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اسرار درون ومديتيشن، چاکرا و کالبدها،حقایق روانشناسی ،تعالیم معنوی و عرفانی......
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Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, a loss of power, a Sense of spiritual deadness.
"Shakti Gwain"

#pathways_to_god #shakti

☯️ Meditation is an effort in the beginning.
Later on it becomes habitual and gives bliss,
joy and peace.
" Swami Sivananda"
☯️ مدتیشن در آغاز تلاش است،
بعد از مدتی عادی شده و برکت می بخشد،
لذت ببر و در آرامش باش.
"سوامی شیواناندا "

#مدیتیشن #شیواناندا #راهی_بسوی_خدا
Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, a loss of power, a Sense of spiritual deadness.
"Shakti Gwain"

#pathways_to_god #shakti

💗भूर्भुवः स्वः.तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यंभर्गो देवस्यधीमहि.धियो यो नफ प्रचोदयात्.💗 💜 oṃ bhūr bhuvah svaḥtatsaviturvareṇyaṃbhargo devasyadhīmahidhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt.💜
💚ستایش پروردگاری را که آفریننده ی جهان است و شایسته ی بندگی.
پروردگاری که سر چشمه ی دانش و روشنی نیز از میان برنده ی گناهان و نادانی است.
باشد که بزرگی او رهنمود روشن بینی و رهایی ما گردد.💚
#gayatrimantra #pathways_to_god

Throughout the day, you are constantly working through the body, and so you become identified with it. But every night God removes from you that imprisoning delusion. Last night, in deep dreamless sleep, were you a woman or a man or an American or Hindu or rich or poor? No. You were pure Spirit....In the semi-superconscious freedom of deep sleep God takes away all your mortal titles and makes you feel that you are apart from the body and all its limitations—pure consciousness, resting in space. That vastness is your real Self.
"Paramahansa Yogananda "


#pathways_to_god #yogananda #meditation


His whole creation is intended to disillusion you, and thus cause you to draw back to Him. You don't know when you will be taken away from this earth; there is no law that you will enjoy a long life. This proves how foolish it is to waste time. I live from minute to minute, day to day. I know only the joy of living; inside, complete resignation to Him.

"Paramahansa Yogananda"


#pathways_to_god #yogananda #Meditation


🛐 Yoga is a method for restraining the natural turbulence of thoughts, which otherwise impartially prevents all men, of all lands, from glimpsing their true nature of Spirit. Like the healing light of the sun, yoga is beneficial equally to men of the East and to men of the West. The thoughts of most persons are restless and capricious; a manifest need exists for yoga: the science of mind control. "Paramahansa Yogananda


#pathways_to_god #yoga #yogananda


🎆 The seed of wisdom is given by the guru or master of Self-realization; but the soil, or receptivity, and the cultivation of that seed must be supplied by the devotee....Self-discipline is not self-torture; it is the way to organize and concentrate the unruly forces of the mind on those specific habits of living that can bring us true happiness.
"Paramahansa Yogananda "


#yogananda #yoga #pathways_to_god

On this day and every day, take time to notice the blessing. Have a peace-filled day.💜💙💜


The wisdom-manifesting yogi fills his mind with scriptural studies and spiritual meditative perceptions that contribute to soul-realization. When he attains perfect inner enlightenment, he intuitively perceives the meanings in all forms of knowledge, and realizes the whole truth of divine wisdom as manifested within his Self. "Paramahansa Yogananda"


#pathways_to_god #yoga #yogananda #یوگاناندا# راهی_بسوی_خدا


🎆 Our soul is incarnated in human body after going through 84,00,000 cycles of births and deaths. The human birth is considered as a very precious opportunity to raise our vibrations to the point that we are able to unite with the Supreme Being. To carry us towards God we must make the best use of our body and make life as meaningful as possible. Caring for this precious gift should be both mental and physical while moving towards our goal. In order to start the day in the right manner, scriptures state that we must begin the day by rubbing our palms together, holding them up in front of us and reciting few mantras including Gayatri Mantra. .
"On the tip of our hands resides Lakshmi (fingers are our working tools). In my palms resides Saraswati (knowledge controls your destiny) At the base of my hands resides Vishnu: the God of Sustenance) (for good health and vibrant energy)In the morning I take blessings of all three with reverence in my palms". .
Vedavyas has described hands as a vital instrument of success as all important tasks are performed through our hands. Looking for God in our own hands creates a confidence to face any challenge and to find immediate relief to any problem. Realising God as a part of us also encourages us to work ethically in our vocations, do good deeds in our lives that will be of benefit to all. Knowing that our hands are a witness to God also refrains us from any wrongdoing or harm to others. Waking up every day in this manner is not only spiritually uplifting but also has a positive effect on our health. During sleep, our body’s metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and all other activities slows down. Taking time to open our eyes and lying in bed helps the body adjust and stabilise its function to a normal rhythm.


