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First Telegram Data Science channel. Covering all technical and popular staff about anything related to Data Science: AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Statistics, general Math and the applications of former. To reach editors contact: @haarrp
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The State of Data Science & Machine Learning 2017 by Kaggle.

Very informative article about age, job titles, most popular languages and everything related to DS / ML.

Not to mention that source data is included.

#kaggle #statistics
OpenAI launched Retro Contest — a contest where agents use their past experience to adapt to new environments. In this contest agents have to play previously unseen levels.

#kaggle #rl #openai
Online ad demand prediction #kaggle competition 1st place summary:

Winner explains how to combine categorical, numerical, image and text features into a single #NN that gets you into top 10 without stacking.
1st place solution in the recent Home Credit Default Risk #Kaggle competition

- extensive feature engineering, with ~700 of features total used
- XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, FastRGF, DAE+NN, Lin Reg
- 3-level ensembling (stacking x2 + blending)

#OpenDataScience community ( recently released Open Machine Learning Course. This is a community-driven course, covering #production, #Kaggle (actually #CompetitiveDataScience, but we use this hashtag for the first time), #DL, #RL, #ML and validated on the russian-speaking DS community, which was translated into english.

There are lots of assignments and some competitions during the course. Interactive rating highly motivates and makes it fun to participate.

Next session starts on October 1. Welcome!

Great example on how different approach to feature encoding can influence the results.

Mean (likelihood) encoding for categorical variables with high cardinality and feature interactions: a comprehensive study with Python


#FeatureEngineering #FeactureEncoding #Kaggle
Sptoify announced its new Data Science Challenge

Spotify Sequential Skip Prediction Challenge is a part of #WSDM Cup 2019. The dataset comprises 130M Spotify listening sessions, and the task is to predict if a track is skipped. The challenge is live today, and runs until Jan 4.


#kaggle #CompetitiveDataScience #Spotify
Free online ODS.AI course on ML

Another great free course will start on February 11. Taught through #Kaggle notebooks and competitions.


#entrylevel #novice #beginner
Abstraction and Reasoning Challenge winners

There is a very interesting challenge by #Francois Chollet about can a computer learn complex abstract tasks through maybe reasoning from a few examples?

And here is the first place with descriptions!

But author doubts about his solution brings us to AGI, but it's interesting to look through :)

"This DSL is solved by enumeration (exploiting duplicates) + a greedy stacking combiner. Everything is implemented efficiently in C++ (with no dependencies) and running in parallel."

There are 10k lines of code and a bunch of tricks that you can read about on the link.

Though second and third place also interesting – you can find it in discussion section here

The 3d place even almost don't use ML :)

So, nothing close to general reasoning here : )

#kaggle #chollet #AGI #stacking