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Can a company already practicing CSR afford to overlook ESG?

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) may seem synonymous, but can they be treated interchangeably?

While they share certain goals, ESG and CSR diverge in execution. CSR operates as a self-regulated model, fostering social accountability to internal stakeholders and the public. However, since CSR metrics are self-defined, there's potential for companies to set low standards for appearance's sake, with minimal actual impact.

Conversely, ESG employs more comprehensive, externally regulated metrics to gauge overall impact, reflected in ESG scores. Though both ESG and CSR have roles in the corporate landscape, understanding their differences is pivotal for charting your company's course and its impact on the local community.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #ESG #Excelerate #CSR #CorporateSocialResponsibility
Green Future Ahead: Scientex & BYD Sime Darby Join Forces

Electric car dreams? Getting real! Scientex Berhad and BYD Sime Darby are teaming up for sustainable living through eco-homes and electric vehicles (EVs), driving us towards a brighter, greener future.

Their mission: more EV charging stations nationwide and budget-friendly green homes. Together, they're making sustainable living accessible to Malaysians from all walks of life.

Find out more about the partnership here:

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#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #ESG #Excelerate #BYD #ElectricCar #Sustainability
Environmental Values Impact Workforce Choices

A recent KPMG survey of 5,700 UK adults revealed a compelling insight: as much as a third of Gen Z employees (aged 18 to 25) are ready to reject job offers from companies lacking strong environmental commitments.

Gen Z's sway stems from their emphasis on aligning with principled entities, influenced by social media and a collective sense of responsibility.

A job seeker summed up the sentiment well: "I can't apply to a company that contradicts my beliefs." As businesses plan for the future, embracing green values isn't just about staying relevant - it's about securing a committed and forward-looking workforce:- https://rb.gy/tor7e

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#PotentialExcelerateHroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #GenZ
#Excelerate #Career #ESG #Environment #Sustainability
ESG: Small Ventures, Big Impact

The ESG framework isn't solely for corporate giants - it extends its arms to small ventures too.

Thankfully, smaller businesses aren't held to the rigorous standards of their larger counterparts. This flexibility allows you to take gradual steps, identifying key issues that resonate with you and your stakeholders, and progressively working towards them.

At PEGH, we firmly believe that every small stride towards positive change counts. We're here to guide you through the journey, assisting you in shaping a brighter community and environment.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#Potentialexcelerategroupholding #FinancialLiteracy #ESG
#Excelerate #SME #ESGIssues #Smallbusiness #Entrepreneur #Sustainability #Inclusivity #Transparency
Fueling Your Dream Business with Venture Capitalists

Getting your dream venture off the ground can be a challenge, which is why tackling it solo might not be the best approach.

With the guidance of Venture Capitalists, you can secure essential funding and capital to set your business on the path to success.

Learn more about accessing funding and expert assistance from Venture Capitalists in Malaysia by reading our complete article:

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #VC #ESG #VentureCapitalists #SME #Funding #Capital #Blog
Sustainability requires long-term commitment, and the Malaysian Government is encouraging greater youth involvement in shaping the nation's ESG agenda.

In Deputy Economy Minister Datuk Hanifah Hajar Taib’s opening keynote address at the Youth Sustainability Forum 2023, she highlighted that youth possess the passion, advocacy, and innovation skills needed to turn climate challenges into opportunities for a more resilient future. https://rb.gy/dfs2s

In addition, she announced her ministry's plans to collaborate with various stakeholders on future awareness programs, a development eagerly anticipated by PEGH.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #GenZ
#Excelerate #Career #JobHunting #Youth #ESG #Environment #Sustainability
Malaysia's mandatory E-invoicing, launching for large-scale businesses on 01/08/2024 and extending to all by 01/07/2025, marks a crucial shift in the business landscape. At PEGH, we see this as a pivotal development impacting business practices and financial transparency. E-invoicing will streamline operations and foster a fair market.

The shift to E-invoicing in Malaysia signals a focus on digital infrastructure and fiscal compliance in business. We recognize the significance of adapting to these changes and their impact on business valuation and opportunities.

