28092024 (5:49 PM KST) #NCT127 #NCTDREAM #HAECHAN bubble update
<very late update>
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Dream songs that I listen to while coming back (to Korea) after finishing the tour
I was nervous because they say that it's cold in Korea but it is fine...ㅎ
I hope that I can adjust to the time difference quickly........
Is it because that I came back after finishing the tour safely, it is very nice to be (back in) Korea
I didn't sleep well on the plane so I really can sleep well today
Lagu Dream yang ku dengarkan saat kembali (ke Korea) setelah menyelesaikan tur
Aku gugup karena mereka bilang di Korea dingin tapi nggak apa-apa...ㅎ
Ku harap aku bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan perbedaan waktu dengan cepat........
Apakah karena aku kembali setelah menyelesaikan tur dengan selamat, sangat menyenangkan bisa (kembali ke) Korea
Aku nggak bisa tidur nyenyak di pesawat jadi aku benar-benar bisa tidur nyenyak hari ini
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<very late update>
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Dream songs that I listen to while coming back (to Korea) after finishing the tour
I was nervous because they say that it's cold in Korea but it is fine...ㅎ
I hope that I can adjust to the time difference quickly........
Is it because that I came back after finishing the tour safely, it is very nice to be (back in) Korea
I didn't sleep well on the plane so I really can sleep well today
Lagu Dream yang ku dengarkan saat kembali (ke Korea) setelah menyelesaikan tur
Aku gugup karena mereka bilang di Korea dingin tapi nggak apa-apa...ㅎ
Ku harap aku bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan perbedaan waktu dengan cepat........
Apakah karena aku kembali setelah menyelesaikan tur dengan selamat, sangat menyenangkan bisa (kembali ke) Korea
Aku nggak bisa tidur nyenyak di pesawat jadi aku benar-benar bisa tidur nyenyak hari ini
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29092024 (8:15 PM KST) #NCT127 #NCTDREAM #HAECHAN bubble update
<very late update>
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Ah Kim Doyoung Dongdaemun Gopchang
Ah that was for Muk2U
Doyoungie hyung revealed it on 'I Live Alone' but we should have done Muk2U there...
But that place is really legendarily delicious...
I didn't want to reveal it...
Ah Kim Doyoung Dongdaemun Gopchang
Ah itu punya Muk2U
Doyoungie hyung mengenalkan itu di 'I Live Alone' tapi kita seharusnya lakukan Muk2U disana...
Tapi tempat itu beneran enak sekali...
Aku nga mau mengenalkan tempat itu...
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<very late update>
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Ah Kim Doyoung Dongdaemun Gopchang
Ah that was for Muk2U
Doyoungie hyung revealed it on 'I Live Alone' but we should have done Muk2U there...
But that place is really legendarily delicious...
I didn't want to reveal it...
Ah Kim Doyoung Dongdaemun Gopchang
Ah itu punya Muk2U
Doyoungie hyung mengenalkan itu di 'I Live Alone' tapi kita seharusnya lakukan Muk2U disana...
Tapi tempat itu beneran enak sekali...
Aku nga mau mengenalkan tempat itu...
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02102024 (1:41 AM KST) #NCT127 #NCTDREAM #HAECHAN bubble update
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Today's Haechan
I'm now in the midst of adjusting to the jetlag a little by little... ㅎㅎ
Sleep tight today, I will sleep tight today too
Haechan hari ini
Aku sekarang lagi nyesuaiin diri sama jetlag sedikit demi sedikit... ㅎㅎ
Tidur yang nyenyak hari ini, aku juga akan tidur nyenyak hari ini
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‼️do not repost‼️
Today's Haechan
I'm now in the midst of adjusting to the jetlag a little by little... ㅎㅎ
Sleep tight today, I will sleep tight today too
Haechan hari ini
Aku sekarang lagi nyesuaiin diri sama jetlag sedikit demi sedikit... ㅎㅎ
Tidur yang nyenyak hari ini, aku juga akan tidur nyenyak hari ini
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09102024 (12:20 AM KST) #NCT127 #NCTDREAM #HAECHAN bubble update
<late update>
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good night
i’m sleeping now
tomorrow is going to be busy and tough let’s cheer up together
met malem
aku tidur sekarang
besok bakalan sibuk dan berat mari kita semangat bareng
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<late update>
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good night
i’m sleeping now
tomorrow is going to be busy and tough let’s cheer up together
met malem
aku tidur sekarang
besok bakalan sibuk dan berat mari kita semangat bareng
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