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Simple, Scalable Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation

Fine-tuning pre-trained Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models is the dominant approach for adapting to new languages and domains. However, fine-tuning requires adapting and maintaining a separate model for each target task. Researchers from Google propose a simple yet efficient approach for adaptation in #NMT. Their proposed approach consists of injecting tiny task specific adapter layers into a pre-trained model. These lightweight adapters, with just a small fraction of the original model size, adapt the model to multiple individual tasks simultaneously.

Guess it can be applied not only in #NMT but in many other #NLP, #NLU and #NLG tasks.


#BERT #NMT #FineTuning
Most of the Scots NLP models used Wikipedia for training are wrong

One person who had done 200,000 edits and written 20,000 articles of Scots Wikipedia was not using Scots language but rather faking it. Since Wikipedia texts are often used as a dataset for #NLU / #NLP / #NMT neural nets training, those models using it as an input had a flaw.

Reddit thread:

#datasets #translation #scots #wikipedia