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LinkedIn Automated Poster Major Update

We have prepared a major update for one of the most popular automated posters in RSS Ground – LinkedIn Poster.

LinkedIn poster can make continuous posts to your LinkedIn personal feed or LinkedIn company pages. And now you can control what content you wish to post.

Find a list of new Advanced settings in the “Posting” section of your LinkedIn posting campaigns.

Now you can optionally add item’s title, description and image to posts.

Also, you can add custom text, specify call-to-action text with a link, add custom tags as well as shorten item’s link and append it with any parameters. (affiliate ids, google tags etc.)

Here is an example of LinkedIn post with all content elements:


Your existing posting campaigns will keep running with minimal settings. Please use campaign’s editor to activate these new

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RSS Ground Changelog March 2023

We are ready with another set of updates and improvements for RSS Ground.

Major update to LinkedIn Poster

LinkedIn Poster update

Now you can have a full control over your LinkedIn automated posts. You can optionally add item’s title, description and image to your post.

Also, you can add custom text, specify call-to-action text with a link, add custom tags as well as shorten item’s link and append it with any parameters (affiliate ids, google tags etc.).

Read more about LinkedIn Poster

CJ Affilliate Feeds: action required!

We have received several reports from our CJ Affiliate Feeds users that all of a sudden CJ feeds have stopped working.

It looks like some changes have occurred on the CJ Affiliate’s side. Please make sure your CJ Affiliate account is still active. You need to re-activate your CJ account to resume your CJ Affiliate…

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Meet Your New Best Friend: ChatGPT Assistant for Personal Feeds


It goes without saying that ChatGPT has become a prominent figure in today’s online community. Its impressive debut left a lasting impression on everyone, and there are numerous reasons for this.

One of the key features of ChatGPT is its innovative technology, which enables it to comprehend the context of users’ messages and respond accordingly. This advanced technology gives the chatbot a human-like and intelligent feel. Furthermore, ChatGPT is accessible 24/7, allowing users to interact with it at any time. It can converse on a wide range of topics, including entertainment, current events, and personal interests, making it highly engaging and relatable to users.

Thanks to these capabilities, ChatGPT has proven to be a valuable tool for content creators. Whether you’re struggling with a lack of…

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Let DALL-E AI draw images for your posts

A good blog post or an article requires good illustrative images. And if you don’t have them prepared or don’t want to waste your time searching for royalty free images, try DALL-E – a neural network-based artificial intelligence system created by OpenAI that is capable of generating images from textual descriptions.


Click on the OpenAI assistant option when you create a new personal feed post.

Then under “Select content type” pick DALL-E image to have a unique image drawn based on your prompt inad inserted into your post. (Read more).

Please note:
To generate images with the help of DALL-E you have to use your OpenAI Secret API key. Basic users also have to use their key to generate text with ChatGPT assistant. Paid users can use ChatGPT without an API key.

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RSS Ground Changelog June 2023

We are excited to announce a new round of updates and enhancements for RSS Ground.

YouTube Channel Feeds

We have introduced the ability to generate YouTube channel feeds using the “@channel” tag. Previously generated YouTube channel feeds will continue to function without any issues.

For more information, please refer to our user guide on YouTube Feeds.

LinkedIn Posts To Brand Pages

You can now make posts to LinkedIn brand pages (showcase pages). 

Once you authenticate your LinkedIn account in your posting campaign, you will be able to select the desired page from a list.

Read more about LinkedIn Poster.

Instagram Feeds fixes

Due to recent changes on Facebook, we have made some updates to Instagram Feeds. If your Instagram Feeds are not working, please follow these steps:

Go to the editor of the affected feed.Disconnect the…

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RSS Ground X (Twitter) Poster Major Update

Due to recent changes on Twitter, our Twitter Poster and Twitter Feeds features have been temporarily suspended.

We are excited to announce a significant update to the Twitter Poster.

Your immediate action is required to ensure the continuity of your posting campaigns!

The primary change in our new X (Twitter) Poster involves the necessity of utilizing your own Twitter app (X).

Default RSS Ground app will be limited to making posts once a day and will share 1500 posts per month among all users.

Please follow this step-by-step guide on how to create your custom X (Twitter) app.

As soon as you create your X (Twitter) app, please make sure you save Client ID and Client Secret keys. You will need them in RSS Ground.

To start making posts to your X (Twitter) account you need to create a set:  Account / X (Twitter) app. 

Here is a User

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RSS Ground Changelog October 2023

Below is the list of updates and fixes made in RSS Ground recently.

X (Twitter) Poster

After major changes on the X (Twitter) platform, we have introduced an update to our Twitter Poster.

Most options and features remain the same. However, you now need to create own Twitter apps to continue posting to your Twitter accounts. 

