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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 In response to Josep "Not a Jungle" Borrell’s words that banning the Russian media amounted to protecting the freedom of speech, I would like to recall that Europe has already preached this logic before.

About 300 authors were banned under the Third Reich, including Erich Maria Remarque, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Henri Barbusse, Jack London, Maxim Gorky and many others.

Just as today, it all started with bans and book burning, and ended with people perishing in the flames. Books are thoughts printed on paper, while people are the living thoughts.

Let me tell you how it happened.

To justify the bans, Hitler’s supporters set the Reichstag on fire, which gave them a pretext to launch repressions against their political opponents. This is when they started burning books by undesirable authors. It was followed by a directive that every journalist in the Reich must be a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party – NSDAP – in order to be able to work in their profession. After that, all government bodies had to take out subscriptions to Nazi press titles. It was only later that they started burning the bodies of those who suffered at the hands of concentration camp executioners and monsters. While it is hard to tell when the first reports on black smoke rising from the chimneys of torture chambers surfaced, but the sight of it became so commonplace that it turned into the hallmark of the Nazi regime.

Incidentally, Josep Borrell would probably be interested to learn that it was after setting the Reichstag on fire that the Nazis started justifying bans by talking about protection. Adopted immediately after the fire, the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and the State paved the way to outlawing freedom in Germany’s political life. The Third Reich went on to use the same rhetoric with its legal ramifications as Borrell does today on multiple occasions. The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour banned interracial marriage, and the Law for the Protection of National Symbols banned the free use of Nazi symbols.

Decades have gone by.
Germany has long cancelled these laws, while not only reinstating the banned books, but even instituting a special day to perpetuate the memory of book burning in 1933.

It was our soldier who restored Europe’s human face. History repeats itself. Today, our people are once again fighting this human-hating logic.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 The Latvian Ministry of “Culture” has decided to transfer 300,000 euros to the State Cultural Capital Fund for financing a film called, “Invisible Fortress” about a Latvian SS legion, where Ernests Laumanis, a war criminal and ideological Nazi, will be the main character.

Recently, European politicians have developed an obvious problem with their memory and conscience. Well, let’s help freshen up some unseemly facts from the biography of this “hero” and his accomplices.👇

In 1941, Laumanis voluntarily joined the Nazis. Later he commanded the 21st Liepaja police battalion on the approaches to Leningrad. Then, his battalion became part of this SS legion – the 19th SS volunteer division.

For his “heroism” in fighting Soviet civilians, Jews and guerrillas, Laumanis was awarded the Iron Crosses First and Second Class and the honourable belt buckle for the SS Army and troops.

The Latvian SS legion took a direct part in punitive operations. From December 18, 1943 to April 2, 1944 alone, the soldiers in this unit destroyed 23 villages and shot over 1,300 people. They subjected Soviet POWs, both soldiers and officers, to insulting mockery. They were particularly cruel in torturing and executing women.

The Latvian authorities are planning to glorify and whitewash these criminals in a film made with taxpayer’s money.

Here’s my question: When is it possible to expect statements denouncing this initiative from the capitals of those countries, politicians and NGOs who only recently were searching for the alleged disrespect of the memory of Holocaust victims, in Sergey Lavrov’s words? Meanwhile, this is not just disrespect but a humiliation of the memory of all victims of World War II, including Holocaust victims. This is what the Latvian Ministry of Culture is promoting now.
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#Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

The Americans claim they “had nothing to do” with the explosions of the Nord Stream pipelines even though the findings by renowned investigative reporter Seymour Hersh are widely available.

We know that they know that everyone knows that this is a lie.

The problem is not that “the US” is the only logical answer to the oldest question in legal practice, Cui bono (who benefits?) that makes any sense; the problem is that the Americans are simply lying. I could tell you again about US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s vial hoax, but if you are tired of this story, I have plenty of others.

🇭🇹 There is this small nation, Haiti, and it has had bad luck. It was a colony – first Spanish, then French, and then for decades, it remained under American occupation. Each of these countries drained the island and its residents’ resources as much as they could, repaying them with poverty and devastation.

