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Moroccans have been preoccupied in recent hours with the incident of the loss of two players from the Tangier Football Club, after their boat drifted due to winds and waves, during a tourist tour on the beaches of the city of Tetouan in northern Morocco.

Five players from the Ittihad Tangier team decided to go out for a sea excursion on a small tourist boat on Saturday, and they all jumped into the water to swim, but the winds and waves took the boat away from them a long distance, making them unable to catch it.

Civil defense crews intervened and were able to rescue three players, as the players Salman Al-Harrak and Abdel Latif Akhrif are still missing, and search operations continue in the beaches of Tetouan, Fnideq, Martil and M’diq to determine their whereabouts.
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#Abdel_Latif_Akhrif #Fnideq #football #Ittihad_Tangier_Club #Martil #Morocco #Salman_El_Harrak #Tangier #Tetouan
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Sources reported that the chances of finding the players of the Moroccan Tangier Union Football Club who disappeared in the Mediterranean Sea have become almost non-existent, two days after they disappeared during a recreational trip.

The Royal Moroccan Navy teams stopped their search operations after any possibility of finding the players declined significantly.

Possibility indicates that sea currents swept the bodies towards the Spanish coast, which prompted the Moroccan authorities to inform their Spanish counterparts of bilateral cooperation in this regard.

Five players from the Moroccan club Ittihad Tangier entered the sea last Saturday on a recreational boat from the tourist beach of Restinka.
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#Ittihad_Tangier_Club #Mediterranean_Sea #Moroccan_Authorities #Morocco #Orcas #Restinka_Beach #Royal_Moroccan_Navy #Spain #Speedboat
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