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Al-Arish International Airport today received two planes carrying humanitarian aid from Russia and Pakistan.

An official source at the airport said that the plane coming from Pakistan transported 95 tons of relief materials provided by the Catholic relief organization “AZ’s”, while the Russian plane carried 30 tons of aid.

The source stated that the shipments were unloaded at the airport and transported to the logistical warehouses in the city of Al-Arish, in preparation for distribution inside the Gaza Strip through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.

The operation was coordinated between the Egyptian Red Crescent and its Palestinian counterpart, and with the support of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

The total number of aircraft that have arrived so far is 764, including 624 aircraft loaded with aid and 140 aircraft carrying international delegations.

Food entering through the Rafah crossing accounts for 10 per cent of the food needs of all Gaza's more than two million people.

#Al_Arish_Airport #Azaz_Organization #Egypt #Egyptian_Red_Crescent #gaza #Humanitarian_Aid_for_Gaza #Pakistan #Rafah_Crossing #Russia #United_Nations #UNRWA
Egyptian Defense Minister Mohamed Zaki said on Thursday that the Egyptian army is capable of confronting any challenges imposed on it, thanks to the strength and cohesion of the Egyptian people and their national leadership, as he put it.

Zaki stressed during the activities of a tactical training project for the Second Field Army that “Egypt has constants that it does not deviate from and does not take sides except in the interest of national security.”

The Minister of Defense stressed “the important and effective role played by Egypt in supporting the Palestinian cause throughout history.
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#Cairo #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Minister_of_Defense #Gaza_War #Hamas_Movement #Israel #Mohamed_Zaki #Palestine_news #Palestinian_Issue #Rafah_City #Rafah_Crossing #Sinai #Two_State_Solution
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Egypt welcomed the decision of the International Court of Justice to impose additional interim measures on Israel and its demand for an immediate cessation of military operations and any other measures in the Palestinian city of Rafah.

In a statement issued by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry on Friday, Egypt called on Israel to comply with its legal obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and international humanitarian law, and to implement all provisional measures issued by the International Court of Justice, which are legally binding and enforceable, as they are issued by the highest international judicial organ.

“Israel bears full legal responsibility for the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip as the occupying power,” the statement said.

In the statement, Egypt called on "Israel to stop its systematic policies against the Palestinian people, including targeting, starvation and siege in violation of all provisions of international law and international humanitarian law."
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#Egypt_News #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Gaza_Strip #Gaza_War #International_Court_of_Justice #Israel #Palestine_news #Rafah_City #UN_Security_Council
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Dozens were killed and injured in an Israeli bombing on an area classified as safe near the city of Rafah in the far south of the Gaza Strip, amid international condemnation of the massacre, and angry demonstrations witnessed by some countries around the world.

UNRWA spokesman in Gaza, Adnan Abu Hasna, said that the death toll and injuries from the recent Israeli strike on the displaced persons camp in the city of Rafah were likely to reach 100 people.

For his part, the spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza said, “The health care system in Gaza is unable to deal with the situation in the city of Rafah.”

In turn, the Hamas movement held the US administration and its president, Joe Biden in particular, fully responsible for the “massacre” committed by the Israeli army in the city of Rafah.
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#Victims #bombing #camp #Children #dead #gaza #Iraq #Israel #Israeli_Army #Jordan #Lebanon #massacre #Palestine #Rafah #Turkey #UNRWA
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The Israeli attack on a refugee camp in Rafah, south of Gaza, sparked international condemnation, both officially and publicly, after pictures of the horrific aftermath of the attack spread on social media.

Officials said that the Israeli air strike caused a massive fire, which claimed the lives of civilians who were in the camp fleeing the battlefields, which angered world leaders who urged the implementation of the International Court of Justice’s ruling to stop the Israeli attack on the city.

Palestinian health officials say at least 45 people, nearly half of them women and children, were killed in the Israeli raid.
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#Germany #Annalina_Baerbock #Canada #Egypt #Emmanuel_Macron #France #Gaza_War #Israel #Israeli_Army #Kuwait #Melanie_Julie #Palestine_news #Qatar #Rafah_Invasion #Saudi_Arabia #United_Nations_Secretary_General_António_Guterres #United_States_of_America
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Algeria’s representative to the United Nations, Ammar Ben Jama, said that Algeria will submit a draft resolution to the UN Security Council aimed at “stopping the killing in Rafah.”

Ben Jamea told reporters after a closed meeting of Council members: “This Wednesday afternoon, Algeria will circulate a draft resolution regarding Rafah,” explaining that the resolution “will be a short and decisive text to stop the killing in Rafah.”

The draft resolution was based on a ruling issued by the International Court of Justice last week, which states that “Israel, the occupying power, must immediately stop its military attack and any other actions in Rafah.
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#Algeria_News #Ammar_Bin_Jama #China #France #Fu_Kung #Gaza_War #International_Court_of_Justice #Israel #Linda_Thomas_Greenfield #Nicolas_de_Rivière #Palestine_news #Rafah_Invasion #United_Nations_Security_Council #United_States_of_America
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The Israeli war on the Gaza Strip is entering its eighth month, and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are suffering from the lack of safe areas to which they can flee the bombing.