We're focused on leveraging changes to create opportunities and enhance the value of our portfolio companies. Continuously monitoring developments, we align our investment strategies with the evolving business landscape.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Financial #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #ESG #Sustainability #Einvoicing #Invoicing
In a world where borders are blurred by trade and technology, it's crucial for local SMEs to think globally. Our daily operations intertwine with a vast network of international inputs — every element of the supply chain may touch corners of the world far beyond our local markets.

For SME business owners, adopting a global mindset isn't just beneficial; it's necessary. Thinking big — beyond local communities to the global stage — unlocks untapped potential and meets the expansive needs of an evolving customer base.

To thrive internationally, ESG compliance is essential. At PEGH, we're dedicated to guiding SMEs in Malaysia on this journey towards global reach and sustainability.


#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #ESG #ESGCompliance #GlobalMindset #SME #SmallMediumEnterprise #LocalBusiness #InternationalBusiness
As we gear up for 2024, Malaysia's budgetary compass points firmly towards sustainability. The nation is setting a green precedent, channelling RM2 billion into the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) to pivot our industries towards cleaner energy.

But it's not just large corporates in the spotlight. A substantial RM20 billion is earmarked for SMEs, incentivising those who commit to ESG principles, especially in burgeoning sectors like green tech and the halal market. This bold move positions Malaysia as a beacon of sustainable development in the region.

PEGH applauds these strides and is keen to back SMEs stepping into this greener future. We see this as an opportunity to merge investment with impact, fostering a portfolio that thrives on innovation and responsibility.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #ESG #Excelerate #Environment #ClimateProtection #GreenEnergies #NETR #RenewableEnergy #Budget2024 #NIMP #SME
Bursa Malaysia Securities introduced its ESG Reporting Platform as a repository for disclosures aligning with Bursa Malaysia’s enhanced sustainability reporting. Bursa-listed issuers can access it via Bursa LINK for generating summary performance tables and sharing sustainability statements.

Commenting on the purpose of the new platform, Bursa Malaysia's Chief Regulatory Officer, Julian Hashim, said, 'This puts our listed issuers in good stead as Malaysia pushes the bar for more robust ESG disclosures over the next few years.'

At PEGH, we applaud Malaysia's commitment to ESG promotion and sustainable transitions.

Explore: https://buff.ly/3Rzyeu5

#PEGH #Investing #Investment #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Excelerate #ESG #Bursa #BursaMalaysia #BursaMalaysiaESGReportingPlatform #BursaLINK #Sustainability #ESGReporting
2023 has been a significant year for ESG, as it marked the mainstream news debut of ESG in Malaysia.

Looking ahead, we anticipate another year filled with significant advancements in sustainability. Let's reflect on the major ESG-related events of the past year, from new governmental mandates to the proactive efforts of private corporations. It appears that the foundation for ESG in Malaysia in 2024 has been firmly established.

Fingers crossed that the remainder of this year proves equally eventful as the last. At PEGH, we are gearing up to push the boundaries of sustainability.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#FinancialLiteracy #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding
#PotentialExcelerateGroup #PEGHolding #InvestmentHoldingCompany #PEGCapital #ESG #Sustainability
As a business owner, you might be wondering about ESG compliance. Well, it varies.

In December last year, Bursa Malaysia launched its ESG reporting platform for listed issuers.

Unless you're listed on Bursa Malaysia, ESG compliance isn't mandatory yet. But there are benefits, like access to investment capital, staying ahead of regulations, better risk management, and more.

For a detailed look at the advantages, please refer to the visual!

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #ESG #ESGCompliance #BursaMalaysia
Private equities not only provide investors with profits but also play a crucial role in realising emerging markets and helping their participants pave the road towards a brighter and more innovative future.

“While sectors like energy and infrastructure have historically been PE mainstays in emerging markets, a pivot towards arenas like fintech, renewable energy, and logistics is underway.”

From ESG, consumer markets, local insights, technology and beyond, come with us as we take a closer look at private equity trends in emerging markets.

