Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
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When you show them the evidence then they say:
"oh yeah but it only did that in mice, 'humans' are different"
Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
Something that baffles me: How can you look at a conductive metal used in computers & electronics and think "oh so I have a carbon nano circuitry problem (graphene)" 💉💉 "hmm let me take some nano gold circuitry" 🤔 👍 Might as well inject soap into your…
This is actually a nuanced argument

Mice have many similarities with us in the way their body works

So naturally:
if a mouse develops cancer after being given graphene,
it is an easy connection that graphene can do the same in people.

BUT, there's also a big difference

People are roughly 2500x larger than mice

So giving a mouse 34 grams of Aluminum will kill it.

34 grams probably won't kill you,

In fact the average American eats that much aluminum in 3 days.

So does that mean it's healthy?

'Safe & effective' doses 🙄

Of course not, the mouse is simply an indicator of what will happen inside your body at a smaller level

You might not die.

But some of your cells will.

Whatever comes in contact with the aluminum, WILL be damaged

The question is how much?
Nanotech Quote of the Day #12

Nanomaterials have proved toxic to human tissue and cell cultures, resulting in increased oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokine production and cell death.

Unlike larger particles, nanomaterials may be taken up by cell mitochondria and the cell nucleus

The cell nucleus is where DNA is stored in the cell.
Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
When you show them the evidence then they say: "oh yeah but it only did that in mice, 'humans' are different" 👇
Part 2: Accumulation

This is what makes dosage irrelevant

Nanomaterials accumulate in the cells

At the start - they may be few in number

But over days, weeks, months and years

Nano levels become more and more toxic 📈

10 grams of aluminum suddenly goes from something the body can handle...

To lethal levels

There is no 'safe and effective' dosage in nano toxicology
Somebody tell La Quinta Columna that Graphene Oxide is not magnetic 🙄🤦‍♂️

What you are seeing is black iron oxide
Not everything that shines is gold

Not everything black is graphene

There are plenty of other carbon nanomaterials

And not just in the vaccine

Let's make them all famous,

because it's not just graphene that you should watch out for!

And while raising awareness about dental anesthetics:
let's also talk about the thousands of everyday products with toxic nanotech

Because nano is in your food

And in your supplements

And your fabrics

And your car oil

And your paint

And your eyewash

And your toothpaste

And maybe even your underwear
Regarding the underwear 😆

Avoid 'smart fabrics'

If the properties seem supernatural, they literally are

Also of course avoid the anti-bacterial fabrics, that's all nano silver
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P1

Some people get caught up in extremely advanced complicated interpretations of the nano assault

We all understand nano is toxic

But then you have talk of the intra-body nano network

And vampiric energy sucking

Synthetic life

Transhuman demonic weirdness

Alternate dimensions

Systematised monitoring and controlling of populations


All of this gets confusing and overwhelming

For some, they try to dig into the jumble of talk, and come up with foam and bubbles 🫧☁️

🫧☁️ Something that looks big, but can't be proven or understood properly

They feel that these theories have nothing concrete behind them

➡️ And so they dismiss everything as 'conspiracy theories'

But what if what we are facing is:

📌 more complex than than just:
"nano is toxic" "the jab is toxic" "they want to poison us"


📌 simpler than:
"there are functioning computer circuits inside you right now that turn you into a modem router"


I think our enemies exploit our confusion.

So I'm not here to tell you what 'theory' is reality

But let's peal back ONE layer of the onion.

What is underneath the outer layer of "nano is toxic"?

Because there's A LOT more to it than just that.

Will cover this topic in Part 2
Forwarded from Keith Hutton
When I run out of money my local shop still sells me stuff and I pay later, supermarkets dont do this
Forwarded from Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
So sad

The toxicologists and like you say environmental/agricultural groups have been warning for decades

Now every once in a while a trickle drops into the mainstream media

A little about microplastics, or pesticides or carcinogens in the water supply

And the normies come and act like "oOoOoO did you hear about this??"

Like, this is what us "crazy people" been saying for the last 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 years
The difference between the truth and a conspiracy theory?

30 years, when it finally hits the mainstream media.
Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P1 Some people get caught up in extremely advanced complicated interpretations of the nano assault We all understand nano is toxic But then you have talk of the intra-body nano network And vampiric energy sucking Synthetic…
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P2:

"Synthetic Life"

A word that is thrown around a lot

But what does it mean?