The Cold War was terrible in “warm” Haiti. François Duvalier, a former physician with the American Sanitary Mission, born a Haitian, was a dictator who established the most repressive government in Haiti and ordered arrests and massive human rights abuses. The details make one’s blood run cold: the detainees had their heads chopped off and were tortured by submerging them in baths of acid. Why didn't the Americans stand up for human rights then? Because they needed Duvalier as an anti-communist, to balance Fidel Castro's Cuba, as simple as that. Washington even provided the deranged dictator with money, while paying lip service to democracy.

In the 1990s, the Americans finally stopped respecting the sovereignty of the island republic altogether. In 1994, they pushed for Security Council authorisation for a special military operation in Haiti to restore President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to power because they wanted him there. They returned him to power. Later though, when they got tired of him, they just kidnapped him like a puppet and carted him off to Africa. This is how the George W. Bush administration helped build democracy in Haiti.

In 2021, Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated; his wife, Martine, was also shot in the attack.

And what was found? Suspicions that the Americans were responsible again emerged in the Western information landscape immediately.

Also that week, the US Department of Justice issued a short press release declaring that several Americans associated with American PMC CTU Security had been arrested. Official Caracas reported that CTU had earlier been involved in the failed assassination attempt on Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro. And at the same time, at the Security Council meetings on Haiti, the US representative continued to declare their intention to contribute to the development of democracy, organising fair elections and supporting NGOs.

Only the Americans occupy a country on a whim, remove or imprison presidents, or dispose them through murder. Consider these statistics: Haiti is ranked 170th in terms of per capita GDP (of 199); every second HIV-infected resident of the Caribbean islands is Haitian.

This is a very thought-provoking story for Zelensky, who so affectionately embraced Joe Biden in the centre of Kiev. How much must one hate their own people to consider a prospect similar to that of long-suffering Haiti for themselves?

So, to what extent is the US “not responsible” for sabotaging Nord Stream – as much as for the assassination of Haiti's president? Or for the vial hoax of the invasion of Iraq?

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#Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

💬 Against the macabre backdrop of all these Western intrigues related to the International Criminal Court and the false accusations, in particular against Russia’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, I wanted to dig into how Washington manipulated children.

In 1975, during the aggression launched by the US against Vietnam, and with the People’s Army of Vietnam and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam about to liberate Saigon, Washington made an unprecedented move as part of Operation Frequent Wind. Speaking at noon on April 3, 1975, at a Conference Centre in San Diego, President Gerald Ford said that he ordered Operation Babylift to be carried out under the command of Major General Edward J. Nash.

This kick-started a large-scale effort by the Americans to take children out of Vietnam, including newborn babies. They were airlifted from the country. There is archival footage showing President Ford in person fussing over children who were kidnapped from Vietnam, just like a murderous dictator hungry for some positive media coverage.

This criminal decision by Washington qualifies as a crime under Article II of the 1951 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. At the time, the Americans wanted to completely wipe out the cultural identity of these infants by putting them up for adoption by families in the United States and its allied countries.

Just watch these images: this is how the US military kidnapped children from Vietnam.

The terrible thing here is not just that Washington did this in 1975, de facto depriving thousands of children of their homeland and culture, and erasing their national, ethnic and social identity, but also how this so-called evacuation was carried out.

Operation Babylift was notorious for its poor management. This is an established fact. Unfortunately, there were even casualties. On April 4, 1975, Lockheed C-5A Galaxy, a US Air Force transport aircraft, crashed over Vietnam due to criminal negligence by the US military, killing 78 babies.

Nevertheless, the Americans awarded the crew and kept the operation going, smuggling 3,000 more babies out of Vietnam.

It has been impossible to establish the exact statistics so far. Now that these babies have grown up, many of them are out there trying to find their real parents.

I cannot wait to see the International Criminal Court issue an arrest warrant for senior officials of the United States, the Pentagon and all these would-be humanitarian foundations who were involved in this operation.

