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@CryptoVIPSignalTA  will host Telegram Voice AMA with #ARPA  on 21st OCT (2:00 PM UTC )

Submit your questions in the Google Form Mentioned on Twitter and get a chance to win a reward $300 for asking the 6 best questions, 2 Random AMA listeners will get a chance to win reward of $200 in #ARPA😊 β€”>


πŸ“’ Join TG For Voice AMA - T.me/CryptoVIPSignalTA

#AMA  #Rewards #ARPA
@CryptoVIPSignalTA  will host Telegram Voice AMA with #PIVX  on 29th Nov (4:00 PM UTC )

Submit your questions in the Google Form Mentioned in pinned post on twitter and get a chance to win a reward of 3000 in PIVX. rewards will be distributed equally for asking the best questions, 5 Random AMA listeners will get a chance to win reward of $500 in #PIVX😊 β€”>

πŸ“’ Join TG For Voice AMA - T.me/CryptoVIPSignalTA

#AMA  #Rewards #PIVX
@CryptoVIPSignalTA  will host Telegram Voice AMA with #ANKR CEO & @realyoyowduyuru (Biggest Turkish Whale community )
  on 18th Nov (4:00 PM UTC )

Submit your questions in the Google Form Mentioned in pinned post on twitter and get a chance to win a reward of $1000 in #ANKR. rewards will be distributed equally for asking the best questions, 5 Random AMA listeners will get a chance to win reward of $500 in #ANKR😊 β€”>


πŸ“’ Join TG For Voice AMA - T.me/CryptoVIPSignalTA

#AMA  #Rewards #ANKR
What is Selfish Mining ?

#Selfish mining in Bitcoin is a strategy used by some #miners to increase their chances of earning mining rewards by withholding blocks that they have mined from the rest of the network. By #secretly mining on the next block, they can gain an advantage over other miners and earn more #rewards than their fair share. This can harm the network's security and decentralization, especially if the selfish miner controls a significant share of the #network's hash rate. The Bitcoin network is constantly being improved to prevent selfish mining and maintain its #security and #decentralization.

Let's See a Example of this

Let's say there are three miners on the #Bitcoin network: Miner A, Miner B, and Miner C. Each miner has an equal share of the network's #hash rate, which means they have an equal chance of mining a new #block and earning a reward.

Miner A mines a new block and broadcasts it to the network for verification. Miners B and C receive the #block and start working on the next block. However, before #broadcasting the new block, Miner A decides to #withhold the block and continues mining on the next block in secret.

Meanwhile, Miners B and C continue to work on the next block, #unaware that Miner A has already solved it. When Miner A eventually broadcasts their new block to the network, the other miners see that it has been solved and discard their own work on the next #block. This gives Miner A a head start on the next block, and they are more likely to earn the #reward for that block.

If Miner A continues to withhold blocks and keeps #mining on the next block in secret, they can gain an #advantage over the other miners and earn more rewards than their #fair share. This is known as selfish mining because Miner A is not playing fair and is intentionally withholding information from the network to #gain an unfair advantage.
What is MasterNoding ?

#Masternoding is a process of earning passive income by holding a certain amount of a #cryptocurrency and running a masternode. A masternode is a full node on a blockchain network that is incentivized to perform certain tasks that help to secure and maintain the #network, such as verifying and validating #transactions, #processing and storing #data, and executing smart #contracts.

To run a masternode, one must hold a certain amount of the cryptocurrency that powers the network, which acts as #collateral and helps to prevent #fraudulent activity on the network. In return for running a masternode, the node operator is rewarded with a portion of the network's transaction #fees, block #rewards or other types of incentives.

Masternoding is often seen as a more #passive and low-risk way to earn #income from cryptocurrencies, as it requires little active involvement beyond setting up and #maintaining the masternode. However, it also comes with some risks, such as market #volatility and technical issues with the masternode software. It is important to do thorough research and understand the #risks involved before investing in Masternoding.
What is #PoT (Proof of Time) ?

Proof of Time (#PoT) is a consensus algorithm used in some #cryptocurrencies to validate transactions and add new blocks to the #blockchain. It is a type of proof-of-resource #consensus mechanism, uses time as the resource instead of #computing power or stake.

In #PoT, participants must show that they have waited for a certain #amount of time before they can participate in the consensus process. This waiting period ensures that participants have invested real time and resources into the network, and helps to prevent #attacks such as double-spending or #blockchain reorganizations.

To participate in the consensus process, participants must first wait for a certain amount of time, which can vary depending on the #cryptocurrency and the network's #configuration. Once the waiting period has #elapsed, participants can then validate transactions and earn block #rewards by providing valid proofs of their participation in the consensus #process.
What is Crypto Faucet ?

A crypto #faucet is a website or application that rewards users with small amounts of #cryptocurrency for completing certain tasks or activities. It is called a "#faucet" because it operates similarly to a tap or faucet that releases small amounts of water.

In the context of #cryptocurrency, a faucet typically dispenses small fractions of a cryptocurrency token, such as #Bitcoin or #Ethereum, to users. These tokens are usually given away for #free and serve as a way to introduce new users to the world of cryptocurrencies. The tasks or activities required to earn the #rewards can vary and may include #watching advertisements, #completing surveys, #playing games, or #solving captchas.

Crypto faucets are often used as a promotional #tool by cryptocurrency projects to increase awareness, drive user engagement, and distribute #tokens to a wider #audience. While the rewards from crypto faucets are typically small, they can #accumulate over time, especially if users consistently engage with multiple faucets.
@CryptoVIPsignalTA  will host Telegram Voice AMA with #FLOKI on 18th Feb ( 16:00 UTC )

Submit your questions in the Google Form Mentioned in pinned post on twitter and get a chance to win a reward of $500 in $FLOKI. rewards will be distributed equally for asking the best questions, 5 Random AMA listeners will also get a chance to win reward of $100 each in $FLOKI😊 β€”>

Tweet link : https://x.com/cryptovipsignal/status/1757306794366427266?s=46

πŸ“’ Join TG For Voice AMA - T.me/cryptovipsignalTA

#AMA  #Rewards #FLOKI
@CryptoVIPsignalTA  will host Telegram Voice AMA with #FLOKI on 18th Feb ( 16:00 UTC )

Submit your questions in the Google Form Mentioned in pinned post on twitter and get a chance to win a reward of $500 in $FLOKI. rewards will be distributed equally for asking the best questions, 5 Random AMA listeners will also get a chance to win reward of $100 each in $FLOKI😊 β€”>

Tweet link : https://x.com/cryptovipsignal/status/1757327518191730706?s=46

πŸ“’ Join TG For Voice AMA - T.me/cryptovipsignalTA

#AMA  #Rewards #FLOKI