Previously created posting campaigns have to be updated!

For more information, please refer to our X (Twitter) Poster user guide.

X (Twitter) Feeds

Together with X (Twitter) Poster, we have updated our X (Twitter) Feeds generator.

You can generate self-updating feeds with recent posts related to a specific keyword or a specific X (Twitter) user.

No need to create your own Twitter app. All previously generated feeds will continue working.

Read more about X (Twitter) Feeds.

Instagram Poster

After recent changes on the…

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A Time for Gratitude: Wishing Our Beloved RSS Ground Community a Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear RSS Ground Family,

As the golden leaves of autumn usher in a season of warmth and gratitude, we pause to reflect on the journey we’ve shared. Thanksgiving isn’t just a holiday—it’s a heartfelt reminder of the importance of connection, community, and the spirit of giving thanks.

Today, we extend our deepest appreciation to you, our valued members, who have been the backbone of RSS Ground’s vibrant community. Your unwavering support, insightful feedback, and active participation have not only shaped our service but have also enriched the experience we provide.

Together, we’ve navigated the ever-evolving landscape of content marketing. We’ve introduced innovative features like Telegram Feeds, IFTTT integration, and Zapier integration (coming soon) —…

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Elevate Your Content Game: How Zapier Integration Can Boost Your Personal Feeds!

We’re thrilled to announce that RSS Ground has been officially approved as a Zapier app! What does this mean for you, our valuable users? Get ready to turbocharge your personal feeds with near-limitless content sourcing possibilities. For those who’ve been waiting this moment, let’s explore the new doors that have just swung wide open:

Introducing Zapier Integration to RSS Ground

Create Powerful Automations with Zaps

With our brand-new integration, you can now use RSS Ground alongside thousands of apps on Zapier. Your favorite apps can now serve as triggers in Zapier, prompting a seamless flow of content straight into RSS Ground’s personal feeds. Whether it’s a new blog post, social media update, or news article, your content curation just became automated.

RSS Ground

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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

The magic of the holiday season is upon us, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on the year that has flown by. Here at RSS Ground, we’ve been on an incredible journey, one that would not have been possible without you, our dedicated users. Your trust has empowered us to continuously enhance our offerings, ensuring you always have the best content at your fingertips.

As you deck the halls and light up your lives with joy and laughter, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude. Whether you’ve just joined us or have been a part of our family for years, your enthusiasm and commitment inspire us to keep innovating. Let’s raise a toast to the successes we’ve shared and the breakthroughs ahead.

May the festive season wrap you in happiness, and may the New Year be filled with prosperity, inspiring content, and extraordinary…

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Full Zapier Experience + Other Automation Platforms

In the digital age, content is king. But managing and distributing content efficiently across various channels can be a royal pain without the right tools. RSS Ground has made another giant leap for content automation by integrating first with IFTTT,  now Zapier and soon Pabbly Connect

Thousands of third-party apps and services are now ready to enhance your content marketing capabilities. With RSS Ground, now you’re not just scheduling content – you’re building an automated digital ecosystem that grows with you.

Learn more about RSS Ground integration with major automation platforms

Since we now compatible with more than one automation platforms, IFTTT Poster has been replaced with Integration Platforms Poster. This new Integration Platforms Poster is now supporting  IFTTT, Zapier or Pabbly Connect (coming…

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Pabbly Connect Integration With RSS Ground

We know that you are still playing with Zapier integration but we have some more exciting news for you. RSS Ground app was just approved by the Pabbly team. Now RSS Ground is fully integrated with Pabbly Connect automation platform. Those of you who’s been waiting for this, can start creating your Pabbly Connect workflows with RSS Ground app now.

To Automate Content Sharing:
You need to create at least one Integrations Platforms posting campaign and then create a workflow in Pabbly Connect with RSS Ground app as a “trigger”.

To Automate Content Collection:
You need to create at least one personal feed and then create a workflow in Pabbly Connect with RSS Ground app as an “action”.

Read more about creating workflows with RSS Ground integration, trigger or action.

Now that we have three major automation…

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RSS Ground Changelog March 2024

Check out the latest changes and updates we added to the service in March of 2024.

Test Post Option For Manual Posts

Following numerous requests from our users, we have added a Test Post option to your posting campaigns. You can now run manual posts regardless of whether the posting campaign is active or paused.

You can find the Test Post option in the campaign’s log pop-up or in the campaign’s editor, under the Automation section.

Please note, that using the Test Post option won’t affect the posting campaign’s automation settings.

