Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
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Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P4: Bio-mimetics. Bio-digital convergence. Synthetic biology. One of the great dreams of the enemy: corrupting life, and making it's own twisted creation Mimicking life in man-made stuff = bio-mimicry. So no wonder all…
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P5:

When using synthetic tech to copy real life -

❗️It's all about corrupting life, and making fake life

Corrupting Life

Just naturally - nanoparticles act like parasites
(refer to part 2)

Not only do nanoparticles act like life
They alter life


1️⃣ Nanotech infection can be mistaken for bacteria, fungus, parasites etc
2️⃣ Nanotech integrates with these things, and adds a synthetic element

Why don't herbal remedies work the same way they used to? 🍄

➡️ It's because the synthetic nano component INTEGRATED with the bacteria/fungus/parasite etc

So now -

To make fake life

They take inspiration from real life, and think
"how can this be mimicked and weaponised?"

They then take these inherent properties of nanoparticles -> and program them

In Part 6 how does synthetic biology tie into programming life? and programming us?
And by the way, this is not to scare you

I believe there is a lot of POWER in actually understanding the problem

Monsters in the dark are far scarier than something I understand 👻

Understand the problem, understand the solution
Nanotech Quote of the Day #13

"When dealing with nano... we're not just fighting a heavy metal, we're fighting an integration of synthetic nano with life"
- Tony Pantalleresco, 2018
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P6:

Synthetic Biology is a really broad term

I think bio-digital convergence is often a better conversation starter

A simple example of synthetic biology is GMOs.

📌 Programming life. Altering life.

♦️Making plants produce vaccines
♦️Turning your cells into medication factories
♦️Making self-repairing clothes with engineered bacteria

So connecting the dots

A very plausible possibility (and already partial reality)
➡️ Creating instant kill-switches or sleep-switches inside of people

Bio-digital convergence more specifically describes manipulating life more directly

With technology & life mixed together worse than all your missing socks 🧦🥴

What is neuralink all about? Interfacing tech with your brain waves 🧠🤖

Or what about

Digitally controlling an insect's body through a microchip implant
The digital chip controls the insect by modulating the insect's nervous system

How is this done?

Our nervous system uses electricity: this is simply hijacked by the 'smart technology'

And if you can hijack the signal, you can control the entire system

Is this reminding you of a certain special monkey's quote?

"Humans are now hackable animals"
- a self-proclaimed ape whose name you know 🦧💃

There's a reason for every single thing he says.

And it ain't pretty, but there's a solution 💪

In Part 7 we'll start connecting transhumanism with bio-digital convergence
Why is everything getting trademarked on iHerb? ™️©️

From Magnesium to Ashwaganda herbal extract

More supplement industry takeover

Now you can't even look at a herbal remedy without a patent or trademark symbol in your face
Health industry takeover P3

This is what they're giving pregnant women and their babies

A bunch of grade A posions that cause genetic mutations and damage
5 out of 6 chemicals used to block UV in Sunscreen are endocrine disruptors

(Endocrine disruptor simply means it messes up your hormones)
Debunking the Hydrogel Buzzword

The word "hydrogel" itself, LITERALLY MEANS NOTHING

It blows my mind how the biggest M.D, PHD, celebrity goof-balls and researchers mess this up all the time 🤯

And the worst part?

They're making fools of everyone who follows them

If I told you that something is bad because it is a gel? What would your reaction be?

➡️ You would laugh... why?

Well because there are good gels: like aloe vera & strawberry jam
And toxic gels like hair gel filled with petrochemicals

A HYDRO-GEL is a type of gel

Have you ever dissolved gelatin in boiled water? You just made a hydrogel 😂

A hydrogel, is simply a FORM.
Refer here:

It speaks nothing of the actual particles that make up the hydrogel

Strawberry jam? Or hair gel?

When the goofy gurus speak about hydrogels, they're usually speaking of synthetic polymer-based hydrogels

Which are used in biomedical applications and are pretty toxic.

