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Adresa: Tiranë, Mjull-Bathore, rr.Dervish Shaba

Официальный телеграм-канал Посольства России в Албании 🇷🇺🤝🇦🇱
Адрес: г.Тирана, Мьюл-Баторе, ул.Дервиша Шабы
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⚡️ Pёr #perspektivat e zgjidhjes paqësore të #konfliktit#Ukrainë 🇺🇦

💬 Sot, Sekretari i Përgjithshëm i NATO-s Jens Stoltenberg tha se Rusia gjoja nuk dёrgon sinjale për paqe. Sipas tij, "kjo tregon se sa e rëndësishme është rritja e mëtejshme e mbështetjes për Ukrainën".

🤷‍♂️ Deklarata të tilla ngjallin vetёm #hutim. Moska ka demonstruar në mënyrë të përsëritur se është gati për negociata. Megjithatë, më 30 shtator tё vitit 2022, në nivel legjislativ V. Zelensky vendosi ndalimin e çdo negociate me Presidentin e Rusisë.

Fakti që Brukseli nuk i sheh apo dëgjon deklaratat e Moskës për negociata nuk është një fenomen i ri. Sidoqoftë, qasja e NATO-s pёr tё mos njohur refuzimin kategorik të regjimit të Kievit nga procesi i negociatave dhe nga zgjidhja politike e diplomatike e konfliktit është befasuese.

👉 Veçanërísht për Jens Stoltenberg, publikojmë në anglisht deklaratat e zyrtarëve tё Kievit në lidhje me perspektivat e zgjidhjes paqësore të konfliktit:

⚫️ 17 April 2022, President V. Zelensky (in an interview with CNN) "We can fight against the Russian Federation even for 10 years... Our society does not want us to continue negotiations (with Russia)." ( online media outlet).

⚫️ 8 June 2022, Minister of Foreign Affairs D. Kuleba "Russia's path to the negotiating table lies through the defeat on the battlefield" (Twitter message).

⚫️ 1 October 2022, President V. Zelensky "Ukraine is ready to negotiate with the Russian Federation, but with a new President of Russia who will understand what is going on." (President of Ukraine website).

⚫️ 18 October 2022, President V. Zelensky "There's no space left for negotiations with Putin's regime" (Twitter message).

⚫️ 8 December 2022, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine O. Danilov "To end the war, Ukraine does not need a negotiating table. Putin's surrender can be accepted standing up." (Twitter message).

⚫️ 26 January 2023, President V. Zelensky "This (negotiations) is not interesting for me. I am not interested in meeting with him (Vladimir Putin), in talking to him. I really don't understand who makes decisions in Russia." (TASS).

На русском языке:

⚡️ О перспективах мирного урегулирования конфликта на Украине

💬 Сегодня Генсек НАТО Йенс Столтенберг заявил, что Россия дескать не демонстрирует сигналов к миру. По его словам, "это свидетельствует о том, как важно еще больше увеличить поддержку Украины".

🤷‍♂️ Подобные заявления вызывают недоумение. Москва неоднократно указывала, что готова к переговорам, однако еще 30 сентября 2022 г. В.Зеленский на законодательном уровне ввел запрет на какие-либо переговоры с Президентом России.

То, что в Брюсселе не видят и не слышали заявления Москвы насчет переговоров – явление не новое. Однако тот факт, что НАТО отказывается признать категорический отказ киевского режима от переговорного процесса и политико-дипломатического урегулирования конфликта, вызывает удивление.

👉 Специально для Йенс Столтенберга на английском языке публикуем заявления киевских чиновников о перспективах мирного урегулирования конфликта:

⚫️ 17 April 2022, President V. Zelensky (in an interview with CNN) "We can fight against the Russian Federation even for 10 years... Our society does not want us to continue negotiations (with Russia)." ( online media outlet).

⚫️ 8 June 2022, Minister of Foreign Affairs D. Kuleba "Russia's path to the negotiating table lies through the defeat on the battlefield" (Twitter message).

⚫️ 8 December 2022, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine O. Danilov "To end the war, Ukraine does not need a negotiating table. Putin's surrender can be accepted standing up." (Twitter message).

⚫️ 26 January 2023, President V.Zelensky "This (negotiations) is not interesting for me. I am not interested in meeting with him (Vladimir Putin), in talking to him. I really don't understand who makes decisions in Russia." (TASS).