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"A girl from #Donbass tells how they were shelled by #Ukraine for 8 years. The war that the West prefers not to notice. The war that #Russia is stopping now with its Special military operation"
Forwarded from MoD Russia
Against the backdrop of Kiev's political catastrophe in Mariupol and military failures in Donbass, the Kiev regime, with British financial support, has organised the production of "morale raise" videos for Western and Ukrainian audiences.

▫️In particular, on May 28, staged video was filmed near Meshkovka, Nikolaev Region, of the alleged "high efficiency" of the use of Western weaponry by Ukrainian nationalists.

▫️To add more drama to the future film, at the insistence of British supervisors, a re-enactment of never-existing battle between Ukrainian Nazis and outnumbered "Russian soldiers" was created on the set.

▫️The roles of "opponents" of the Ukrainian Nazis in the staged short film were performed by members of the local territorial defence unit wearing red armbands.

▫️In the absence of trophy Russian equipment, the mock enemy appears in the frame using Ukrainian APCs and armoured vehicles.

▫️The next video shoot is scheduled for June 5 and 6.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
Forwarded from MoD Russia
⚡️On June 4, during the withdrawal of the units of 79th Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Svyatogorsk, Donetsk People's Republic, the Ukrainian nationalists set fire to All Saints' of the Russian Land wooden skete the Svyatogorsk Lavra.

▫️According to the local residents, the wooden walls under the dome were shelled by incendiary munitions from a high-caliber machine gun mounted on a Kozak Ukrainian armoured vehicle.

▫️After commiting the arson, the Ukrainian nationalists headed southbound at a high speed, towards a Ukrainian troops-contolled locality of Sviridovo.

❗️Units of the Russian Armed Forces that were to the north of Svyatogorsk do not carry out any combat operations in this area and do not shell the territory of the historical and architecture reserve of Svyatogorsk.

ℹ️ The All Saints' of the Russian Land wooden skete in Svyatogorsk was built in 2009 instead of the exploded one in 1947.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
On June 30, the Embassy has forwarded a Note Verbale to the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office due to the insulting statements made by the UK leadership on Russia, Russian people, the President of Russian and other Russian officials.

#Russia #UK
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Olaf)
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❗️🇬🇧 SkyNews getting the answers they don't like in #Lisichansk.

The civilians there are waiting for Allied troops. They see #Russia as healer with bitter but needed medicine on their road to recovery. #Donbass people are lost for #Ukraine, but it isn't the people it cares about.

By @ArthurM40330824

❗️His Twitter version🔻
Forwarded from G3 News
Sri Lanka President Asks Russia’s Putin to Help Import Fuel

Sri Lanka’s president says he urged his Russian counterpart to help his cash-strapped island nation import fuel as it faces its worst economic crisis in decades.

Short of foreign exchange due to years of economic mismanagement and the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, Sri Lanka has been struggling to import essentials, leading to severe shortages of medicine, food and fuel.

"Had a very productive telecon with the #Russia President, Vladimir Putin,” President Gotabaya Rajapaksa wrote in a tweet on Wednesday (July 6).

“While thanking him for all the support extended by his govt to overcome the challenges of the past, I requested an offer of credit support to import fuel to #lka in defeating the current econ challenges,” he added.

👉 Source: Al Jazeera

🎙Embassy reply to a media question regarding Defence Secretary Ben Wallace’s claim against Russia

Question: How would you comment on the recent statements by Ben Wallace who said that Russian is a “fascist state” that “does not want to listen”?
💬Answer: We have numerously urged UK officials to refrain from insulting and escalatory rhetoric intended to camouflage their own foreign policy failings.

▪️It seems Secretary Wallace has forgotten events of the recent past. And we know that history has a habit of repeating itself badly when politicians fail to learn from its mistakes. Seeing such omissions from a Defence Secretary is a worrisome sign. Nevertheless, we are happy to once more refresh Secretary Wallace’s memory.