They're not toxic because they're hydrogels, they're toxic because of what the hydrogel is made up of

Now imagine a well intentioned truther trying to explain the toxicity of the 💉 to a normie who took 5 minutes of chemistry in highschool.... the goofy gurus make people look like absolute fools

They discredit our movement from within
Must be the COVID spike protein, we need to vaccinate the babies more. Be responsible.
Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P6: Synthetic Biology is a really broad term I think bio-digital convergence is often a better conversation starter A simple example of synthetic biology is GMOs. 📌 Programming life. Altering life. ♦️Making plants produce…
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P7:

🦧 "Humans will no longer have control over their own lives"
🦧 "Free will, that's over"
🦧 "Governments and corporations will be able to hack all the people"

Applying the above in humans gets freaky.

Officially, transhumanism is all about combining tech with humans for 'improvement'

Yay I'm gonna get superpowers 🦸‍♂️

Not so sure about that -

Firstly, have no doubt in your mind:

When life is integrated with tech - there is a lot of resistance

Another way of saying this is:
Inflammation, stress, mutations & cell death are all associated with bio-digital integration

Then consider how all the research is going into remote healthcare

➡️ How to diagnose & medicate people, REMOTELY

How is this achieved?

Robots inside you, that stay inside you.

Nanotechnology. Synthetic biology. Bio-digital convergence.

Are the dots connecting now?

In Part 8 we'll connect the PROMISES of Yuval Harari, to harsh reality
Nano Enabled On Demand Triggering of Anesthetic

Make 'em sleep by pressing a button ▶️😴

This is an example of using a frequency to activate the release of a nano carrier.

In this case they used gelatin coating on the gold-iron nanoparticles to trick the body.
Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P7: 🦧 "Humans will no longer have control over their own lives" 🦧 "Free will, that's over" 🦧 "Governments and corporations will be able to hack all the people" Applying the above in humans gets freaky. Officially, transhumanism…
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P8:

A quick, but shrewd look at the world -

It's easy to come to the conclusion:

⭕️ They ALREADY control our thoughts
⭕️ They ALREADY control our opinions
⭕️ They ALREADY have a great power over our life, decisions and actions (just look at the education system brainwashing)

Everything you look at
Everything you watch
Everything you listen to
Everything you read

It's all programming you - whether you like it or not

Just look at how a single shooting psyop has distracted millions of 'truthers'

It's been a whole week and everyone is still distracted

Another example -

Millions of 'truthers' leave the medical system every year,
Only to enter the supplement industry, owned by the VERY SAME people -

... and with the same blood sucking affects as the medical system.

They control you without any circuitry in your head -

And yet this control is still not enough for them

When do the sickos stop?
Answer: they don't 🥴

What if the very color of your emotions could be tracked at all time?

Your entire nervous system modulated at the click of a button.

Now you're happy, now you're sad. Now you're petrified, now you're asleep.
One minute your heart is beating too fast, the next you forgot how to breath.

When you consider Mr Baboon's "hackable animal" quote 🦧🐒

the goal now is programmatic control

Treating the body like a computer program. Controlling all the variables with simple commands

In Part 9 we'll expand on this and I will do the impossible task of separating between "current tech" and "possible/future tech"

More info:
"Aluminum can reach the placenta and fetus and to some extent distribute to the milk of lactating mothers"


⭕️ Aluminum cookware & water bottles
⭕️ Aluminum foil in cooking
⭕️ Deodorant
⭕️ Perfumes
⭕️ Diary products produced commercially
⭕️ Zeolite & Bentonite Clay

Positive Action
🟢 Eat raw onions and macadamias
🟢 Ginger & fenugreek for herbs

Maintenance dosage means you have a little every day.
Therapeutic dosage means you have LARGE amounts for a short period of time to help your body overcome the aluminum.
Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P1 Some people get caught up in extremely advanced complicated interpretations of the nano assault We all understand nano is toxic But then you have talk of the intra-body nano network And vampiric energy sucking Synthetic…
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P9:

