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Ultimate Machine Learning Cheat Sheet

Notes on top-level topics from Stanford's CS 229 by Shervine Amidi and Afshine Amidi:

* Supervised learning
* Unsupervised learning
* Deep learning
* Tips and tricks
* Probability and stats refresher
* Algebra and calculus refresher

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Repo link:

#Stanford #cheatsheet
Learning from Dialogue after Deployment: Feed Yourself, Chatbot!

From abstract: The self-feeding chatbot, a dialogue agent with the ability to extract new training examples from the conversations it participates in.

This is an article about chatbot which is capable of true online learning. There is also a venturebeat article on the subject, covering the perspective: Β«Facebook and Stanford researchers design a chatbot that learns from its mistakesΒ».


#NLP #chatbot #facebook #Stanford
StanfordNLP release.

New Python #NLProc package. StanfordNLP provides native, neural (PyTorch) tokenization, POS tagging and dependency parsing for 53 languages based on UD v2 β€” and a Python CoreNLP interface.

Pip: pip install stanfordnlp

#NLP #Stanford
​​End-to-end lung cancer screening with three-dimensional deep learning on low-dose chest computed tomography

Researchers from #GoogleAi and #Stanford published work today in #Nature that shows great potential to use machine learning to help catch more lung cancer cases earlier and increase survival likelihood.


#LungCancer #Cancer #biolearning #healthcare #DL #CV
πŸŽ“CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs

Great course from #Stanford. You still on time to jump at studying from one of the best schools.

Students are introduced to machine learning techniques and data mining tools apt to reveal insights on the social, technological, and natural worlds, by means of studying their underlying network structure and interconnections.

Topics include: robustness and fragility of food webs and financial markets; algorithms for the World Wide Web; graph neural networks and representation learning; identification of functional modules in biological networks; disease outbreak detection.

Videos link:

#MOOC #entrylevel #wheretostart
Free eBook from Stanford: Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra – Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares

Base material you need to understand how neural networks and other #ML algorithms work.


#Stanford #MOOC #WhereToStart #free #ebook #algebra #linalg #NN
​​Driverless DeLorean drifting

#Stanford researchers taught autonomous car driving AI to drift to handle hazardous conditions better.


#Autonomous #selfdriving #RL #CV #DL #DeLorean
​​SberQuAD – Russian Reading Comprehension Dataset: Description and Analysis

#SberQuAD – a large scale analog of #Stanford #SQuAD in the Russian language – is a valuable resource that has not been properly presented to the scientific community.

SberQuAD creators generally followed a procedure described by the SQuAD authors, which resulted in the similarly high lexical overlap between questions and sentences with answers.

link to SDSJ Task B dataset:
​​Stanford updated tool Stanza with #NER for biomedical and clinical terms

Stanza extended with first domain-specific models for biomedical and clinical medical English. They range from approaching to significantly improving state of the art results on syntactic and NER tasks.

That means that now neural networks are capable of understanding difficult texts with lots of specific terms. That means better search, improved knowledge extraction and approach for performing META analysis, or even research with medical ArXiV publications.


#NLProc #NLU #Stanford #biolearning #medicallearning