Let me remind you what Sergey Lavrov said about the war itself: “I will not even mention the bloody war in Vietnam that lasted for many years. The US got into this war after staging the Gulf of Tonkin incident. <…> The Americans ignored UN General Assembly resolutions condemning these and other aggressive steps by the United States, turning a blind eye to them.” (October 4, 2022).

Now, let’s compare the horrors of Vietnam, which were quite real, with the care and attention children evacuated from the combat zone receive.

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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 Children who were sent to Europe after their evacuation from Ukraine regularly faced various types of marginalisation, and even sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.

I have already written that relevant statements were made by EU officials, in particular, in Sweden, Director-General of the National Board of Health and Welfare Olivia Wigzell had to warn all refugees that they needed to register with the National Agency for Migrants. She specifically emphasised why children should do this: “so as not to become a victim of exploitation.”

Authorities in Stockholm are aware of at least several hundred children and teenagers who have arrived in the country unaccompanied by their parents. A year ago, no one could say how many children and adults came to Scandinavia illegally and without registration. In general, the situation has not improved.

A similar situation can be observed in France, one of the most popular countries among Ukrainian refugees. I have also talked about this: Prefect Joseph Zimet complained to Le Monde that he had no idea where to accommodate 100,000 Ukrainians, of whom, at most, 3,000 work. In the same interview, he admitted that half of the refugees were simply lost, that is, the French authorities had no idea where they were, what they did and how they earned a living. After passing border control, they simply... disappeared.

All these problems forced some countries, in particular Estonia, to close their borders to refugees at some point after the start of the exodus.

Meanwhile, in Germany, which has received more than a million Ukrainians according to official data, juvenile services are actively removing children from refugee families, and the courts are depriving parents of their rights. Moreover, the intervention of guardianship authorities, as a rule, happens following a tip-off from the families with whom Ukrainians have been staying: for example, the parents raising their voices can be reason enough for taking away the child.

Considering the catastrophic problems that thousands of underage Ukrainians in EU countries constantly face, which are not being addressed but are only getting worse every day, the Euro-Atlanticists’ imaginary concern about the fate of children Russia has evacuated from the war zone looks hypocritical and especially cynical.
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#Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

💬 It is interesting how the collective heads of the Western liberal dictatorships have two incongruous ideologemes at the same time: the alleged concern about Ukrainian children and the maniacal aspiration to poison the region’s land with depleted uranium.

Maybe they think that it will be like a pox party where healthy children are deliberately exposed to infectious diseases such as chickenpox so that they can develop immunity to them.

But radiation is no chickenpox.

Also, it is unlikely that they are capable of taking care of other people’s children given that they have no empathy towards their own.

BBC Northern Ireland has published the results of a shocking survey. It turns out that the British – the police and the armed forces – during the conflict (or as they call it, the Troubles) in Northern Ireland shot at children with deadly weapons: plastic and rubber bullets. At least eight children were killed, some of them aged as young as 10 (for instance, the Irish boy Stephen Geddis).

Let me reiterate.

The British army and police shot at children using lethal weapons during the “pacification operations” against Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland. The number of adults killed was even higher but that’s another story.

The authorities knew that the use of such bullets was likely to be lethal. A relevant instruction was given in the British Army’s Land Operations Manual in 1971 but this instruction was never passed on to the soldiers because that way it was easier to drown the protesters who wanted to pray in a different church and speak a different language in blood, including in the blood of Catholic children.

The depleted uranium armaments, plastic bullets shot at children, changing the gender of minors with the use of hormone therapy – these are the rules of the new world order.

I won’t stand for it!
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#Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

💬 A street sign in Arabic has been installed at the intersection of Linienstraße and Ellerstraße in Düsseldorf. This is a first for Germany. Congratulations. According to the city authorities, the purpose of the innovation is “to underscore the diversity and international flair of Düsseldorf.” More and more refugees from the East are arriving in Germany, many of them driven by the wars unleashed by the West (including Germany). So, the decision to install the sign is quite understandable.

What is unclear is why Berlin has never even reproached its protégés in Kiev for the lack of signs in Russian, considering the “millions of billions” sent to Ukraine, including to promote democracy.

