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The world is vast, and its global economy is equally enormous, boasting a collective GDP of 105 trillion dollars.

In an ever-changing political landscape, we examine who possesses the larger portion of this economic pie and delve into their efforts to justify their lion's share.

To read more about our analysis on the $105 trillion world economy and Malaysia’s position, click on the link below.

#PEGH #Investments #Blog #Malaysia
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #World
#Excelerate #WorldEconomy #GlobalGDP
ESG may no longer be a preference but a necessity for businesses moving forward in securing loan financing from banks.

During the recent launch of the Industry Environmental, Social, and Governance framework (iESG), Deputy Investment, Trade, and Industry Minister Liew Chin Tong shared in a press conference, “It’s a situation where the more ESG adaptability that (one) can actually achieve, the easier one can get funding.”

If you are a business owner who will need banking loans in the future to advance your operations, don't hesitate to reach out to us directly at PEGH. Together, we can work alongside you to ensure your company is moving in the right direction for your bottom line and the world.

Read More: https://buff.ly/3FGsrNC

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #Excelerate #Financing #BankLoans #iESG
Wishing you and your loved ones a Deepavali filled with the radiant glow of joy, the sparkle of unity, and the warmth of togetherness.

May this Festival of Lights illuminate your life with love and prosperity. Happy Deepavali to all who are joyously celebrating!

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #PotentialExcelerateGroup #PEGHolding #InvestmentHoldingCompany #PEGCapital #PEGSynergy #PEGResources #PEGAutomotive #PEGGlobalHolding #Excelerate #Deepavali #Greeting
Let's explore some common investment strategies for newcomers by swiping through our images and discovering which one resonates with you the most.

Are you the cautious Saver Investor, the growth-focused Growth Investor, or perhaps a unique blend of several approaches?

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all strategy, and your investment journey can evolve over time. Share your ideal approach with us in the comments below!

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #Excelerate #InvestmentStrategies #InvestmentBeginner #FinancialPlanning
During the recent Taiwan Expo 2023, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (Taitra) chairman James Huang praised Malaysia's high-tech sector, which makes the country an attractive destination for Taiwanese companies seeking further expansion in the region.

“Many Taiwanese companies have come to Malaysia, establishing branches or subsidiary companies. However, these numbers were not included in the calculations, making the actual figures much larger. Therefore, I find it highly plausible that by the end of the entire year in 2023, the investment could easily reach US$400 million, a substantial increase compared to the figures from 2022.” he said.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #Excelerate #Taiwan #TaiwaneseInvestment #TaiwanMalaysia #TechnologySector
The benefits of ESG success extend beyond the individual company to the wider world. In recognition of significant contributions to sustainability, The Edge Malaysia recently celebrated 48 companies at its ESG Awards.

Out of 63 available awards, categories ranged from sector and fund distinctions to awards for improved and consistent performance over three years, exceptional ESG and dividend returns, green transition, among others.

The ceremony was a testament to the commitment of leading firms like Hong Leong Bank Bhd, IOI Corporation, CelcomDigi, GHL Systems, and Manulife, as they received their well-earned accolades. Kudos to all the winners for their role in bettering our planet.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Excelerate #ESGAwards #TheEdgeMalaysia #ESGAwards2023 #Sustainability
Getting married is a big deal, and it's not just about love. Money matters a lot too. After the big day, couples face money choices that can make life sweet or really tough.

It's all about how you both spend cash, where you decide to live, keeping to a budget, and saving up for later years. Getting this right means a happier life together.

Need some easy tips on handling money with your other half? Click the link below for our full article.

Read more: https://bit.ly/3RtVN8U

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Excelerate #Marriage #NewlyWeds #FinanceTips #InvestmentTips
As we gear up for 2024, Malaysia's budgetary compass points firmly towards sustainability. The nation is setting a green precedent, channelling RM2 billion into the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) to pivot our industries towards cleaner energy.

But it's not just large corporates in the spotlight. A substantial RM20 billion is earmarked for SMEs, incentivising those who commit to ESG principles, especially in burgeoning sectors like green tech and the halal market. This bold move positions Malaysia as a beacon of sustainable development in the region.

PEGH applauds these strides and is keen to back SMEs stepping into this greener future. We see this as an opportunity to merge investment with impact, fostering a portfolio that thrives on innovation and responsibility.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #ESG #Excelerate #Environment #ClimateProtection #GreenEnergies #NETR #RenewableEnergy #Budget2024 #NIMP #SME
At PEGH, we view credit limits as a gauge of financial health and a signal of your credibility to lenders. Beyond a mere spending cap, they reflect your fiscal responsibility — key for investment decisions.

A strong credit score and financial discipline are vital, impacting investment prospects and financing terms. Such factors are crucial for lenders and partners assessing joint ventures.

Discover with PEGH how savvy financial management can expand your investment potential and propel your wealth forward.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #CreditLimit #FinancialLiteracy
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Excelerate #CreditScore #FinancialWealth #WealthManagement #CreditCard
Two decades can transform the investment landscape significantly. Since 2003, the global stock market has nearly tripled, reaching a staggering value of $109 trillion.

As we close out 2023, we're diving into the intricacies of this vast financial arena, spotlighting the major players and their shareholdings.

Curious about the current state of the global equity market and its implications for your investments? Follow the link for our comprehensive analysis.