To understand the nano assault, we need to separate between 3 camps

1️⃣ Toxicity of nanoparticles just doing their normal thing
2️⃣ Arcane elements of nanoparticles just doing their thing
(e.g. naturally forming synthetic biology, vampiric energy sucking etc)
3️⃣ Weaponized programmed nano where industries exploit nano's properties for a specific purpose
(e.g. wireless body area network, computer CPU, geo-engineering, dug delivery etc)

We then need to acknowledge a key point

We can only base our conclusions on two things

1️⃣🟩 The science we are provided with in the public domain

This is informing, BUT -

🟥 The science they have is always more advanced than they tell us... so we're always playing catch up

2️⃣🟩 Our experiments and what we can reliably measure/observe

➡️ This is the most credible source however some things sometimes can't be measured

🟥 Patents and so-called whistleblowers can provide a general idea: however I consider them generally unreliable

* You can patent a concept or 'idea', with no physical implementation being made
* A whistleblower can provide great insight, or might be a clout-chasing fantasy spinning fool

A close look at a lot of the 'proof' papers will show you that there are no actual working models of the tech the paper is talking about.

On the other hand,

If the corporations and military are 10-20 years ahead of us, then it's plausible they in fact DO have this technology.

It just hasn't been released publicly.

Research costs a lot of money. If they're spending money on something, developing and releasing the tech is part of the plan.


Do nanomaterials make you more EMF sensitive?

Are nanomaterials great for producing extra-small circuitry?
Yes (it's called molecular computing)

Can nanomaterials be used to manipulate light and radio frequency?

Are many injected people emitting EMFs and digital signals?

Intra-body nano network technology "officially" is no-where near ready

However the evidence seems to suggest otherwise

Your explanation for WHAT and WHY comes down to your own worldview

In Part 10 we'll talk about vampiric energy sucking
On the left in red:

Inorganic building blocks
➡️ metals, carbons, rocks

Organic building blocks
➡️ fats, polymers, bacteria

Accessory building blocks
➡️ anti-bodies, polymers, proteins, genetic material, dyes, gelatin, fulvic acid, PEG, cell receptors, ligands
Nanotech & Vampiric energy sucking

Your body runs on fuel.

The 'petrol' your cells is called ATP.

As nanoparticles penetrate through cells and assemble:

They come into contact with your ATP 'petrol'

The nano constructs then rob your cells of their 'petrol' and -

ATP is then incorporated into the structural network to improve the stability of the nano structures

Binding the synthetic constructs together

🔥 Nanoparticle toxicity

One of the many ways nano damages you is by reducing the amount of energy your cells can be produce

Meaning you need to eat MORE FOOD, for LESS ENERGY.

And you become tired not only because your cells don't have energy, but it's harder for your food to be digested.

All particles caused varying degrees of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) suppression.
Nanotech Quote of the Day #14

"All [nano]particles caused varying degrees of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) suppression."

"[Nanomaterial induced] toxic effects ultimately lead to decreased ATP production and apoptosis"

What you need to understand about nano in your body is -

you are not a test tube.

Your body has thousands of different toxins you're eating, drinking, breathing and touching daily

These materials combine together in your body

The interactions between different
nanometals, carbons, plastics, genetic material, bacteria and other toxins
are so complex...

Research papers cannot even BEGIN to understand these interactions

Goofy gurus talk about poly-ethylene glycol (PEG) and PEG hydrogels

Has it ever occurred to them that the PEGs in everyone integrate with the nanogold they prescribe?

Together these two toxic materials form a program that hides the gold nanoparticle from immune detection, while taking the gold to vulnerable sites in the body.

Wondering why there's an epidemic of chronic inflammation?

One of the reasons is that these nanoparticles specifically target sites with inflammation in your body.

Ensuring even more damage is done.

What does this mean long term? Auto-immune diseases & cancer!