With all due respect to the Arabic language and culture, we note that those Germans, who laid the foundations of modern German identity years ago, did not speak Arabic. Nevertheless, their descendants have found it possible to legalise the Arabic language, out of respect for modern realities.

Now let's compare a few numbers. With Germany’s population of 83 million, Arabic is spoken in 300,000 households; the number of adult native speakers is about 1% of the population. In Ukraine (40 million), more than 37% of the population spoke Russian at home (according to polls that apparently understate the true figure) in 2019. By the way, in 2019, Germans gave more objective data on the linguistic picture in Ukraine: the number of Ukrainian citizens speaking Russian at home was estimated at 44% in a study by the well-regarded Pew Research Centre.

☝️ At the same time, Russian – a language that influenced the identity of the three fraternal East Slavic peoples, which Gogol and Shevchenko used, and that was spoken in Kiev from time immemorial – is a language Ukrainians tried to erase from every aspect of society, with active support from Germans.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

Referring to the munitions that the Brits are going to send to Ukraine, the UK Ministry of Defence announced "…that any impact to personal health and the environment from the use of depleted uranium munitions is likely (oh, how they love this word) to be low."

Apparently, they tested these munitions on the Skripals’ cat and ducks in Salisbury ponds.

Now, allow me to describe what depleted uranium in munitions really means, and without using the phrase, “highly likely,” that is their favourite expression.

First, a little history. It is most indicative that the Nazis were the first to use these types of munitions in armour-piercing rounds. Reich Minister of Armaments and Military Production in Nazi Germany Albert Speer recalled that in summer 1943, the import of wolframites from Portugal was suspended, which created a critical situation for munitions with a solid armour-piercing core. This is why he ordered the use of uranium cores for this type of munitions.

In the latter half of the 20th century, NATO used Nazi developments in arms and began to produce and use depleted uranium munitions in its operations on a large scale. The aggression against Yugoslavia was the most tragic example of this.

At this point, we will turn to modern factology.

As I have said more than once, Italian army service personnel in a NATO contingent were largely involved in operations that used depleted uranium munitions. We have accessible statistics:

Italian soldiers in Yugoslavia were in charge of the territory where more than half of all depleted uranium munitions (17,237 rounds or 56.47 percent) were expended. NATO staged an experiment on real people and not just Serbs but Italians as well. Serbs were to play the role of direct victims and Italians the role of secondary victims. This made it possible to study how depleted uranium affected those who used it. It is likely that no one planned to assess the results of this experiment, but the relatives of the Italian military personnel that died of cancer compelled the parliament to do so.

Here is the link to the relevant report.

This 252-page document is one of many studies of the consequences of how depleted uranium and radioactive thorium affected the military personnel of the Italian Armed Forces. In brief, according to the research ordered by the parliamentary commission, the cancer rate increased by several times in the areas where depleted uranium munitions were used. Precise information on the Italian military personnel that used these munitions was published. Of 7,500 people exposed to toxic substances and radiation, 372 died (a 5 percent death rate – every 20th person). Moreover, they died of painful oncological complications – kidney dysfunction, lung cancer, bone cancer, esophagus cancer, degenerative skin development, Hodgkin's lymphoma and leukemia.

We even know the names of those who died: Corporal Antonio Attianese, Private Leopoldo Di Vico and many others. They all died of terminal cancer.

The number of suits filed by Italians against their Defence Ministry is steadily growing. The reason is the same – the cancer they developed after using depleted uranium munitions.

By supplying Ukraine with these munitions, Britain wants to turn its territory into a scorched and desolate land. Nobody will speak Russian or Ukrainian there. There will be silence there, like in Pripyat and Chernobyl.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova:

💬 Regarding the non-issuance of visas for the journalists of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s press pool for a visit to the UN Headquarters in New York, US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby labelled the Russian government media as propaganda bodies.

He said: “We feel like it is important to speak up and stand up for freedom of the press, a free press, an independent press that is able to do its job freely.”

