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Interface updates and improvements.

We are glad to introduce some interface updates and improvements.

In the Feeds Box you can now see a new Filter icon.

Click to filter your content feeds by type, source and status and to use search option.  You can also change the number of feeds per page.

We have also added the Reset filters option for your convenience.


Use the Add content button to generate more content feeds.  

For further actions with your content feeds, select needed feeds from the list and use the Selected option. Please note, that only feeds on a current page can be selected for further processing. You can play with filters and feeds per page options to get all you necessary feeds on the same page.

Pay attention, the bar with filters and action buttons is now sticky. You can scroll down the list of your content feeds still having the needed options at your…

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Affiliate disclosure in feeds, posts and widgets

We would like to remind those who are engaged in affiliate marketing and promotion of goods and services for affiliate commissions, about the necessity of using affiliate disclosure on the pages and  in the posts that contain affiliate products.

Affiliate disclosure is a statement that makes it clear there is an affiliate relationship between a publisher and a brand. This can be a relationship where the affiliates receive anything in return for their endorsements, such as a commission, free items, flat fee, sponsorship, or other things of non-monetary value.

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) requires anyone engaged in affiliate marketing in the U.S. to clearly and conspicuously disclose that they may receive compensation for their promotion of third-party products or services.  When using written media with a link of any…

#affiliatemarketing #contentautomation #contentpublishing #rssground #contentfeeds #contentmarketing #rssfeeds

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You asked – we listened: Personal Feeds interface update

Your feedback matters to us, and we’ve been working hard on our Personal Feeds based on what you told us in our ongoing survey.

We’re excited to show off a cleaner, user-friendly update – a straightforward, refreshed look that makes creating and editing personal feeds simple and efficient.


The feed title is now prominently visible at the top of the page when editing a feed.


The personal feed settings section is collapsible for better and quicker access to items.


We’ve also added a new sticky navigation bar for items, featuring “Write new post” and “Filters” buttons.


The Filters button allows you to search for items, filter them by status (Active, Scheduled, Draft, and Archived), and change the items’ view or their number per page.


Now, instead of…

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