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The General Command of the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces announced a successful rescue operation for a group of migrants stranded in the open sea off the coast of Dakhla, Morocco.

According to the statement issued by the General Command, the boat carrying 52 people, who hail from sub-Saharan Africa, was on their way to the Canary Islands illegally.

Members of the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces, which are tasked with monitoring the coast, discovered the boat, which was stranded at sea, 170 kilometers south of Dakhla, and rescued its passengers and provided them with the necessary first aid.

The migrants were handed over to the competent Moroccan security authorities for action.
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#Canary_Islands #Dakhla #Illegal_Migration #Kingdom_of_Morocco #Mediterranean_Sea #Migration_Crisis #Morocco #Morocco_News
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Tunisia’s coast has recently been hit by a new humanitarian tragedy as authorities recovered the bodies of 22 irregular migrants off the coast of the central eastern province of Sfax.


The official spokesman for the Sfax court, Hisham Ben Ayad, explained that these bodies have been discovered in stages in the port of Sidi Youssef (off the coast of Sfax) since last Saturday, and the bodies appear to be Africans from sub-Saharan African countries, and were deposited in the mortuary.

The spokesman said it was not yet known if the bodies were caused by the sinking of one or more boats.

The coast of Sfax is a major departure point for irregular migrants, both from sub-Saharan countries and from Tunisians seeking to reach the Italian coast.

In this context, the coast guard announced the arrest of five people wanted in cases of smuggling migrants and intermediaries in Sfax.

As weather conditions improve, the Mediterranean is witnessing an increase in illegal migration attempts, which often end in drowning accidents and large human losses, and according to the International Organization for Migration, the number of people who died in the Mediterranean during 2023 reached more than 2,498 people, an increase of 75% from 2022.
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#Algeria_News #Illegal_Migration #International_Organization_for_Migration #Italy #Libya_News #Mediterranean_Sea #Sfax #Sub_Saharan_Africa #Tunisia_News
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The city of Sfax witnessed the forced evictions by the Tunisian authorities of some 500 migrants from sub-Saharan countries.

The evacuations took place in a building considered a key staging point for illegal migration to Europe, and the move came after clashes between migrants and security forces, which led to the arrest of a number of individuals involved in various acts of violence and crimes.

Tunisia has come under fire from human rights organizations for escalating attacks and ill-treatment of migrants, especially after last year’s mass expulsion that led to the deaths and loss of many in a desert region bordering Libya.

Tunisian President Kais Saied’s remarks, described as violent and racist against sub-Saharan migrants, sparked a wave of resentment both domestically and internationally.

#Human_Rights_Organizations #Illegal_Migration #Kais_Saied #Sahara_Desert #Sfax_City #Tunisia #Tunisia_News #Tunisian_Authorities
Tunisian authorities arrested Cameroonian influencer Clara Foy while she was in a tent with African migrants on olive farms in the Amra region of the south-Saharan province of Sfax.

The online newspaper “Al-Shorouk Online” quoted an unnamed official source as saying that a suspected woman with the nationality of an African country had been arrested.

The source explained that the investigation work carried out by the security services resulted in the identification and arrest of the aforementioned woman, and the Public Prosecution in Sfax authorized the detention of the migrant from sub-Saharan Africa, for 48 hours, to investigate the reasons that brought her to Tunisia.

Hossam Eddine Jebali, spokesman for the General Directorate of the National Guard, pointed out that the so-called Clara Foy was living in one of the Arab countries in complete comfort before rumors spread about her presence in Tunisia, stressing that in coordination with the competent authorities, it was proven that she did not enter Tunisia officially, whether by land or air.

The case began with videos posted on social media showing Clara Foy living in a migrant camp in sub-Saharan Africa.

She is a Cameroonian influencer, followed by tens of thousands on social media platforms, often sharing photos of herself in countries as diverse as Dubai, Canada and Italy living a wealthy life, sometimes appearing as a nurse, sometimes as a model and sometimes as a singer.
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#Al_Amara #Cameroon #Clara_Foy #Illegal_Migration #Libya #Sfax #Sub_Saharan_Africa #Tunisia_News #Tunisian_Authorities
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The French website “Africa News” said in its report on illegal immigration that about 10,000 migrants a month flow from the Nigerien city of Agadez to Libya.

The Nigerien city of Agadez has witnessed a large influx of migrants since the decree banning the transfer and activities of migrants was repealed by the ruling military council in November 2023.

The migrants leave Agadez with the help of smugglers, using four-wheel-drive cars or trucks on their way to Libya or Algeria, the last stop before crossing the Mediterranean towards Europe.

According to a report by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) published last February, new waves of migration have seen a 50% increase from Niger toward Libyan territory since last December.

#Agadez_City #Algeria #Europe #Illegal_Migration #Libya #Libya_News #Mediterranean_Sea #Niger #Niger_News
Tunisia forcibly evacuated hundreds of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa from camps in front of the UN headquarters in Tunis and then transferred them to the Algerian border.

Ramadan Ben Amor, a spokesman for “the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights”, told the Agence France-Presse (AFP) that at least 300 migrants, including refugees and asylum seekers, had been forcibly evacuated.

