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Often when people talk about ESG and sustainability efforts, the main topic is always on the environmental aspect while the social and humanitarian aspect gets pushed to the wayside.

However, one company that bucks that trend and continues to innovate in the creative and human resource avenue is RTist, making them one of PEGH’s proud partners and portfolio companies.

“Creative in Every Corner, RTist connects businesses with the right local creative talents, often within minutes, benefitting both sides of the equation. Since their inception in 2016, the company has amassed a creative pool of 6,000 creative local talents and deservedly raised RM1,000,000 from Mystartr Equity Crowd Funding.”

To learn more about RTist and their major leaps in their sustainability journey, click on the link below to learn more!


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#Investment #Business #Entrepreneur #Finance
ESG: Small Ventures, Big Impact

The ESG framework isn't solely for corporate giants - it extends its arms to small ventures too.

Thankfully, smaller businesses aren't held to the rigorous standards of their larger counterparts. This flexibility allows you to take gradual steps, identifying key issues that resonate with you and your stakeholders, and progressively working towards them.

At PEGH, we firmly believe that every small stride towards positive change counts. We're here to guide you through the journey, assisting you in shaping a brighter community and environment.

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#Potentialexcelerategroupholding #FinancialLiteracy #ESG
#Excelerate #SME #ESGIssues #Smallbusiness #Entrepreneur #Sustainability #Inclusivity #Transparency
Whether you're aiming to persuade investors to invest capital in your venture or simply seeking to help friends and family understand your goals, a well-crafted business plan is essential.

However, creating one is no small task. To help you kickstart the process, swipe through our images and explore the key components to include in your business plan.

And for inspiration, especially regarding market trends, don't forget to visit our PEGH website, where you can learn more about investment opportunities in Malaysia.

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #Business #BusinessPlan #ExecutiveSumamry #MarketAnalysis #MarketTrends #Marketing #TargetCustomer #Entrepreneur #BusinessEssentials
Do you yearn to start your own venture and chart your own course in life? Are you prepared to take that first bold step and turn your dream business into a reality?

While businesses are exciting to envision, there are several crucial items on your checklist to consider before diving into entrepreneurship.

If you feel ready to embark on your solo career adventure, click on the link below to ensure you have everything covered.

Read More: https://bit.ly/3SzPstq

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia
#PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #FinancialLiteracy #Entrepreneur #DreamBusiness #Business #BusinessPlan
SMEs are the backbone of our country's economy, and sole proprietorship in Malaysia offers numerous benefits. As the sole business owner, you enjoy:

Easy setup with a simple SSM form, name search, and annual fee payment.
Full control and direct profits without stakeholders.
Tax advantages, simplified reporting, and taxes directed to personal income tax.
Fewer restrictions and less red tape, including no need for audited reports.

Ready to start your entrepreneurial journey? Follow us on PEGH for insights into investment and ESG in Malaysia!

#PEGH #Investing #Investments #Malaysia #FinancialLiteracy #PotentialExcelerateGroupHolding #Business #SoleProprietorship #SME #MicroBusiness #Entrepreneur