Read more: https://bit.ly/46ztZnF

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #WorldInvestment #FinancialLiteracy #GlobalEquity #GlobalStockMarket #EquityMarkets #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Excelerate #World
Bursa Malaysia Securities introduced its ESG Reporting Platform as a repository for disclosures aligning with Bursa Malaysia’s enhanced sustainability reporting. Bursa-listed issuers can access it via Bursa LINK for generating summary performance tables and sharing sustainability statements.

Commenting on the purpose of the new platform, Bursa Malaysia's Chief Regulatory Officer, Julian Hashim, said, 'This puts our listed issuers in good stead as Malaysia pushes the bar for more robust ESG disclosures over the next few years.'

At PEGH, we applaud Malaysia's commitment to ESG promotion and sustainable transitions.

Explore: https://buff.ly/3Rzyeu5

#PEGH #Investing #Investment #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Excelerate #ESG #Bursa #BursaMalaysia #BursaMalaysiaESGReportingPlatform #BursaLINK #Sustainability #ESGReporting
Starting June 2024, Malaysia's new Progressive Wage Policy will take effect, involving over 1,000 voluntary companies in the pilot project.

This policy aims to boost SME sector staff productivity by compensating workers earning below RM5,000 based on their contributions to the company rather than their experience.

While it addresses our nation's labour market challenges, local SMEs will need to overcome obstacles before reaping its benefits.

Business owners and staff, what are your thoughts on this Progressive Wage Policy? Share your views in the comments!

#PEGH #Investing #Investment #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding
#Excelerate #ProgressiveWagePolicy #SMEs #StaffProductivity
Effective March 2024, the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) will take effect, potentially reshaping Malaysia's business landscape. For those unaware, CGT targets unlisted share disposals, significantly impacting corporate financial planning.

As a result, family-owned SMEs may face challenges in maintaining traditional power structures. Future transactions also will bring added complexities that challenge conventional valuations.

Looking ahead, savvy investors and business owners like us need to equip ourselves with greater valuation expertise to navigate the new fiscal landscape. One of the best ways to do that is by staying subscribed to us at PEGH.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #CapitalGains #FinancialLiteracy #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Excelerate #CGTunlistedMY #TaxUpdate
Technological innovation is a robust indicator of a country's growth.

However, technology has advanced so rapidly that our previous notions about leading countries may be outdated by 2023.

Before you dive into our article on the most innovative countries in 2023, take a moment to consider your top three picks.

Afterward, share in the comments below whether your predictions were on point or if you were pleasantly surprised by our findings.


#PEGH #Investing #Investments #WorldInvestment #GlobalInnovation #Technology #TechnologicalAdvancement #FinancialLiteracy #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding
#Excelerate #GlobalInnovationIndex
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Happy Thaipusam to all our Hindu friends across Malaysia!

May your worship and prayers this year be fulfilled, and may you and your family receive numerous blessings of courage, joy, and prosperity.

As you invest in your spirituality, we hope you attain divine enlightenment that will inspire and guide your journey throughout 2024!

#PEGH #Greeting #Thaipusam #Investments #Excelerate #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding
When it comes to investing on a national scale, consider Malaysia's Economic Corridor. These designated areas focus on economic growth, job creation, and regional development.

Promising sectors include manufacturing, semiconductors, medical devices, tourism, the halal industry, and the digital economy.

Invest in these sectors to grow your wealth and contribute to our country's progress.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Excelerate #FinancialLiteracy #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #MalaysiasEconomicCorridors #InvestmentMalaysia #Manufacturing #Semiconductor #Medical #Tourism #Halal #DigitalEconomy
Malaysia's eco-tourism is booming. With the global market hitting USD 219.53 billion in 2023, it is set to grow even further.

Our commitment to ESG and eco-tourism enriches our economy and preserves our natural wonders.

Join us in sustaining Malaysia's green legacy for prosperity and global eco-travel appeal.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#X #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Excelerate #ESG #Environment #Ecotourism
Cars may drive us forward, but as assets, they tend to backpedal in value. A new car typically sheds 20% of its value in the first year, diverging from appreciating assets like property.

However, cars can fuel personal economic growth by broadening job access, which can catalyse further investment. With PEGH, channel gains into avenues that accelerate wealth over time.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Excelerate #X #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Vehicle #CarOwnership #AreCarsInvestments
Double taxation might sound scary — it means your business pays taxes on profits, and then you pay again when you take your cut. But it's not a given! With some clever tax moves, you can avoid feeling like you’re paying more than your fair share.

Think of tax planning as your financial defence strategy — there are legal ways to shield yourself from being taxed twice. You don’t need to be a tax guru. That's what financial advisors are for, or you can get smart tips from us to keep more of your money.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Excelerate #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #LHDN #IncomeTax #BusinessTax #TaxSeason #FinancialPlanning #DoubleTaxation
Malaysia is home to a rich tapestry of life that is in urgent need of our protection. Today, we spotlight the majestic yet vulnerable creatures among us.

🔶 Bornean Orangutan: Critically Endangered
🔶 Sumatran Rhino: Critically Endangered
🔶 Malayan Tiger: Critically Endangered
🔶 ...and many more facing the brink.

It’s not just about saving individual species. It’s about securing the future of our ecosystem. By embracing sustainable ESG practices, we can make a collective impact. Let’s unite for the wildlife that shares our home.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Excelerate
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #EndangeredSpeciesDay #Biodiversity #Conservation #SustainableLiving #ESG #ProtectOurSpecies