This isn’t even funny anymore.

First, one of the journalists that applied for a visa was from Interfax. Is this also a government news outlet?

Second, the US Embassy issued visas for the government media employees but only after their plane left. How do dirty tricks like this help the US authorities uphold freedom of the press?”

John, you are confused. You have lied too often, you have reached an ideological dead-end.
RT #Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova:

💬 called FM Sergey #Lavrov “the Jedi master of the dark arts of diplomacy.”


A Freudian slip. Indeed, the Jedi represent the Light side.
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#Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

💬 Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry referred to the presence of CIS leaders at the parade in Moscow as “an immoral and unfriendly step towards Kiev.”

Well, first of all, no one asked the Nazis for their opinion.

Second, let us talk about the notion of morality.

UNIAN, a Ukrainian state news agency, decided to poll its readers, asking them who among Russia’s prominent television presenters, frontline correspondents and opinion leaders they would prefer to see follow in Daria Dugina’s, Vladlen Tatarsky’s and Zakhar Prilepin’s footsteps as terrorist attack victims.

This is exactly the way they framed the question.

The terrorist Kiev regime wants its media to match its inhumane nature.

Vladimir Solovyov, Margarita Simonyan, Anton Krasovsky, Dmitry Kiselev, Sergei Mardan and Semyov Pegov all made the execution list. What a bloody undertaking, but for Kiev, this is business as usual.

Nearly 50,000 people have taken part in the poll so far. Judging by the number of likes and hearts under the post in question, ordinary Ukrainians, indoctrinated as they are by thermonuclear Nazi propaganda, are receptive to terrorist ideology which has all the signs of a criminal offence.

Do you think there was anyone among the patrons of the Kiev puppet show intervened to bring their underlings back to reason? Or perhaps the specialised international structures voiced their indignation? Not at all.

They had other things in mind when they nurtured this enraged rabble. Yet another American son of a gun will get away with everything, even direct incitement to carrying out a terrorist attack, as in this case.

The Third Reich was proactive in drawing up watchlists and designating enemies among artists, cultural figures, researchers and politicians whose elimination was viewed as a priority. The Kiev regime went even further by engaging society at large not only in its smear campaigns and Nazi segregation, but by making them directly involved in terrorist activity. Well, it's a fact now: the student has surpassed the master.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

The Russians are dying... it’s the best money we’ve ever spent,US Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said with a pleased smirk during his meeting with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.

💬 During the Nuremberg trials, Reichsminister of Economics Hjalmar Schacht claimed that the Third Reich was sponsored, among others, from abroad, naming two major American corporations – Ford and General Motors. An unspoken deal was made with Schacht: freedom in exchange for keeping silent. Despite Soviet representatives’ protests, he was released and lived to the age of 93.

Just to remind: the man who embodied the American dream, the legendary Henry Ford, was a recipient of the Grand Cross of the Order of the German Eagle. His plants operating in Germany not only produced up to 70,000 lorries per year for the Wehrmacht, but also used prison labour to this end, including in Auschwitz.

Opel, the icon of the German automotive industry, was owned by General Motors. Researcher Bradford Snell described the corporation’s role as follows: “General Motors was far more important to the Nazi war machine than Switzerland. Switzerland was just a repository of looted funds. GM was an integral part of the German war effort. The Nazis could have invaded Poland and Russia without Switzerland. They could not have done so without GM.”

At its Germany-based plant, the Kodak company manufactured fuses for aerial bombs, without shunning the use of POW labour.

The Coca-Cola plant in Cologne, even before it was nationalised by the German government, regularly supplied German soldiers with drinks, while the famous Fanta was invented by the Nazis.

The oil giant Standard Oil, through its subsidiaries, supplied Hitler with petroleum products amid shortages, and was involved in the development of synthetic rubber and synthetic fuels. IBM, a company popular with IT specialists across the globe, manufactured accounting and monitoring devices for the Nazis, including those for oil production. The company's equipment was used, among other things, to monitor schedules for trains destined to extermination camps.

