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▶️The Soviet Union lost 27 million people during the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945). 'More than 20 thousand people per day. It's hard to imagine, these are huge numbers,' said Sergey Kudryashov, head of the Centre for the Study of Great Patriotic War History of the Institute of Russian History at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Decades later, history repeats itself. In the 21st century, Nazism reemerged in Ukraine. For years, its government has been driven by nationalist policies and the militarisation of society. Those who disagree with the policies are being arrested and eliminated.

Watch our new documentary, ‘From Berlin to Maidan’, to learn how the ideas of the Third Reich have made their return.

#history #premiere

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🌟 7 мая с.г. в Посольстве состоялся концерт, приуроченный к 78-й годовщине Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, с участием сотрудников РЗУ, членов их семей и российских соотечественников.
Посол А.В. Мантыцкий, обращаясь к аудитории, отметил, что в настоящее время Россия вынуждена противостоять попыткам стран «#коллективногоЗапада» переписать историю, обелить нацизм и навязать всему миру «порядок, основанный на правилах».
В программу концерта вошли стихи и российских и советских писателей, песни военных лет и музыкальные постановки.
Посольство также провело акцию «#Бессмертныйполк» в формате фотовыставки и поддержало масштабную инициативу Российского движения детей и молодежи «#ОкнаПобеды» по размещению праздничных трафаретов на окнах посольства.

#ДеньПобеды78 #ДвижениеПервых
🇷🇺 9 мая с.г. в Дакке прошёл автомотопробег, организованный Ассоциацией российских соотечественников «Родина», Русским домом и Ассоциацией выпускников советских/российских вузов по случаю 78-й годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.
Эта памятная акция проходит в столице Бангладеш уже во второй раз и объединяет бангладешцев, а также соотечественников, проживающих и работающих в стране.
🔹Посол России в Бангладеш А.В.Мантыцкий поздравил участников автомотопробега с праздником и подчеркнул важность сохранения памяти о подвиге наших предков и решающей роли СССР в победе над нацизмом.

#ДеньПобеды78 #БессмертныйПолк #автомотопробег
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🇷🇺 Russian President Vladimir Putin's speech at the Victory Parade

🔻Key points:

Russia has rebuffed international terrorism, and we will protect the inhabitants of Donbass. For our state there are no unfriendly hostile peoples either in the West or in the East.

▪️ The West provokes conflicts and upheavals, destroys traditional values in order to continue to dictate its own rules, and in fact - a system of robbery and violence.

▪️ The goal of Russia's opponents is to achieve the disintegration and destruction of our country.

▪️ Any ideology of superiority is disgusting, criminal and deadly, but Western elites still talk about their exclusivity.

▪️ Memorials are being destroyed in the West, a cult of Nazism is being created, this desecration is also a crime, the revanchism of those who were preparing a new campaign against Russia.

▪️ The Ukrainian people became a hostage of the coup d'état and a bargaining chip in the hands of the West.

▪️ Today, civilization is again at a decisive turning point, a real war is unleashed against us.

▪️ Decisive battles for the fate of our Motherland have always become sacred, we are proud of those who participate in the special operation, now there is nothing more important.

▪️ It is important that the leaders of the CIS have gathered in Moscow today, I see in this a grateful attitude towards the feat of our ancestors. They fought together and won together
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Forwarded from Embrus.Ghana (Sturm)
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Commemorating the 7️⃣8️⃣ Anniversary of the #GreatVictory over Nazism, 🇷🇺diplomats in #Ghana performed famous wartime songs: "The Sacred War", "Beloved City", "Victory Day".🌟

#May9 #Victory78 #VDay78 #WeRemember
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78 years ago, the Soviet Army crushed German Nazi. Around 27 million people died during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), half of the dead were civilians - elderly, women and children. The fascists tortured Soviet citizens, kept them in concentration camps, experimented on them and forced them into hard labour. People died from hunger, disease and lack of medical care. To mark this occasion, all generations of people come together to honor the memory of the victims and heroes, especially on May 9, Victory Day.

On this historic date, watch our documentaries, devoted to the events of those terrible times.

Finnish Face of Fascism (2023)
There was a whole prison archipelago in Russia’s Karelia during the Great Patriotic War, where the Finns tortured to death thousands of people from the occupied Soviet territories.

Finding the Fallen (2020)
Eight decades after the war's fierce battles, search teams continue to find the remains of soldiers. How do they search for those who disappeared many years ago?

Holocaust. The Questions I Never Asked (2022)
The fascists killed more than 800,000 Jews in Belarus. On the country's territory, the Nazis created nightmarish death camps and ghettos.

Remembrance (2018)
The West is trying to erase the contribution of the Soviet Union to the victory in World War II. The falsification of history has been going on for a long time and is gaining momentum every year.

Immortal Letters (2017)
The personal letters and photos of the Great Patriotic War from family members are highly cherished. These personal archives help to remember the real heroes.

Leningrad Siege Reflections (2013)
At least a million people died during the siege of Leningrad. Things became so desperate that the people were forced to eat dirt to survive. The documentary retells the grim stories of the survivors.


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Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova

💬 Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry referred to the presence of CIS leaders at the parade in Moscow as “an immoral and unfriendly step towards Kiev.”

Well, first of all, no one asked the Nazis for their opinion.

Second, let us talk about the notion of morality.

UNIAN, a Ukrainian state news agency, decided to poll its readers, asking them who among Russia’s prominent television presenters, frontline correspondents and opinion leaders they would prefer to see follow in Daria Dugina’s, Vladlen Tatarsky’s and Zakhar Prilepin’s footsteps as terrorist attack victims.

This is exactly the way they framed the question.

The terrorist Kiev regime wants its media to match its inhumane nature.

Vladimir Solovyov, Margarita Simonyan, Anton Krasovsky, Dmitry Kiselev, Sergei Mardan and Semyov Pegov all made the execution list. What a bloody undertaking, but for Kiev, this is business as usual.

Nearly 50,000 people have taken part in the poll so far. Judging by the number of likes and hearts under the post in question, ordinary Ukrainians, indoctrinated as they are by thermonuclear Nazi propaganda, are receptive to terrorist ideology which has all the signs of a criminal offence.

Do you think there was anyone among the patrons of the Kiev puppet show intervened to bring their underlings back to reason? Or perhaps the specialised international structures voiced their indignation? Not at all.

They had other things in mind when they nurtured this enraged rabble. Yet another American son of a gun will get away with everything, even direct incitement to carrying out a terrorist attack, as in this case.

The Third Reich was proactive in drawing up watchlists and designating enemies among artists, cultural figures, researchers and politicians whose elimination was viewed as a priority. The Kiev regime went even further by engaging society at large not only in its smear campaigns and Nazi segregation, but by making them directly involved in terrorist activity. Well, it's a fact now: the student has surpassed the master.