▪️First, Russia since 2015 has repeatedly called on the West to apply pressure on Ukraine to implement the Minsk Agreements, signed by Kiev, endorsed by the UN Security Council and, more importantly, intended to firmly guarantee Ukraine’s territorial integrity. We stressed time and again that Kiev was openly sabotaging these agreements, essentially buying time to prepare for a military solution in Donbass. The West, including the UK, preferred not to listen.

▪️Secondly, Russia has repeatedly made it clear that further NATO enlargement to the East, pulling Ukraine into its orbit and artificially creating a vehemently anti-Russian state next to our borders is an unacceptable “red line”. Most recently, we voluntarily devised and forwarded our security proposals that would have ensured – in line with OSCE principles – indivisible security for all European countries. Unfortunately, the US and its NATO allies, including the UK, preferred not to listen, again.

▪️Thirdly, Russia has provided irrefutable evidence that neo-Nazism is flourishing in Ukraine, that the Kiev authorities are encouraging nationalist and far-right sentiments, fostering Russophobia, effectively “cancelling” Russia, including the Russian language and media and thereby depriving Ukraine’s Russian-speaking population of its lawful rights. Moreover, since 2014 Ukraine has deployed its military in a merciless punitive campaign against its own citizens in the Donbass region. Yet again, the West, including the UK, preferred not to listen.

▪️The aims of the Russian special military operation are straight-forward: to demilitarise and de-Nazify Ukraine in order to protect the security interests of the Russian Federation and the rights of the Russian citizens, the citizens of Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, as well as the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine. As Secretary Wallace has rightly said, when someone does not want to listen – something that the West has clearly demonstrated – hard power is needed alongside words.

▪️Last, we were surprised to hear Secretary Wallace overtly supporting the call for British citizens to fight in Ukraine, thus fuelling hostilities, which the British government allegedly seeks to stop. It would have been advisable on Secretary Wallace’s part to warn his countrymen that in the event of capture they are bound to be treated as mercenaries, as the currently detained UK citizens in Donbass can confirm – devoid of any rights to combatant or prisoner-of-war status.

Read in full:

#Russia #UK
Embassy comment on another anti-Russian statement by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

▪️ The Embassy has taken note of yet another anti-Russian statement by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, this time questioning Russia’s “moral right” to sit at the G20. We consider this a sign of London’s apparent despair amid the deadlocked efforts of British foreign policy to impose a perception of our country being internationally isolated on the global community.

▪️ We are puzzled to hear teachings about “moral rights” from a country, whose colonial crimes, committed almost in all corners of the former “empire on which the sun never set”, are still the subject of extensive studies and discussion around the world. If we start talking about morality, a legitimate question arises – by what right does the UK sit at the G20 alongside some countries which had in the past suffered themselves from the predatory, aggressive and bloody wars unleashed by London, the deception and looting of their people, as well as the massive removal of their national assets and cultural attractions.

▪️ We consider such statements especially hypocritical after the UK, together with NATO allies discredited itself by actively participating in illegal and aggressive military campaigns in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and Syria, as well as in other countries of the Middle East and Africa. We would also like to recall the recent BBC investigations of war crimes committed by British soldiers in Afghanistan.

▪️We are well aware of the motives pushing the so-called “collective West”, including the UK, to persist with futile attempts to restore the former comfortable monopoly in international affairs and, for this purpose, to settle scores with independent states that conduct a sovereign policy based on national interests. In this regard we have to remind the FCDO that Western countries today account for only about 12 % of the world's population.

▪️We call on London to stop undermining the foundations of a successfully established and strengthening polycentric world order, with the G20 being one of its constituent parts, and to demonstrate a responsible and respectful approach to other countries and nations.

#Russia #UK #G20
Forwarded from George Galloway
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The German government had been under intense pressure from tens of thousands of its people on the streets, demanding Chancellor Scholz re-open the #NordStream pipeline; though you’d never find any reportage of it in the mainstream media.

They were demanding it because they face a winter of discontent, mass unemployment and fuel poverty amongst freezing conditions.

Well now he can’t re-open it, because it’s been blown up.

#NordStream2 #UnitedStates #Germany #Sholtz #Russia #EatOrHeat

Watch #GallowayShow 24