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🇷🇺🇮🇳 At the Novo-Ogaryovo residence of the President of Russia near Moscow, Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a two-day official visit to Russia, hold an informal meeting.

The talks will cover prospects for further development of the traditionally friendly Russian-Indian relations, as well as current international and regional issues.

#DruzhbaDosti 🤝 #RussiaIndia
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🎙 Russia's FM Sergey Lavrov comment on the outcomes of the Russia-India summit.

📍 Moscow, July 9

💬 Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi’s state visit to the Russian Federation at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin has come to an end. Yesterday, the leaders spent a lot of time together in an informal atmosphere and discussed almost every item on the agenda.

Today, this time with the participation of the delegations, they reviewed in detail the entire range of bilateral issues. We have ambitious plans. A lot has been accomplished, and an excellent foundation has been created. During the ceremony of awarding Narendra Modi with an Order of St Andrew the Apostle, the President of Russia and the Prime Minister of India outlined the key areas of interaction and underscored the commitment to deepen it across all spheres without exception, including the economy and the political dialogue, and humanitarian, cultural, sports, and educational ties, as well as military and military-technical cooperation.

Our relations can be described as a “particularly privileged strategic partnership,” a term that is codified in the Russian-Indian documents and accurately describes the ties between our countries which go deep in history. At a time when India was fighting for independence, the Soviet Union was among the first to recognise a new, young state with a deep, long, millennia-long history and civilisation.

During today’s talks, in addition to the bilateral goals (that have already been accepted for execution) which were outlined by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, there was an exchange of views on the international situation, primarily in the context of Russia’s BRICS chairmanship. India supported the programme that we are in the process of implementing. Mr Modi said he was pleased to accept President Putin’s invitation to take part in the BRICS summit in Kazan in October 2024.

The situation and prospects of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation were discussed in detail. The parties reiterated that this format was a top priority for Moscow and New Delhi.

The participants discussed cooperation in the G20, where Brazil currently holds chairmanship, and India performed these functions in 2023. They discussed how at the G20 summit in New Delhi the Indian presidency with the support of Russia, China and other Global Majority countries prevented the Ukrainianisation of the G20 agenda, which the United States and its allies insistently sought to achieve.

The New Delhi Declaration provides an objective geopolitical overview with account taken of all factors and with the emphasis on the fact that any conflict that in one way or another affects the global economy as well as unilateral sanctions should be considered in a balanced manner, not to the detriment of the basic G20 agenda which focuses on working out arrangements to promote the global economy and the monetary system, and to prevent crises in these critically important areas.

🇺🇳 We discussed interaction in the United Nations. India is one of the most active UN members. Our positions in the UN overlap. <...> Russia has reiterated its position in favour of supporting India’s candidacy for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council in case a decision to this effect is made in principle, which requires a substantial majority, almost a unanimous vote of the UN General Assembly members. This work takes an effort, and the dialogue has been going on for a long while.

Our position in favour of the candidacies of India, Brazil and the African group remains unchanged. We believe the West should not be accorded additional seats, either permanent, or non-permanent. It is over-represented in this key body as it is.

The visit confirmed the commitment of the Leaders of both countries on comprehensive promotion of the particularly privileged strategic partnership. Specific goals have been outlined, and we will provide updates about the efforts to fulfil them.
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Fake news:
A Russian Kh-101 missile struck a children's hospital in Kyiv, according to conclusions drawn in a GPT chat and reported by a network of opposition channels linked to Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

The fact:
Yesterday we thoroughly debunked this hoax three times. But let's reiterate.

The first photos from the scene, kindly shared by Ukrainian propaganda, showed that the "Okhmatdyt" hospital was damaged by a falling anti-aircraft missile. The facade of the building and an ambulance were riddled with shrapnel.

The Ukrainian armed forces attempted to shoot down Russian missiles targeting military facilities in Kyiv, such as the "Artem" plant. However, as is often the case with Ukrainian air defenses, the Russian missile continued on its trajectory, while a Norwegian anti-aircraft missile fell near the hospital. In particular, its self-destruct mechanism did not activate in the air, as it should have done.

Seeing the scale of the incident (mainly a favorable picture), Kyiv decided to exploit the situation and launched its media machine ahead of the NATO summit. Thus, Russia was immediately blamed for the attack.

Meanwhile, our team has identified the type of missile that hit the hospital. It was an AIM-120 launched from a NASAMS system. This is evidenced by its linear dimensions - length and diameter - and the nature of the damage.

Kyiv propagandists then decided to play it safe and simply photoshopped a Kh-101 missile in the sky over the hospital.