They face a severe food shortage, which puts their lives and the lives of their children at risk due to both bombing and hunger.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, described the level of destruction in Gaza as a result of Israeli practices as “unprecedented and completely unacceptable.”

He stressed in an interview with NHK TV that the Israeli military operation is being carried out in a way that causes huge numbers of civilian casualties and severe damage to civilian infrastructure.
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#Destruction_of_Gaza #gaza #Gaza_Siege #Gaza_Strip #Gaza_War #Israel #Palestine #Palestinian_Issue #Rafah
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A high-ranking Egyptian source denied Israeli reports about the existence of tunnels under the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, following the Israeli army’s announcement of the destruction of a tunnel in the Rafah crossing area.

The Egyptian source told Cairo News Channel: “Israel is continuing its attempts to export lies about the conditions of its forces in Rafah to obscure its failure militarily and to get out of its political crisis.”

The source continued: “There is no truth to what the Israeli media reported about the existence of tunnels on the Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip, and these lies express the magnitude of the crisis facing the Israeli government.
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#Daniel_Hagari #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Border #Gaza_Strip #Gaza_War #Hamas_Movement #Israel #Israeli_Army #Palestine_news #Philadelphia_Axis #Rafah_City #Rafah_Crossing #Rafah_Invasion #Tunnels
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Egyptian media reported today, Saturday, that a tripartite meeting between Egypt, the United States, and Israel will be held tomorrow, Sunday, in Cairo, to discuss restarting the Rafah crossing.

Cairo News TV, quoting the source who preferred to remain anonymous, stated that Cairo confirmed to all parties its firm position not to open the Rafah crossing as long as Israeli control over the Palestinian side of it remains.

The source added that Cairo is making intensive efforts to resume truce negotiations in Gaza in light of the recent proposal by US President Joe Biden.

President Biden announced in a speech yesterday that Israel had presented a three-stage proposal to end the war in Gaza.
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#Cairo #Egypt #gaza #Israel #Palestine #Rafah #United_States_of_America
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Today, Monday, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, at the head of an accompanying American delegation, in the presence of the head of the Egyptian “General Intelligence Service”, Major General Abbas Kamel.

The official spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic, Ahmed Fahmy, announced that the meeting witnessed a review of the latest developments in joint efforts to reach a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and exchange hostages and detainees. The two parties agreed to intensify these efforts during the current stage.

During the meeting, President Sisi stressed the importance of international cooperation to remove obstacles to the implementation of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, stressing the necessity of ending the war, preventing the expansion of the conflict, and moving forward with the implementation of the two-state solution.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Sisi #Anthony_Blinken #Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_General_Intelligence_Service #Egyptian_President #gaza #Hamas #Major_General_Abbas_Kamel #Palestine #Rafah_Crossing #United_States_of_America #US_Secretary_of_State
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US State Department spokesman Samuel Warburg announced intensive talks regarding the Rafah border crossing, which was closed 40 days ago as a result of Israeli forces controlling it from the Palestinian side.

During his statements to Sky News Arabia, Warburg confirmed that the United States is actively working with Egypt and Israel, with the aim of facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid to the residents of Gaza.

On the other hand, Egyptian diplomatic sources confirmed that Israeli forces must withdraw from the crossing before transferring its management to the Palestinian side, in a move aimed at facilitating the entry of aid.

In a related context, Warburg pointed to the ongoing efforts to ensure that the crossing is managed in a way that prevents its use by Hamas or any parties not concerned with humanitarian aid, with an emphasis on providing adequate security to operate the crossing safely.
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#Egypt #Egypt_News #Hamas_Movement #Israeli_Army #Palestine #Palestine_news #Rafah #Rafah_Crossing #Samuel_Warburg #US_State_Department_Spokesman
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On Monday, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry denied reports circulating about the existence of arrangements with the United States to prepare lists of names of patients and students wishing to leave the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ahmed Abu Zeid, confirmed through the ministry’s account on the “X” platform that there is no truth to what is being circulated through some social media regarding a phone call between the Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and the United States’ Anthony Blinken, which discussed arrangements to register lists of patients And students wishing to leave Gaza.

Abu Zeid added: “There was no telephone contact between the two parties,” stressing that “it is not true that there are any arrangements of this kind,” without adding more details.
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#Ahmed_Abu_Zeid #Anthony_Blinken #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Foreign_Ministry #Gaza_News #Gaza_Strip #Palestine_news #Rafah_Crossing #Sameh_Shukry #United_States_of_America
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Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry expressed Egypt’s rejection of some elements’ seizure of humanitarian aid allocated to Palestinian Rafah.

This came during a phone call with Sigrid Kach, the United Nations Chief Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in the Gaza Strip, on Tuesday.

During the call, Shukri attacked the Israeli side for its lack of commitment to protecting aid and ensuring that it reaches those who deserve it.

