Russian Embassy in Albania
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Kanali në Telegram i Ambasadës së Rusisë në Shqipëri 🇷🇺🤝🇦🇱
Adresa: Tiranë, Mjull-Bathore, rr.Dervish Shaba

Официальный телеграм-канал Посольства России в Албании 🇷🇺🤝🇦🇱
Адрес: г.Тирана, Мьюл-Баторе, ул.Дервиша Шабы
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⚡️ On July 9-14, 2023 the Future Technologies Forum: Computing and Communication. The Quantum World is to take place in Russia. The Forum is one of the most prestigious scientific research and practical events in the field of quantum technology.

The Forum brings together scientists from leading universities and research centres around the world, experts and business representatives working on the creation and implementation of quantum technology solutions.

The event will highlight quantum technology and presentations of cutting-edge achievements in the development and application of commercial products.

The Forum is taking place as part of a series of events marking the Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation, which was announced in 2022 by decree of the Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The event is being organized by the Russian Quantum Center (RQC), a project office for quantum technology set up by ROSATOM and the Roscongress Foundation.

❗️ Representatives of the business community of #Albania can register for the Forum at the following link:

#Russia #Business #Forum #Science #Technologies #Future #research #computing #university
Kjo është mënyra se si regjimi i Kievit ndoqi qëllimin e tij - të shkatërrojё digën e hidrocentralit Kakhovskaya.

👉 Sulmet e Forcave të Armatosura të Ukrainës kundër digës së hidrocentralit Kakhovskaya: ja një kronologji e detajuar:

Ishin këto sulme metodike nga Forcat e Armatosura të Ukrainës ndaj hidrocentralit që shkaktuan më 6 qershor 2023 shkatërrimin e strukturave të saj dhe shkarkimin e pakontrolluar të ujit nga rezervuari Kakhovka.

#Russia #Ukraine #Terrorism #Ecocide
🎼 Nga data 19 qershor deri në 1 korrik në Moskë dhe në Shën Petërburg do të zhvillohet Konkursi Ndërkombëtar i XVII i Çajkovskit.

Për të marrë pjesë në të janë bërë 742 aplikime nga 41 vende të botës. Ndër nominimet që do të jepen janë “fortepiano”, “violinë”, “violonçel”, “këndim solo”, etj.

Konkursi është një thesar i kulturës muzikore kombëtare. Ai ka një histori të vazhdueshme dhe zhvillohet një herë në katër vite.

Gjatë viteve të tij, konkursi, i cili këtë vit mbush 65 vjeç, është bërë një nga ngjarjet më të mëdha dhe më autoritare në botë.

📺Ceremonitë solemne të hapjes dhe mbylljes, si edhe interpretimet në kuadër të programit do të transmetohen në faqen zyrtare të komkursit:
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🎥 Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with RT TV Channel on the sidelines of the 26th St Petersburg International Economic Forum (St Petersburg, June 16, 2023)

talking points:

🔹 We can no longer rely on the promises and the agreements signed with the West which were presented as a foundation for developing constructive partnership. <...> The West has “lost” Russia at this point of history.

🔹 The dominant trend today is the awareness of the need to regionalise the development processes. This includes the #SCO and, in a wider sense, the Greater Eurasian Partnership, which President Vladimir Putin mentioned at the #RussiaASEAN Summit a few years ago.

🔹 The Anglo-Saxons and their ilk are bringing pressure to bear across the board, including on our closest #CSTO allies. The Gulf Arab countries are not an exception. I would say that the Western methods are boorish. I cannot think of another word.

🔹 Our relations with the Africans and our other partners are not based on money. What we are trying to do is identify projects that meet the interests of both sides.

🔹 #BRICS will expand, with the countries representing major Arab, or Islamic civilisation in a broader sense, joining it. This will strengthen the multipolar principles that we are discussing now and that are objectively taking shape.

Read in full
🇷🇺🌊#Vollga është një lumë legjendar rus, i cili zë një vend të veçantë në jetën e vendit.

☝️Ky është një nga lumenjtë më të mëdhenj në botë dhe më i madhi në Evropë. Gjatësia e tij është 3530 km. Ai rrjedh në territorin e 15 subjekteve të Federatës Ruse.