Today, the opposition in exile joined the effort, spreading the story everywhere. They decided not to bother with evidence and put artificial intelligence to work. The neural network "identified" the faked Kh-101 missile. Not suspecting human deception, the algorithm honestly reported that it was a Russian missile in service with the Russian Armed Forces. This conclusion is now being presented by the opposition as an expert opinion on yesterday's incident.

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🇷🇺🇮🇳 The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin presented the Order of St Andrew the Apostle to Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. The ceremony was held in St Andrew’s Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

💬 Vladimir Putin: It is a great honour for me to present the highest order of the Russian Federation, the Order of St Andrew the Apostle, to Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi.

🎖 It is the oldest order instituted more than three centuries ago by Russian Emperor Peter the Great. According to the statute, the order is awarded to outstanding Russian politicians and public figures as well as foreign leaders for distinguished service. <...>

By presenting the Order of St Andrew the Apostle, we express sincere gratitude for the contribution you have made to strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between our countries and nations. You have always been a strong advocate of expanding contacts with Russia. Back when you were the chief minister of the state of Gujarat, you proposed establishing sister ties with Russian regions, in particular, with the Astrakhan Region.

🤝 As the head of the Indian government for the past ten years, you have made tangible efforts to ensure that Russia-India relations become a specially privileged strategic partnership.

It is with your direct support that largest Russia-India projects have been implemented successfully in trade and the economy, in the military-technical industry, nuclear and hydrogen energy, in high technology and space development. It is hard to overestimate your contribution to shaping a steady foundation for Russia-India cooperation in the international arena, where both our countries protect the principles of multipolarity and strict compliance with international law.

🌐 Russia and India work together to ensure stability and global and regional security, and closely cooperate at #BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (#SCO).

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Russia's Zakharova Calls Drone Strike That Injured Children Deliberate Terrorist Attack
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Thursday described a Ukrainian drone strike that injured children in the Belgorod Region as a deliberate terrorist attack.
Earlier in the day, Belgorod Region Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said that the attack on a playground in Shebekino injured five children.
"Another terrorist attack by the Kiev regime. In Shebekino, a Ukrainian drone dropped an explosive device on children playing in the courtyard … A deliberate terrorist attack against children! ‘Bloody creatures’ from the Bankova [street] must be immediately subjected to international condemnation!" Zakharova wrote on her Telegram channel.
Medical personnel is doing everything possible to save the lives of the children who were wounded in Ukraine's attack in Shebekino, Belgorod Region Health Minister Andrei Ikonnikov said on Telegram late Thursday.
"We are doing everything we can to save the children whom our enemies have deliberately tried to kill. Five kids, two of them are now in operating rooms in serious condition. Just out of the hospital myself, pointing a drone at defenseless children cannot be justified," Ikonnikov said.
He added that multidisciplinary teams, including intensive care specialists, vascular surgeons, trauma surgeons, pediatric surgeons, nurses and anesthetists, are providing all the help needed and fighting for the lives of the children. Consultations with federal centers will be held after the surgeries, the regional health minister said.
On July 13, 2024, Honorary Consul of Russia in Chittagong Ashiq Imran organized a flower laying ceremony at the Redkin memorial.

51 years ago Soviet sailor Yury Redkin died on duty on the mission of salvaging the Chittagong port from mines and sunken ships.
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On July 15, 1240 — 784 years ago — the forces of the Russian city-state of Novgorod under the command of Prince Alexander Nevsky triumphed over Swedish invaders who had invaded Novgorod's territory.

This event is known as the Battle of the Neva.

In the 13th century, Sweden sought to expand its dominions and establish control over the territories surrounding the Gulf of Finland. The invaders aimed to establish a fortress and convert the locals to Catholicism, but they encountered fierce resistance from the Novgorodians and their young Prince, Alexander Yaroslavich.

⚔️ The Swedes landed on the banks of the Neva, near the confluence of the Izhora River, close to modern-day Saint Petersburg. Alexander Nevsky swiftly assembled his forces and marched to meet the enemy. The battle was brief but intense, culminating in a decisive victory for the Russian warriors.

The victory at the Battle of the Neva thwarted further Swedish advancement eastward and strengthened the position of the Novgorod Republic. Alexander Nevsky became a national hero and a symbol of the defense of Russian lands against foreign invaders.

#DidYouKnow At the time of the Battle of the Neva, Alexander Yaroslavich was only 19 years old. He distinguished himself as a seasoned commander and a skilled warrior, fighting shoulder to shoulder with his troops. It was for this victory that the young prince earned the epithet of Nevsky.