Let's remove the vague confusions, and take a look at:

➡️ The humble nanoparticle in your body 🦠🧍‍♂️

Imagine the nanoparticle like a magnetic ball of sticky glue

It attracts and it sticks and it attaches 🧲

To what?

To you!

The particles attach to:

⭕️ Your proteins.
⭕️ Nucleic acids (genetic material).
⭕️ Bacteria.
⭕️ Fungi in your body.
⭕️ Nutrients.
⭕️ Waste products.
⭕️ + anything else in there

What happens?

The toxic nanoparticle 👻 -

Now is coated with your biology

Basically, the toxic nano poison is covered in an enticing apple 🍎

Not very threatening now. Right?

But in this process
a massive new problem starts to grow

Continuing in Part 3 [how does the 'synthetic life' construct]
We often talk about the toxicity of specific materials

Titanium dioxide

What about the synergies of toxic materials together?

Our bodies are not petri dishes.

As we eat, drink, breath: toxic materials interact and combine

And sometimes produce results even more dangerous

Industrially this is exploited with hybrid nanomaterials to make complex superior and intelligent structures
Please ignore the lame-stream media theatre of the day

It's clearly entirely staged and setup

Another major distraction from our health and the takeover of everything we eat, breathe and drink
Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P2: "Synthetic Life" A word that is thrown around a lot But what does it mean? Let's remove the vague confusions, and take a look at: ➡️ The humble nanoparticle in your body 🦠🧍‍♂️ Imagine the nanoparticle like a magnetic…
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P3:

So what happens when you take a bunch of nanometals, plastics, proteins, parasites, bacteria
... and you smush them all together?

➡️ Firstly, the toxic nanometals are masked from the body.

So instead of detecting a nuclear-level threat, your body's internal radar goes
"oh that's just a protein"

This allows toxic nanomaterials to "trick" their way into very vulnerable areas of your body.

➡️ Secondly, the nanomaterials start mutating anything living

The parasites, bacteria and fungi in the mix altered by the toxicity of the nanomaterials.

To stay alive, they may start developed 'super-resistance', and become more aggressive

Entire cells destroyed by nano assemblies are now integrated into the nano assembly with all the nutrients, genetic material, cellular chemicals and cellular machinery integrated with synthetic nanoparticles.

Technically, the nanoparticles are alive as much as concrete bricks (or Papa Joe's hologram 👨‍🦳)

Despite this, nano acts like a parasite inside the body

It enters your system -> develops a stealth cloak -> penetrates vulnerable areas -> causes damage -> grows and assembles

Such a system, whether programmed intentionally or not literally functions like a so-called 'virus'.

This is the basic '101' foundation for the synthetic-life argument.

Bio-mimicry and synthetic biology is for Part 4 ;)
In raising awareness -

Something very important to me is separating REALITY from SPECULATION

The difference between:

b) what is possible, or can happen in the future 💭🤔

A lot of gurus talk about theories as if they are confirmed reality.

So here's Nanotech Quote of the Day #13

"Currently, hybrid nanosystems are implemented for gene therapy, drug delivery, and phototherapy in addition to tissue regeneration, vaccines, antibacterials, biomolecule detection, imaging probes, and theranostics."

Remember with nanotech, it's all about those superior properties

Zac ~ Power of the Pulse
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P3: So what happens when you take a bunch of nanometals, plastics, proteins, parasites, bacteria ... and you smush them all together? ➡️ Firstly, the toxic nanometals are masked from the body. So instead of detecting a nuclear…
Pealing Layers of the Nano Onion P4:

Bio-mimetics. Bio-digital convergence. Synthetic biology.

One of the great dreams of the enemy: corrupting life, and making it's own twisted creation

Mimicking life in man-made stuff = bio-mimicry.

So no wonder all the talk is about:

➡️ Programming and digitally controlling life.

This topic is incredibly related to.... guess what 😅.... nanotechnology

The superior properties of nano are used towards implementing these goals.

And if you think that is bad?
Consider nano-enabled synthetic biology -

➡️ Which is literally about making entirely artificial cells.

Add some synthetic 'DNA' and now you have a program running the artificial cell.

Biodigital convergence simply says:
we make living stuff ☘️ and advanced tech 🤖 talk together

In Part 5, I will conect nanotech and synthetic biology to bio-mimicry