Read more about “Test Post” option

Personal Feeds Posts Limits

We would like to remind you about the limits for Personal Feeds. You can add a maximum of 500 posts to your personal feeds. Out of these, the 50 latest posts will be visible in the personal feed, while the remaining 450…

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Personal feeds as new triggers in Zapier, IFTTT & Pabbly Connect

We’ve recently tapped into the power of automation with our integrations with IFTTT, Zapier, and Pabbly Connect! Now, you can effortlessly manage your content across the web, extending your reach and impact through automated posting campaigns!

Learn more about RSS Ground integration with major automation platforms

But hold onto your hats, because we’re just getting started… We’ve now integrated Personal Feeds as a trigger in all three automation platforms: Zapier, IFTTT, and Pabbly Connect.

To begin sharing content from your personal feeds, you’ll need to set up a workflow (Zap or applet) with RSS Ground as a trigger. Each time a new item appears in your personal feed, it triggers an action. Think of it as a mini posting campaign with just one content feed that triggers as soon as…

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Automate posting to anywhere via webhooks

Not so long ago, RSS Ground became “compatible” with automation platforms such as Zapier, IFTTT, and Pabbly Connect. You can use RSS Ground Posting Campaigns and Personal Feeds as “triggers,” and utilize Personal Feeds as “actions.” But many of our customers have been inquiring about compatibility with other automation platforms or even their proprietary software, questioning if RSS Ground can interact with them. As it’s not possible to cover every available software or service out there, we have decided to implement a “universal” solution…

Meet Webhooks!

A “webhook” is like a signal that one website sends to another when something happens. It’s a way for websites to communicate with each other in real-time. Imagine you have two apps that need to share…

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“Facebook groups” feeds and posting have been deprecated

We are sorry to inform you that posting to Facebook groups and generating Facebook group feeds is no longer available in RSS Ground.

Facebook has deprecated its Groups API and restricted Facebook group access for developers. 

Read more about Facebook deprecations and Breaking changes.

All posting campaigns that make posts to Facebook groups and RSS feeds of Facebook groups will now stop working. 

Please note, posting to Facebook pages and RSS feeds of Facebook pages are not affected and will continue to operate as usual.

The post “Facebook groups” feeds and posting have been deprecated appeared first on

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RSS Ground Changelog May 2024

Check out the latest changes and updates we added to the service in May of 2024.

Personal Feeds As Triggers In Automation Platforms

We have integrated Personal Feeds as a trigger in all three automation platforms: Zapier, IFTTT, and Pabbly Connect.

Think of it as a mini posting campaign with just one content feed that triggers as soon as there’s a new item.

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Automate Posting To Anywhere Via Webhooks

Webhooks is a “universal” solution that allows you to connect RSS Ground with ANY web service that supports webhooks, further expanding your content automation capabilities.

The webhook option has been added to the Integration Platforms Poster. You can find it in the “Posting destination” dropdown.

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X (Twitter) Poster image posting has been approved

We have improved image posting in automated Twitter Poster.


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Interface updates and improvements.

We are glad to introduce some interface updates and improvements.

In the Feeds Box you can now see a new Filter icon.

Click to filter your content feeds by type, source and status and to use search option.  You can also change the number of feeds per page.

We have also added the Reset filters option for your convenience.


Use the Add content button to generate more content feeds.  

For further actions with your content feeds, select needed feeds from the list and use the Selected option. Please note, that only feeds on a current page can be selected for further processing. You can play with filters and feeds per page options to get all you necessary feeds on the same page.

Pay attention, the bar with filters and action buttons is now sticky. You can scroll down the list of your content feeds still having the needed options at your…

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Affiliate disclosure in feeds, posts and widgets

We would like to remind those who are engaged in affiliate marketing and promotion of goods and services for affiliate commissions, about the necessity of using affiliate disclosure on the pages and  in the posts that contain affiliate products.

Affiliate disclosure is a statement that makes it clear there is an affiliate relationship between a publisher and a brand. This can be a relationship where the affiliates receive anything in return for their endorsements, such as a commission, free items, flat fee, sponsorship, or other things of non-monetary value.

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) requires anyone engaged in affiliate marketing in the U.S. to clearly and conspicuously disclose that they may receive compensation for their promotion of third-party products or services.  When using written media with a link of any…

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You asked – we listened: Personal Feeds interface update

Your feedback matters to us, and we’ve been working hard on our Personal Feeds based on what you told us in our ongoing survey.

We’re excited to show off a cleaner, user-friendly update – a straightforward, refreshed look that makes creating and editing personal feeds simple and efficient.


The feed title is now prominently visible at the top of the page when editing a feed.


The personal feed settings section is collapsible for better and quicker access to items.


We’ve also added a new sticky navigation bar for items, featuring “Write new post” and “Filters” buttons.


The Filters button allows you to search for items, filter them by status (Active, Scheduled, Draft, and Archived), and change the items’ view or their number per page.


Now, instead of…

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