Canonised in 1547, the Grand Prince is considered the patron saint of Russian diplomacy.
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🎙 Briefing by MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (July 12, 2024)

🔹 Outcomes of NATO summit in Washington, D.C.
🔹 US President’s remarks at the NATO summit
🔹 Ukrainian crisis
🔹 Kiev regime's war crimes
🔹 Situation in Moldova
🔹 Korean Peninsula
🔹 Japan’s new anti-Russia steps
🔹 The establishment of the Alliance of Sahel States
🔹 The activity of the Emergency Youth Aid public organisation

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#Ukraine #NATO

Ultimately, Kiev was promised an irreversible path to the alliance. I’m not sure what they have in mind when they say irreversible path. The only image this term conjures up is a road that leads to a precipice. Now, in order to make sense of what they are talking about, they have come up with another term for the irreversible path to the alliance and call it a bridge to the alliance. Truth be told, its length has yet to be determined. However, I will reveal a military secret for the Kiev regime to be aware of what it is about: it is indeed a bridge to NATO, but it’s a drawbridge any way you look at it.


It is nobody’s business other than the US Department of State. But the other countries’ foreign ministries should be concerned with what President Biden said at the NATO summit. He did not speak about America’s domestic issues or the summit’s agenda but about global issues that concern absolutely all nations. The reaction of the international community, which became public knowledge several hours after Biden’s press statements, is indicative.

It was that reaction that made top news as the outcome of the NATO summit.

The US State Department and Administration probably thought that it would be seen as proof of Biden’s competence and competitiveness as a presidential candidate. But it turned out differently. They have only made matters worse, especially after President Biden called Putin the president of Ukraine and said that “Vice-President Trump” was qualified to be president.


Russia has never made its friends or partners choose between being “with us” and “against us.” This is contrary to our philosophy. Unlike this, the Western countries show unrestrained impudence and complete disregard for the interests and concerns of their strategic dialogue partners, present or future.

The Americans are motivated by self-interest, which is evident from their hitherto unseen active enthusiasm about looking after Armenia. The country has gone through difficult periods many times before. Why wasn’t the US showing generosity, helping, or offering Armenia opportunities?
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🎙 Выступление С.В.Лаврова в ходе заседания Совета Безопасности ООН по многостороннему сотрудничеству в интересах формирования более справедливого, демократического и устойчивого мироустройства.

📍 Нью-Йорк, 16 июля 2024 года

💬 Сегодня испытанию на прочность подвергаются сами основы международного правопорядка – стратегическая стабильность и ооноцентричная система мировой политики. Урегулировать множащиеся конфликты невозможно, если не разобраться в их первопричинах и не восстановить веру в нашу способность объединять усилия ради общего блага и справедливости для всех.

Будем откровенны: далеко не все представленные в этом зале государства признают ключевой принцип Устава ООН: суверенное равенство всех государств. США давно устами своих президентов объявили о собственной исключительности. Это касается отношения Вашингтона к своим союзникам, от которых требуют беспрекословного послушания, даже в ущерб их национальным интересам.

👉 «Правь, Америка!» В этом суть пресловутого «порядка, основанного на правилах» – прямой угрозы многосторонности и международному миру.

Важнейшие компоненты международного права – Устав ООН и решения нашего Совета – трактуются «коллективным Западом» извращенно и выборочно – в зависимости от того, какая установка поступила из Белого дома.

Ключевые тезисы:

Гегемонистская политика Вашингтона не меняется десятилетиями. Все без исключения схемы евроатлантической безопасности были основаны на обеспечении доминирования США, включая подчинение им Европы и «сдерживание» России. Главная роль отводилась НАТО, которая в итоге «подмяла» под себя создававшийся вроде бы для европейцев Евросоюз. Беззастенчиво приватизированы структуры ОБСЕ в грубейшее нарушение Хельсинкского Заключительного акта.

Безоглядное расширение НАТО вопреки многократным, в течение долгих лет предупреждениям со стороны Москвы, спровоцировало и украинский кризис, начиная с организованного Вашингтоном госпереворота в феврале 2014 года для установления полного контроля над Украиной с целью подготовки наступления на Россию при помощи приведенного к власти неонацистского режима.

• Военная инфраструктура НАТО продвигается в регион Тихого океана с очевидной целью подорвать асеаноцентричную архитектуру, которая долгие десятилетия выстраивалась на основе принципов равноправия, учета взаимных интересов и консенсуса.

• Где все те атрибуты свободного рынка, к которым США и их союзники столько лет всех приучали? Рыночная экономика, добросовестная конкуренция, неприкосновенность собственности, презумпция невиновности, свобода передвижения людей, товаров, капиталов и услуг – сегодня всё это отправлено в утиль.

• Ключевым элементом реформы ООН должно стать изменение состава Совета Безопасности, <...> в Совбезе явно перепредставлены страны «коллективного Запада». Давно назревшим шагом является достижение максимально широкого согласия о конкретных параметрах реформы, призванной укрепить представленность Азии, Африки и Латинской Америки.