#consciousness #universe #yoga #dharma #spirituality #mindandbody #soul #pathways_to_god


🎆 Om 🎆

is used both as a symbol and sound in religious worship, ritual chanting, performance of sacraments and rituals, yoga and tantra. In Hinduism it is venerated as Brāhman in the form of word and sound. In actual practice it is rarely chanted in isolation and mostly in association with other mantras, prayers, names of deities, either as a suffix or a prefix, under the belief that doing so would enhance their potency, vibrancy, sanctity and purity. According to Mantrayoga Samhita, Om by itself has no potency if it is chanted by someone who has not been initiated on the spiritual path by a guru. It remains ineffective as a vehicle of self-realization, unless it is personally imparted by an enlightened master (guru) to an initiate as a part of a seed (bija) mantra. The Taittirya Samhita describes its use and significance in the Vedic rituals in the following manner:
"Aum is Brāhman. Aum is all. Aum, this verily, is compliance. on uttering, 'recite', they recite. With Aum, they sing the saman chants. With Aum, som, they recite the prayers. With Aum the Advaryu priest utters the response. With Aum one assents to the offering to fire. Withy Aum a Brāhmana begins to recite, may I obtain Brāhman; thus wishing, Brāhman, verily, does he obtains."


#Om #aum #mantra #pathways_to_god


A Guru can show the way back home, to your real Self. What has this to do with the character, or temperament of the person he appears to be? Does he not clearly tell you that he is not the person? The only way you can judge is by the change in yourself when you are in his company. If you feel more at peace and happy, if you understand yourself with more than usual clarity and depth, it means you have met the right man.
Take your time, but once you have made up your mind to trust him, trust him absolutely and follow every instruction fully and faithfully. It does not matter much if you do not accept him as your Guru and are satisfied with his company only. Satsang alone can also take you to your goal, provided it is unmixed and undisturbed. But once you accept somebody as your Guru, listen, remember and obey. Half-heartedness is a serious drawback and the cause of much self-created sorrow.

#guru #pathways_to_god

یک معلم معنوی می تواند راه برگشت به خانه را که همان خویش حقیقی است به تو نشان دهد. این موضوع چه ربطی به شخصیت یا خلق و خوی ظاهری آن شخص دارد؟ آیا او به روشنی به تو نگفته است که او شخص نیست؟ تنها راهی که می توانی قضاوت کنی تغییراتی است که در تو رخ می دهد، وقتی که در مجاورت او هستی. اگر شما آرامش و خوشحالی بیشتری احساس کردید، اگر خودتان را با عمق و شفافیت بیشتر می شناسید به آن معنا است که شخص درست را ملاقات کرده اید.
از وقتت استفاده کن اما پس از آنکه تصمیم گرفتی تا به او اعتماد کنی، به طور کامل به او اعتماد کن و دستورات او را کاملا و صادقانه انجام بده. اهمیت زیادی ندارد اگر شما او را به عنوان استاد معنوی نپذیرید و تنها از همراهی با او خشنود باشید. این همراهی به تنهایی می تواند تو را خالصانه به هدفت برساند. اما زمانی که کسی را به عنوان استاد معنوی خویش پذیرفتی، گوش کن، به یاد بیاور و اطاعت کن. نصفه و نیمه قلبی را در راهی قرار دادن خطرات جدی دارد و باعث غم و اندوه خودساخته می شود.

🎆 « زندگی زيباتر و بهتر است وقتی بخندید!!»😁💞😂

Always...laughter is the Best medicine😁💞😁

#laughing #medicine #pathways_to_god
#خنده_بهترین_داروست #راهی_بسوی_خدا


🎆 Self-knowledge is that knowledge by acquiring which everything else becomes known. A person with self-knowledge can indeed be acclaimed as all-knowing. Secular learning cannot confer on us abiding and absolute peace. Self-knowledge alone can help us cross the sea of sorrow. So, all should strive to attain self-knowledge which can be acquired through purity of mind. And purity of mind can be attained through sacred deeds, charity, compassion and devotion.

🎆 خويشتن شناسي دانشي است كه بواسطه آن هر چيز ديگري شناخته مي شود؛ كسي كه به شناخت خود رسيده براستي مي تواند ادعا كند كه دانا بر همه چيز است؛ دانش دنيوي نمي تواند آرامش كامل و جاودان به ما ببخشد؛ خويشتن شناسي به تنهايي مي تواند به ما كمك كند از درياي غم و اندوه گذر كنيم؛ از اين رو، همه بايد در تلاش براي كسب خويشتن شناسي باشند كه آن را از طريق پالايش ذهن مي توان بدست آورد و پالايش ذهن را مي توان بوسيله انجام اعمال مقدس و معنوى، دستگيري و كمك به ديگران، مهرباني و از خود گذشتگي كسب كرد.


#pathways_to_god #chaos #conflict #awakening

#خویشتن_شناسی #پالایش_ذهن #بيداری_معنوی #راهی_بسوی_خدا