And, of course, how can we not mention banks: JPMorgan Chase & Co – Chase National Bank back then – was also involved, performing multibillion dollar transactions, while Berlin had the opportunity to purchase dollars and carry out transactions overseas. Chase National Bank even cooperated with the German bank Allianz in providing insurance for facilities and workers at concentration camps during the time of the Third Reich.

So, Senator Graham has something to make comparisons with. One of the US investments led to World War II and the Holocaust.

Now, billions of US dollars are pouring down the insatiable throat of the neo-Nazi Kiev regime. In this regard, I would like to remind the senators and all US beneficiaries how the previous venture ended.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 Do you believe that US Senator Graham is alone in his Nazi rhetoric? That he is a freakish exception? That the US system cannot give a birth to such monster?

How wrong you are... Let me remind you that George W. Bush (the youngest of the dynasty of US Presidents) said the same thing during his conversation with prankers Vovan and Lexus, believing he was speaking with the Kiev regime:

“Your mission is to destroy as many Russian troops as you can”.

After we mentioned this at a briefing, the US propaganda started retreating, emphasising that Bush is not in power. You bet both Bush and Graham are. And they are still not telling us everything that is written in the US doctrinal documents.

A reminder:
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

The President of France Emmanuel Macron has recently said that the “rebellion in Russia,” which lasted all of 24 hours, by the way, “shows the divisions that exist within the Russian regime, the fragility of both its armies and its auxiliary forces.”

I am reading the French media headlines, where Macron is still President:

– Macron to hold crisis meeting on Friday to address violence during riots

– French authorities lose control in several hotspots of protests as stores and markets suffer from looting

– Gerald Darmanin announces the mobilisation of 40,000 police officers, who failed to prevent multiple looting incidents and clashes overnight

– Police arrests at least 667 people across France, greatly exceeding yesterday’s figures

– Third night of violence in France.

Except this is not the third night, or the second day of protests. In fact, the Fifth Republic under Macron has been facing these upheavals for many years now punctuated by periodic, albeit short-lived, spells of calm.

French cities lost millions of euros in damage during the Yellow Vest movement, with 1.4 million euros in losses for Paris, 1.2 million euros for Toulouse and other cities reporting hundreds of thousands of euros in damage.

Hundreds of thousands of people took to the street this year alone to voice their protest against the pension reform in France, including in Paris, Marseille and around the country. This demonstrates the gap that divides the country’s government and its people.

Macron regularly addresses the people of France. Still, his approval ratings continue to deteriorate and, according to pollsters, have reached an all-time low for a president of the Fifth Republic.

Dear French Foreign Ministry, Vilnius is scheduled to host a NATO summit in a couple of weeks, and your boss planned to attend it, or so it seems. He promised to support Zelensky there. I’ve also heard that the situation in Russia will be on the agenda there. If so, my advice would be to choose as the main topic for the upcoming summit the divisions that exist within France, fragility of the French army and its auxiliary forces, to use Macron’s language. Maybe his partners and allies can help Macron out by sending depleted uranium bombs to France in order to protect its police from the people, or the people from the police – it will be up to you.

By the way, we are fighting against an enemy, while in France you are fighting one another.

This goes to say that you’d better start by getting things straight at home before trying to set us on the right path.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 On February 28, 2022, Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki said that the use of cluster bombs would be a war crime.

Over a year later, Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor to US President Joe Biden, said at a briefing that the White House would provide cluster munitions to Ukraine.

We are looking forward to what Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will say 🎪

UPD. They decided to give the floor to the boss: President Biden said that it was a “difficult decision” to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions, but Ukrainians “need them.”

He forgot to add that dead Ukrainians need them especially badly.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 Yesterday, The New York Times published a truly sensational investigation, at least by the standards of today’s US media. “Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy.” For me, the only unnecessary thing in this headline is the quotation marks because the Kiev regime has always done this, and continues to do so.

They use the Buk air defence missile system. At least 16 Ukrainians in Konstantinovka died in an explosion of a 9M38 missile fired from a Buk system on September 6. This is the same type of an air defence system that was involved in the incident with the Malaysian Boeing in 2014.