Read our full perspective here: https://bit.ly/4bjsDRH

#PEGH #ThoughtLeadership #Blog #Investments #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy #ESG #PrivateEquity #EmergingMarkets #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding
At PEGH, we celebrate milestones in sustainability, and the recent partnership between Malaysia's Plantation and Commodities Ministry and MTIB is a shining example. This collaboration is setting a benchmark for sustainable practices in the timber industry.

Read More: https://buff.ly/3uEkHtR

In 2022, our timber exports contributed RM25.21 billion to the economy, underlining the vital role of ESG in protecting our environment and supporting our nation's prosperity and community welfare.

This step, although one of many, represents a significant stride towards a greener economy. Join us at PEGH in supporting a future where sustainable and equitable growth go hand in hand.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #ESG #Sustainability #GreenFuture #MITB #MalaysiaPlantationandCommodities #X
Discover the astonishing link between life expectancy and air quality.

It's more than just a few extra breaths. Clean air could extend our lives not just by months or years, but potentially by decades. That's why ESG initiatives are crucial in steering us towards a healthier, more sustainable world.

Dive into our blog analysis and learn why ESG should be at the forefront of this transformation. Read more: https://bit.ly/3UYJ3ZZ

#PEGH #Investments #Asia #Blog #X
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #PEGHInsights #ESG #CleanBreathingAir #LifeExpectancy #HealthyLiving
Malaysia's eco-tourism is booming. With the global market hitting USD 219.53 billion in 2023, it is set to grow even further.

Our commitment to ESG and eco-tourism enriches our economy and preserves our natural wonders.

Join us in sustaining Malaysia's green legacy for prosperity and global eco-travel appeal.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#X #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Excelerate #ESG #Environment #Ecotourism
In sustainable finance, the proactive move by the Securities Commission Malaysia stands out, revealing an impressive 68 SRI (sustainable and responsible investment) funds amassing RM7.7 billion, signaling a robust appetite for ethically-minded investments in the region.

SC Chairman Awang Adek Hussin warns that greenwashing could erode investor trust in green finance and divert crucial investments from genuine environmental initiatives, stalling the nation's progress.

The Chairman emphasizes corporate transparency and robust governance to ensure investments support sustainability and responsibility.

For a deeper insight into this topic, you can read more at

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #ESG #Sustainability #GreenFuture #MITB #MalaysiaPlantationandCommodities
The 11th PropertyGuru Asia Awards Malaysia, with iProperty, adds ESG categories to honor sustainability leaders. Awards like Low Carbon and Energy Efficient Champions recognize those cutting carbon footprint. Sustainable Design and Construction Champions push eco-friendly practices, while Social Impact Champions enrich communities.

These honor's reflect a growing commitment to sustainability in the property sector, championing a future where real estate development aligns with environmental and social stewardship — a vision proudly shared by PEGH as we continue to support sustainable development. For more details on the awards, visit https://buff.ly/4aeulD5

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Asia #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #ESG #PEGHInsights #PropertyGuru #iProperty #PropertyGuruAsiaAwardsMalaysia
A happy workforce is the backbone of any thriving society. At PEGH, we understand this. That's why ESG principles are at the heart of what we do — empowering every staff member, creating equal opportunities, and fostering a workplace where everyone feels they belong and matter.

As we enjoy this day off, let's ponder how we can enhance sustainability in our workplace. How can we contribute to a balanced power dynamic and promote a sense of belonging for all?

Happy Labour Day! Let's continue to drive change, one step at a time.

#PEGH #LabourDay #Greetings #WorkplaceEquality #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #ESG #PotentialExcelerateGroup #PEGHolding #InvestmentHoldingCompany #PEGCapital
Malaysia is home to a rich tapestry of life that is in urgent need of our protection. Today, we spotlight the majestic yet vulnerable creatures among us.

🔶 Bornean Orangutan: Critically Endangered
🔶 Sumatran Rhino: Critically Endangered
🔶 Malayan Tiger: Critically Endangered
🔶 ...and many more facing the brink.

It’s not just about saving individual species. It’s about securing the future of our ecosystem. By embracing sustainable ESG practices, we can make a collective impact. Let’s unite for the wildlife that shares our home.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Excelerate
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #EndangeredSpeciesDay #Biodiversity #Conservation #SustainableLiving #ESG #ProtectOurSpecies