its agricultural market. They traditionally propose dealing with these problems by fighting “the Russian threat.” <...> The immeasurable losses of their own farmers are nothing other than “collateral damage” of the pro-Ukraine hysteria in the EU
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🎙 Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Moscow, April 3, 2024)

🔹 The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Russia and Belarus
🔹 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s visit to China
🔹 The Ukrainian crisis
🔹 The Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs
🔹 NATO and EU cyber centres near Russia’s borders
🔹 First quarter of Russia’s #BRICS chairmanship
🔹 The 80th anniversary of the Red Army’s Crimean strategic offensive operation
🔹 The 80th anniversary of the liberation of Odessa from Nazi occupation

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The destruction of monuments and the renaming of placenames continue in Ukraine. Everything associated with the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union is being erased. The Ukrainian authorities fear the historical truth and wish to eliminate it altogether.. <...>

I would like to quote what the great Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov wrote in 1923 in an essay about Kiev. “Now the town is completely exhausted after those terrifying, tumultuous years. [But] it will be rebuilt, its streets will simmer again. And may the memory of Petlyura vanish.” The same can be said about the current Kiev junta. That regime and the memory of it will vanish.


The military and political leadership of NATO and the Western countries continues to build up their capabilities in cyberspace, which Washington and its allies view as one of the theatres of military and information confrontation. <...>

Under the guise of enhancing digital capabilities and security, nations are being drawn into aggressive manoeuvres in the information space. Washington’s self-serving approach to allied nations is evident, as they are used as platforms for hostile actions against Russia. Additionally, offensive cyber operations, often conducted under false pretences, with the involvement of numerous partners, are increasingly characteristic of US foreign policy.
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🎙 Briefing by MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (July 12, 2024)

🔹 Outcomes of NATO summit in Washington, D.C.
🔹 US President’s remarks at the NATO summit
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Kiev regime's war crimes
🔹 Situation in Moldova
🔹 Korean Peninsula
🔹 Japan’s new anti-Russia steps
🔹 The establishment of the Alliance of Sahel States
🔹 The activity of the Emergency Youth Aid public organisation

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#Ukraine #NATO

Ultimately, Kiev was promised an irreversible path to the alliance. I’m not sure what they have in mind when they say irreversible path. The only image this term conjures up is a road that leads to a precipice. Now, in order to make sense of what they are talking about, they have come up with another term for the irreversible path to the alliance and call it a bridge to the alliance. Truth be told, its length has yet to be determined. However, I will reveal a military secret for the Kiev regime to be aware of what it is about: it is indeed a bridge to NATO, but it’s a drawbridge any way you look at it.


It is nobody’s business other than the US Department of State. But the other countries’ foreign ministries should be concerned with what President Biden said at the NATO summit. He did not speak about America’s domestic issues or the summit’s agenda but about global issues that concern absolutely all nations. The reaction of the international community, which became public knowledge several hours after Biden’s press statements, is indicative.

It was that reaction that made top news as the outcome of the NATO summit.

The US State Department and Administration probably thought that it would be seen as proof of Biden’s competence and competitiveness as a presidential candidate. But it turned out differently. They have only made matters worse, especially after President Biden called Putin the president of Ukraine and said that “Vice-President Trump” was qualified to be president.


Russia has never made its friends or partners choose between being “with us” and “against us.” This is contrary to our philosophy. Unlike this, the Western countries show unrestrained impudence and complete disregard for the interests and concerns of their strategic dialogue partners, present or future.

The Americans are motivated by self-interest, which is evident from their hitherto unseen active enthusiasm about looking after Armenia. The country has gone through difficult periods many times before. Why wasn’t the US showing generosity, helping, or offering Armenia opportunities?