🌆Në brigjet e Vollgës u ndërtuan Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Samara dhe Volgograd, të cilët nuk janë vetëm qendra administrative, por kanë edhe një rëndësi strategjike ekonomike, kulturore, sportive, industriale për Rusinë.
🇷🇺🌊#Волга — легендарная русская река, занимающая особое место в жизни страны.

☝️Это одна из крупнейших рек мира и самая большая в Европе. Её длина составляет 3530 км. Она протекает по территории 15 субъектов Российской Федерации.

🌆На берегах Волги расположились Нижний Новгород, Казань, Ульяновск, Самара и Волгоград, которые являются не только административными центрами, но и имеют стратегическое экономическое, культурное, спортивное, промышленное значение для России.
📆Më 22 qershor shënohen 82 vjet që nga fillimi i Luftës së Madhe Patriotike.

Ne kujtojmë tmerret e shkaktuara nga nazizmi dhe forcat që e gjithë bota duhej të përdorte për ta mposhtur atë. Përulemi para kujtimit të dëshmorëve të Luftës së Madhe Patriotike 🕯
📆June 22 marks 82 years since the start of the Great Patriotic War.

#WeRemember the horrors caused by Nazism and the forces the entire world had to employ to defeat it. We bow to the memory of those killed during the Great Patriotic War 🕯

#WW2 #Russia #war #nazism #June22 #horrors #victory #Россия #нацизм #22июня41 #победа
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
🕯 On the 82nd anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, President Vladimir Putin laid a wreath to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier by the Kremlin wall to pay tribute to the memory of those who fell while fighting the Nazi invaders.

Great Patriotic War veterans and Armed Forces veterans, as well as military personnel from the Moscow Garrison and military university graduates, took part in the ceremony.

The event concluded with the ceremonial march of the honour guard squad and the military band in front of the national military glory memorial.

The President went on to lay flowers at the Hero City obelisks and the monument in honour of the Cities of Military Glory.
Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺
#Opinion by Maria Zakharova:

💬 Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Brodsky, who is by the way a native of Leningrad, the city which survived a siege during the Great Patriotic War, told ITON-TV, an Israeli website, in pure Russian:

“The way we view people like Bandera, Shukhevich, Melnik and the like is different compared to the way most Ukrainians view them. In fact, these people supported Nazi ideology. While fighting for Ukraine’s independence, they wanted Ukraine without Jews, or Poles, or communists, and probably many others. <…> And Ukraine, of course, is searching for its identity and its heroes. Of course, we do not like these heroes, but most Ukrainians view them as independence fighters. <…> However, in all objectivity, there is no stopping this process today. <…> It would be wrong to demand that Ukraine stop renaming streets or calling Bandera or Melnik heroes as a condition for our support for Ukraine or our assistance to Ukraine because, if you look at things the way they do, this is not going to happen.”

Not a single organisation for protecting the memory of Holocaust survivors raised an eyebrow. Hey! You receive billions in funding to keep this topic in the public space! Haven’t you missed something? The Holocaust must be remembered not only because it happened in the past, but also to make sure that it never happens again, and not just against a single ethnic group or religion, but against any of them.

Since there is no one else to defend the victims of the Holocaust but us, let me remind Mr Brodsky about the ethnic policy of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists, with Stepan Bandera at its helm. Here is a quote from the second resolution of OUN B’s General Assembly in April 1941: “The Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists combats Jews as supporters of the Russian Bolshevik regime.” And here is a quote by Yaroslav Stetsko, a Bandera and Melnik accomplice: “I therefore support the destruction of the Jews and the expedience of bringing German methods of exterminating Jewry to Ukraine, barring their assimilation and the like.”

In fact, there was a massive effort to exterminate, burn and bury, without any burials or markers, Jews in Nazi-occupied Ukraine, and these inhuman heroes were proactive in assisting this effort. About 1.4 million people perished this way.

What kind of heroes was Mikhail Brodsky referring to?

German society of the late 1920s and early 1930s was also searching for its identity and heroes. Instead of humanism, a great tradition in German culture, it chose two words: blood and soil (Blut und Boden). And the heroes lived up to this slogan by initiating the Holocaust, creating concentration camps, and killing women, infants and the elderly. For the next 90 years, Germany tried to wash itself clean of this identity. But this is something that leaves a permanent stain.

If Mikhail Brodsky believes that Kiev has the right to these heroes and identity, this is the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s business.