The organization reported that police evacuated three makeshift camps set up in front of the headquarters of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), as well as in the Lakes District Park in Tunis.

The migrants were taken “towards the Algerian border”, according to testimonies collected by the organization.

#Algeria_News #Illegal_Migration #International_Organization_for_Migration #Italy #Kais_Saied #Mediterranean_Sea #Sub_Saharan_Africa #Tunisia_News #United_Nations
Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia have agreed to develop a common approach to border development as part of efforts to tackle irregular migration.

This came during a quadripartite meeting held in the Italian capital, Rome, last Thursday, chaired by Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantidosi, and attended by Interior Minister of the Libyan Government of National Unity Imad Trabelsi, Tunisian Interior Minister Kamel al-Feki, and Algerian Interior Minister, Ibrahim Mourad.

During the meeting, Murad called for working to “overcome the restrictive approach that is limited to operational, security and administrative measures to confront the phenomenon of irregular migration,” calling for a focus on deeply addressing the actual and root causes of the growth of irregular migration by adopting comprehensive and equitable proposals, and effective, effective, and humane solutions.

“This sober proposal was the focus of discussions held by Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune with his Tunisian counterpart Kais Saied and the recently exiled head of the Libyan Presidential Council, Mohamed Younes,” Mourad said.

During the meeting, the ministers agreed to “develop a participatory approach aimed at developing border areas and unifying visions and positions on the issue of migration in the region.”

For his part, the Italian minister urged the countries of the region to confront clandestine immigration convoys, stressing that strengthening the stability of land borders must be a strategic priority.
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#Abdelmadjid_Tebboune #Algeria_News #Ibrahim_Merad #Illegal_Migration #Imad_Trabelsi #Italy #Kais_Saied #Kamel_Feki #Libya_News #Matteo_Piantedosi #Mohamed_Younes_Menfi #Rome #Tunisia_News
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The Italian humanitarian organization “Emergency” announced on Saturday that it had rescued 87 migrants, including women and children, in the Mediterranean Sea off the Libyan coast.


The migrant boat had set off from Zawiya in northwestern Libya before being intercepted by the Life Support Emergency Rescue Ship on Friday night, the organization said.

The organization reported that the boat was overcrowded, and water and food had run out, with 8 women among the migrants, including a pregnant woman, 3 children and 14 minors.

The rescued migrants were from Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, South Sudan, Eritrea, Bangladesh, Mali, Togo, Chad, Ghana, Liberia, Cameroon, Senegal, and Ivory Coast.

“Médecins Sans Frontières” (MSF) noted that the lack of safe and legal options, as well as the violence against migrants in Libya, forces them to cross by sea and increases the number of victims.
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#Bangladesh #Cameroon #Chad #Ghana #Illegal_Migration #Italian_Emergency_Humanitarian_Organization #Ivory_Coast #Liberia #Libya_News #Mediterranean_Sea #Niger #Nigeria #Senegal #South_Sudan #Sudan #Togo
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Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, commander of Libya’s General Forces, stressed the need to redouble the European Union’s efforts to promote stability in Libya by supporting the political process and facilitating the holding of presidential and parliamentary elections.


This confirmation came during a meeting in Benghazi with the Ambassador of the European Union to Libya, “Nicola Orlando”, and his accompanying delegation, where the two sides discussed during the meeting the recent developments on the local and regional arena.

Orlando praised the role played by the Libyan General Forces in achieving security and stability inside the country, in addition to their distinguished efforts in combating illegal immigration.

Orlando, who is visiting the Eastern Province to meet with a number of officials and inspect various projects, stressed the EU’s commitment to being a key partner of Libya, explaining that the Union seeks to strengthen cooperation and support development in Libya.

It is noteworthy that the Italian diplomat Nicola Orlando served as the Italian Deputy Ambassador to Libya from 2017 to 2019, and in May 2021 he was appointed Special Envoy of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Libya, and on September 4, 2023, the Government of National Unity approved his appointment as Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the European Union to Libya.
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#Benghazi #European_Union #Field_Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Illegal_Migration #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Armed_Forces #Libyan_Elections #Nicola_Orlando
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Tunisian authorities have sentenced sub-Saharan migrants to prison terms for carrying out violence while removing their tents from the capital.

Tunisian authorities face warnings from a number of politicians about exploiting this controversial phenomenon, some of whom consider it an “imminent danger” that could lead to the extension of President Kais Saied’s presidential term and the postponement of elections expected next fall.

The Tunisian authorities removed all tents erected by irregular African migrants in the capital and relocated them to other areas far from the capital.

The southeastern province of Sfax witnessed demonstrations demanding the rapid evacuation of thousands of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa in the region, with demonstrators raising slogans condemning the resettlement policy and emphasizing land and identity rights.

Saber al-Benbli, the first accredited officer in Beja province, said there is no intention to settle migrants in the region, stressing the importance of tightening control over them.
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#Illegal_Migration #International_Organization_for_Migration #Kais_Saied #Tunisia #Tunisia_News #Tunisian_Elections #Tunisian_President
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