• Необходимы перемены в кадровой политике Секретариата ООН, чтобы устранить засилье граждан и подданных стран Запада в административных структурах Организации. Генсекретарь и его сотрудники обязаны неукоснительно, без каких-либо исключений соблюдать принципы беспристрастности и нейтральности, как предписывает ст. 100 Устава ООН, о чём мы не устаем напоминать.

• Всё большую роль в построении справедливого многостороннего порядка на основе принципов Устава ООН играют #БРИКС и #ШОС. В них объединены страны, представляющие различные регионы и цивилизации, сотрудничающие на основе равенства, взаимного уважения, консенсуса и обоюдоприемлемых компромиссов – «золотого стандарта» многостороннего взаимодействия с участием великих держав.

❗️ Если все без исключения будут следовать его духу и букве, то Объединенным Нациям по силам преодолеть текущие разногласия и прийти к общему знаменателю по большинству вопросов. «Конец истории» не состоялся. Давайте вместе работать в интересах начала истории подлинной многосторонности, отражающей все богатство культурно-цивилизационного многообразия народов мира. He highlighted the statements of NATO leaders about the alliance's leading role in the Asia-Pacific region and its spreading dominance there.
"NATO's military infrastructure is advancing into the Pacific region with an obvious goal: to undermine the ASEAN-centric architecture, which has been built over many decades based on principles of equality, mutual interest, and consensus," Lavrov said at a UN Security Council meeting.
According to the Russian Foreign Minister, the US and its allies are forming new military blocs in the region, such as AUKUS, which brings together Australia, the UK and the US.
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🎙 Statement by FM Sergey Lavrov during the UNSC meeting on multilateral cooperation in the interest of a more just, democratic and sustainable world order

📍 New York, July 16, 2024

💬 Today, the very foundations of the international legal order - strategic stability and the UN-centric system of international politics - are put to the test. We won’t be able to resolve the mounting conflicts unless we understand their root causes and restore faith in our ability to join forces for the common good and justice for all.

Let’s face it: not all countries represented in this chamber recognise the key principle of the UN Charter which is the sovereign equality of all states. Speaking through its presidents, the US has long declared its exceptionalism. This applies to Washington’s attitude towards its allies, whom it demands to be unquestioningly obedient even to the detriment of their national interests.

👉 Rule, America! This is the thrust of the notorious “rules-based order” which presents a direct threat to multilateralism and international peace.

The most important components of international law - the UN Charter and the resolutions of our Council - are interpreted by the collective West in a perverse and selective manner, depending on the instructions coming from the White House.

Key talking points:

Washington’s hegemonistic policy has been the same for decades. Absolutely all schemes of Euro-Atlantic security were based on America’s domination, including the subjugation of Europe and the “containment” of Russia. The main role in this was assigned to NATO, which has ultimately tramped down the European Union that had been created to serve Europeans. The alliance has unceremoniously privatised OSCE bodies in brazen violation of the Helsinki Final Act.

• The unrestrained enlargement of NATO, which went on for years contrary to Moscow’s warnings, has also provoked the Ukraine crisis that began with the state coup organised by Washington in February 2014 to seize full control of Ukraine and use the neo-Nazi regime they brought to power to prepare an attack on Russia.

• NATO’s military infrastructure is moving into the Pacific with the obvious aim of undermining the ASEAN-centric architecture, which has for many decades been built on the principles of equality, mutual interests and consensus.

• Where are the free market attributes that the US and its allies have been telling everyone to follow for so many years? Market economy, fair competition, inviolability of private property, presumption of innocence, freedom of movement of people, goods, capital and services - all of these have been scrapped.

• The pivotal element of the reform of the UN should be the reshuffle of the UN Security Council, <...> which clearly has too many representatives of the collective West. A badly needed step is to reach the broadest accord possible on the concrete parameters of the reform, which should increase the representation of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

• The personnel policy of the UN Secretariat should be changed as well to eliminate the domination of Western citizens and subjects in the administrative UN bodies. The UN Secretary-General and his staff must faithfully and with no exceptions comply with the principles of impartiality and neutrality.

#BRICS and the #SCO are playing an increasing role in the development of a just multilateral world based on the principles of the UN Charter. Their member states represent different regions and civilisations whose interaction is based on equality, mutual respect, consensus and mutually accepted compromises, which is the golden standard of multilateral cooperation involving great powers.

❗️ The UN will be able to overcome current disagreements and to reach consensus on most issues if everyone, without exception, honours its letter and spirit. “The end of history” has failed to materialise. Let us work together in the interests of launching the history of genuine multilateralism that reflects the entire wealth of cultural and civilisational diversity of the world’s nations.