John Ismay and his team of investigators from The New York Times write: “Witness accounts and an analysis of video and weapon fragments suggest a Ukrainian missile failed to hit its intended target and landed in a bustling street, with devastating consequences…The Sept. 6 missile strike on Konstantinovka in eastern Ukraine was one of the deadliest in the country in months. Zelensky blamed Russian “terrorists” for the attack, and many media outlets followed suit. But evidence collected and analysed by The New York Times, including missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts and social media posts, strongly suggests the catastrophic strike was the result of an errant Ukrainian air defence missile fired by a Buk launch system.”

But there is more to it.

The New York Times journalists found that Ukrainian authorities attempted an all-out information operation. Apparently, being well aware of who was responsible for the deaths in the Konstantinovka market, the Kiev regime denied journalists access to missile fragments and the area affected by the strike. However, the analysed data, including camera recordings, photos of the explosion crater, the sounds of launching the surface-to-air missiles, and eyewitness accounts – all literally point to the obvious responsibility of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Kiev authorities acted in the same way after the Malaysian Boeing tragedy. They didn't allow Malaysians access to the wreck site, didn't include Kuala Lumpur in the investigation group, and the United States didn't share materials from its satellites.

Back in 2014, Kiev didn't close the sky above the active combat zone, which led to the downing of a civilian aircraft. It's well known, though, that the Ukrainian Buk systems were in the vicinity at that time. Now, with the help of the Buk air defence missile system, Kiev has bombed its own market.

Even if this was done unintentionally, everyone is clear that the complete demilitarisation of the Kiev regime is not just a demand but an absolute and vital necessity. No matter how much all those pseudo-independent international investigative groups try to cover for their underlings.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 On September 21, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen was handing out awards on behalf of the Atlantic Council, a notorious US think tank included in the NATO system and hard at work to promote Euro-Atlantic ideas and generate Russophobic and anti-Russia narratives.

One of this year’s award winners is Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida. Ms von der Leyen delivered rather a remarkable speech, praising Mr Kishida for his support of Ukraine and opposition to Russia. She mentioned the fact that his family came from Hiroshima, where a number of his relatives were killed when an atomic bomb was dropped on the city in 1945. Yet, she did not utter a single word about the United States or the Washington criminals who had dropped the A-bombs on the Japanese cities and their civilian population. However, this bureaucrat involved in the biggest corruption scandals in the EU history went even further and blamed the tragedy of Hiroshima… on Russia.

This is what she said: “Many of your relatives lost their lives when the atomic bomb razed Hiroshima to the ground. You have grown up with the stories of survivors and wanted us to listen to the same stories, to face the past and learn something about the future... Russia threatens to use nuclear weapons once again. It is heinous, it is dangerous – and in the shadow of Hiroshima, it is unforgivable.”

What is heinous and dangerous is the lies spun by Ursula von der Leyen.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 – Britain is a truly racist country.

– In the UK, the rights of people of African descent are neglected; these people are regularly subject to discrimination in all spheres of society.

These are not my personal views, but the conclusions reached by the relevant UN mechanisms. A report on the situation with people of African descent has been posted on the website of the UN Human Rights Council.

Below are just some excerpts from the document:

“The [UN] Working Group is deeply concerned about the human rights situation of people of African descent in the UK. Stark and unsustainable inequalities are underpinned by systemic racism, bias, racially disparate and discriminatory policing, and surveillance and control of people of African descent.” (Item 17)

“The criminal justice system in the UK is a site of racial disparity, institutional racism, and individual bias, including in policing, prosecutions, and the courts.” (Item 21)

“Parents, attorneys, and civil society report administrative processes governing school suspension and permanent exclusion are coercive, draconian, and an ongoing site of institutional racism.” (Item 34)

“At the university level, Black students and scholars reported inequitable admissions procedures. In Northern Ireland universities, Black students, staff, and researchers reported systemic racism, underrepresentation, inequality in funding and opportunity for advancement or promotion, erasure of intellectual contributions relating to people of African descent in Northern Ireland, and more.” (Item 38)

“Black women reported being ignored or disbelieved and navigating institutional racism throughout pregnancy and childbirth as a norm. Black babies are stillborn at twice the rate of white babies.(Item 41)

Quoting every item would take too long, but along with education, justice and healthcare, institutional racism has also infiltrated the legal system, labour and employment practice, economy, and entertainment industry of Great Britain.