No one has the right to have such heroes. These were not heroes, but demons, and this was not an identity, but a disgrace for the people of Ukraine. This is an act of glorifying Nazism.

As for the idea that there is nothing anyone can do about it, how blasphemous of him to say that! This was the logic of those who sponsored Hitler in the 1930s. Most of them were Anglo-Saxons, by the way.

If this was the logic of Soviet soldiers, Brodsky would not have existed today, and there would be no memory of the Holocaust to preserve either.

In one of his songs, Vladimir Vysotsky wrote: “But our squadron commander corrected its course, as his boots sent the Urals spinning.” This meant the Soviet soldiers changed the course of history and enabled humankind to recover its true face. But this did not last, as it turns out. Here we go, all over again.
Media is too big
🎵 Sot është Dita Ndërkombëtare e Balalajkës

🇷🇺 Balalajka është instrumenti me tela popullor rus më i njohur në botë.

🔹 Kjo vegël muzikore mishëron shpirtin dhe karakterin e popullit rus, tingëllimi i tij duket se zgjon shpirtrat, ndërsa këmbët i rrëmben në kërcim.

🎥 Në video: kompozicioni muzikor «Valenki», ekzekutuar nga Anastasia Tyrina (në balalajkë) dhe Artisti i Popullit të Federatës Ruse, pianisti Denis Macuev.
🎵Сегодня - Международный день балалайки

🇷🇺Балалайка - самый известный в мире русский народный струнный инструмент

🔹Этот инструмент воплощает дух и характер русского народа, его перезвон словно пробуждает души, а ноги несёт в пляс.

🎥На видео: музыкальная композиция «Валенки» в исполнении Анастасии Тюриной (балалайка) и Народного артиста РФ пианиста Дениса Мацуева.

#Rusi #Kulturë #Culture #Russia #Music #Love #Concert #Россия #Культура #Музыка #Балалайка #Концерт
"Tanke për Veshka" (PREMIERË 🎥 )

Sot Ukraina është bërë një biznes i artë për transplantologjinë e zezë.

Sipas ekspertëve, trafikimi i paligjshëm i organeve në Ukrainë është intensifikuar që nga viti 2014. Përfaqësuesit e strukturave shtetërore të Kievit dhe punonjësit e organizatave publike ndërkombëtare janë të përfshirë në biznesin kriminal, i cili sjell fitime të mëdha.

Si u kthye Ukraina në një furnizues të organeve donatore për perëndim? Pse ligjet e këtij vendi thjeshtojnë vetëm aktivitetet e kriminelëve? Shikojeni në filmin e RT (nё gjuhёn ruse):
«Танки за почки» (ПРЕМЬЕРА🎥)

«Для «чёрной трансплантологии» Украина стала просто золотым дном»

По мнению экспертов, незаконная торговля органами на Украине активизировалась с 2014 года. В преступном бизнесе, приносящем огромную прибыль, задействованы представители госструктур Киева и сотрудники международных общественных организаций.

Как Украина превратилась в поставщика донорских органов для Запада? Почему законы этой страны лишь упрощают деятельность преступников? Смотрите в фильме RT (на русском языке):
🇷🇺 Presidenti rus Vladimir Putin dhe Kryebashkiaku i Moskës Sergei Sobyanin kanë hapur itinerarin lumor tё parë në botë të transportit elektrik përgjatë lumit Moskë, i cili do tё funksionojё gjatë gjithë vitit.

💬 "Nisja e anijeve elektrike vendase është një projekt unik jo vetëm për Rusinë, por edhe për të gjithë botën. Nuk ka transport ujor i cili funksionon gjatë gjithë vitit tërësisht me anije elektrike askund tjetër, përveçse në qytetin tonë. Sot, kryeqyteti nuk është vetëm një lider në përdorimin e transportit elektrik, por edhe një qendër për zhvillimin dhe zbatimin e modeleve të tij më inovative. Anijet elektrike do të funksionojnë si një mënyrë alternative e transportit urban me intervale të shkurtra," tha Maxim Liksutov, nënkryetar i Bashkisë së Moskës.

#Rusi #Kulturë #Culture #Russia #Moscow #Tourism #Transport #Nature #Love #Россия #Москва #Культура #Туризм #Транспорт #Природа