Shukri stressed the need for Israel to commit to facilitating the entry of aid and easing restrictions imposed on the movement of trucks at the crossings.
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#Ahmed_Abu_Zeid #Egypt #Egyptian_Foreign_Minister #Gaza_Strip #humanitarian_aid #Israel #Palestine #Rafah #Sameh_Shukri #Security_Council #Sigrid_Kach #United_Nations
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Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry expressed Egypt’s rejection of some elements’ seizure of humanitarian aid allocated to Palestinian Rafah.

This came during a phone call with Sigrid Kach, the United Nations Chief Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in the Gaza Strip, on Tuesday.

During the call, Shukri attacked the Israeli side for its lack of commitment to protecting aid and ensuring that it reaches those who deserve it.

Shukri stressed the need for Israel to commit to facilitating the entry of aid and easing restrictions imposed on the movement of trucks at the crossings.

#Ahmed_Abu_Zeid #Egypt #Egyptian_Foreign_Minister #Gaza_Strip #humanitarian_aid #Israel #Palestine #Rafah #Sameh_Shukri #Security_Council #Sigrid_Kach #United_Nations
A medical source in the Egyptian city of Al-Arish announced on Thursday that 21 cancer patients had been evacuated from the Gaza Strip to Egypt via the Kerem Shalom crossing, for the first time since the crossing was closed in early May, when the Israeli army took control of the Palestinian side of it.

The source, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, told Agence France-Presse, “21 cancer patients arrived in Egyptian territory through the Kerem Shalom crossing for treatment in the Emirates.”

A World Health Organization official said on Tuesday that the closure of the Rafah crossing prevented the evacuation of at least two thousand patients and called for the reopening of the crossing and other roads, according to Reuters.
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#Egypt #gaza #Israel #Kerem_Shalom_Crossing #Palestine #Rafah #UAE
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Egypt denied Israeli allegations claiming that it agreed to establish an alternative port to the Rafah port, and a high-ranking Egyptian source confirmed to the Cairo News Channel, which is owned by the intelligence service, the importance of adhering to the current status of the port.

The source stressed that Egypt refuses the entry of any Egyptian forces into the Gaza Strip, explaining that arranging the situation inside the Strip after the ongoing military operation is a purely Palestinian matter.

Egypt informed all parties in advance of the need to recover the detainees and stop the military operation through a permanent ceasefire agreement and the exchange of detainees and prisoners.

It stressed its refusal to coordinate with Israel regarding the crossing and stopped the entry of aid until the Israeli forces withdrew from it.

#Cairo #Egypt #Egypt_News #Gaza_Strip #Palestine #Rafah_Port
During the ceasefire negotiations in Cairo, Israel proposed the idea of building an underground barrier extending along the border with the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli website “Epoch” published that the Israeli government is putting pressure on the Egyptian government to establish two barriers, one overhead and the other underground, along the “Philadelphia Axis,” as well as moving the Rafah crossing site to another new location.

Egypt opposes making any changes to its borders with the Gaza Strip, especially with regard to the Rafah crossing and the Philadelphia axis.

In this context, the Israeli Channel 12 announced that the Israeli army is also planning to expand the newly created “buffer zone” in Philadelphia to include broader activities to uncover hitherto unknown tunnels.
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#Cairo #Egypt #Egyptian_Government #Gaza_Strip #Gaza_War #Israel #Israeli_Government #Philadelphia_Axis #Rafah_Crossing
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The American newspaper “The New York Times” revealed secret negotiations between Israel and Egypt regarding the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Philadelphia axis on the border between Gaza and Egypt, as part of the truce arrangements with the Hamas movement.

A Western diplomat and Israeli officials confirmed to the newspaper that the discussions included proposals for a possible withdrawal, which would be part of a broader agreement to stop hostilities.

The Israeli side, represented by senior envoys, expressed its readiness to withdraw, provided that Egypt commits to strengthening security measures on the border to prevent weapons smuggling.

The proposed measures include installing advanced technologies such as electronic sensors to detect any attempts to dig tunnels, as well as creating underground barriers to prevent such actions.
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#Egypt #Gaza_War #Hamas_Movement #Israel #Israeli_Forces #Negotiations #Philadelphia_Axis #Rafah_Crossing
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High-level Egyptian sources denied the validity of the reports circulated by the Israeli media regarding the existence of agreements or understandings between Egypt and Israel regarding the Philadelphia Axis.

The sources confirmed that these allegations come in the context of Israel’s attempt to cover up its ongoing military failure in the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptian sources stressed Cairo’s firm position, which stipulates the necessity of the Israeli army’s withdrawal from the Rafah crossing from the Palestinian side to ensure its complete reoperation, in addition to Egypt’s emphasis on the inevitability of complete Israeli withdrawal from the Philadelphia axis.
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#Benjamin_Netanyahu #Cairo #Egypt #gaza #Gaza_Strip #Hamas_Movement #Israel #Israeli_Aggression_on_Gaza #Israeli_Army #Palestine #Philadelphia_Axis #Qatar #Rafah_Crossing #Tel_Aviv
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