The document cites bone-chilling incidents. Item 26 tells about a British woman named Aisha Cleary, who was put in prison and placed in solitary confinement despite being pregnant; she gave birth but her newborn infant died.

In another case, Chris Kaba was shot dead by police officers driving an unmarked police car, who failed to inform anyone of the incident. Sean Rigg died after he was restrained by police officers for several minutes. Oladeji Omishore drowned in the Thames after police tased him on a bridge. (Item 20)

These are just a few cases of “English democracy.”

A truly misanthropic and arrogant island nation that has failed to condemn its own colonial ways, and ruled by a family known for its long-standing affinity for various chauvinist movements, including Nazism – this is the UK today.
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#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 Less than a quarter of a century ago, London fought a bloody civil war against its own people, killing thousands. I mean the conflict in Northern Ireland, marked by unprecedented brutality on the part of British armed forces.

London decided that enough time had passed, and now, with the world community’s attention focused on Russia and the Middle East, it had an excellent opportunity to clear away their war criminals. And now, at Christmas, they passed the Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill.

Reconciliation and settlement of problematic issues seems to be a good idea, but the goal of the law lies elsewhere.

Through this bill, British parliamentarians grant immunity from prosecution to their own military and police officers who shot at civilians during the conflict.

Now these issues will have to be considered not by a court, but by some Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery. No legal consequences, no deadlines, no arrests. And, of course, the authorities will control the activities of the commission, unlike the more or less independent judiciary.

This is how London will rehabilitate its punishers.

These are not my words. The Republic of Ireland is filing a claim against Britain to the European Court of Human Rights. Relatives of many of the victims of the British military during the armed conflict live there. The government in Dublin is outraged by London’s decision. The victims will not be avenged, and their killers will remain free simply so as not to attract unnecessary attention to the affairs of the not-so-distant past.

The next time you hear London moralists lecturing others on human rights and freedoms, remember the atrocities they carried out against their own people in recent history.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova

💬 What do a racist, a colonialist and a Western neoliberal have in common?

I'll tell you using examples from the Anglo-Saxon world.

Here's Joe Biden speaking from the podium about the importance of engaging with the indigenous peoples of the US, Native Americans.

Only Indians in the US still live on reservations, and some communities, about half of them, don't even have their own reservations: of 574 tribes, only 326 live on reservations. The rest continue to fight for their rights, but, of course, to no avail. Biden himself recognises this, “Indigenous communities still live in the shadows of the failed policies of the past.” He stated this at the recent Tribal Nations Summit. However, discrimination against Native Americans continues within the reservations as well and tribal people get lower wages, are not hired for government jobs, and crime is on the rise.

Now, with regard to Australia, the unthinkable is happening there in this department: the authorities continue to take children away from the Aborigines even in the 21st century. This absolutely genocidal practice – where children are taken away not only from their families, but also from their traditional culture – has become an everyday occurrence in Anglo-Saxon Australia. The issue is about targeted and purposeful destruction of the mechanism for passing along cultural heritage from generation to generation. Local residents are suing the authorities, because their children have been kidnapped, but most likely the lawsuit is a non-starter. The judges will not assume this kind of responsibility with the potential political implications. Both the International Criminal Court (ICC), which is only paying lip service to children's issues, and London, with whose consent all this is happening, remain silent and approve of such practices.

Let’s spend a moment discussing Canada, a country that is notorious for its closed boarding schools for indigenous children. There is a spike in ultra-violence against representatives of non-titular ethnicities. And it's not just Native Americans and Jews, the number of attacks against whom has increased significantly since the flare-up in the Middle East.

They had better address their own deep-running issues before telling others what to do.