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#Imam al-Mahdi and we

Session One

🍁We are in the era of Imam al-Mahdi's return🍁

🌸 In past, people would await the Imam in an interesting way for example, they would give their children martial trainings and instructions every week for instance, they would participate in Friday prayer with
weapons which is a symbolic and nice action and conveys a very meaningful message.

🌸 Imam Ali (a) said: Appearance reveals the mind. Taking part in Friday prayer with weapons is a kind of constructive expectancy which means I'm ready to dedicate my life to the Imam whenever he returns.

🌸 Imam Saj-jad (a) said: The best people in every era are those who await the Imam. Therefore, "awaiting" is both a news and a command for us.

🌸 On the one hand, we are told; the best people of every era are those who are truly awaiting the Imam and if we're like this, we should thank God for this glad tiding.
And on the other hand, "they are the best people of every era" is also a command and means that , to be a true expectant, you should be the best of your era. Therefore, an expectant person should be the best.

🌸 In a hadith, we read; the best prayer is awaiting and expecting the relief of God's friend ( Imam al-Mahdi). This means expectancy. Being an expectant with its important and real qualities which is the best prayer. This is a constructive expectancy which we are talking about now. This kind of expectancy has its own signs and qualities. We should see whether we have these qualities or not!?

#Imam_Reza (a.s)

🌸Why is the 8th Imam named Reza? 🌸

🍁 Establishing relationship with Masoomin (prophet's innocent household) is a blessing bestowed upon man by God which dispels the gloom and sorrow in your heart and causes your sins to be forgiven.

🌸 Going on a pilgrimage to Mashhad results in God and the Imam's satisfaction with the pilgrim and also satisfaction of the pilgrim with himself.

🌸 You may have noticed that sometimes, when someone is full of stress and impatience due to a sinful heart, he finds peace and calmness when he goes to Mashhad, specially if he knows how to perform the customs of the pilgrimage and how to talk to Imam Reza (a.s). But, if he is neglectful of the pilgrimage customs, he won't gain much from his holy journey.

#ولادت_امام_علی_بن_موسی_الرضا علیه السلام

🌺چرا به #امام_رضا (ع)، می گویند «رضا»؟🌺

این موهبت را خدا به انسان داده که اگر با افرادی همچون #معصومین ارتباط برقرار کند، هم غمش برطرف می شود و هم گناهانش بخشیده می شود.
کسی که #امام_رضا (ع) را زیارت می کند، نتیجه ی این #زیارت، راضی شدن امام و راضی بودن خود شخص زائر است، یعنی هم خدا و هم امام از انسان #راضی می شود و هم خودانسان راضی می شود.
اگر دقت کرده باشید، گاهی انسان غلیان و #گناهان_قلبی دارد، اما وقتی به مشهد می رود، دلش به آرامش می رسد. مخصوصا اگرراه و رسم زیارت را بلد باشدو بداند که چگونه باید با حضرت گفتگو کند. نه این که کورکورانه به زیارت برود و برگردد و از آن چیزهای زیادی که دیگران گیرشان می آید، محروم باشد.
#Imam al-Mahdi Our worth and value depends on how much we put effort into removing the obstacles against Imam al-Mahdi's (a.j) return.

ما به میزان نقشی که در رفع موانع
ظھور داریم... ؛قیمت داریم.


If people together, ask God pleadingly for Imam al-Mahdi's (a.j) relief and return, like what Bani Israel did together for God's help against oppression, he will be given the permission to return.

اگرھمه مردم در طلب امام زمان خود ھمانند قوم بنی اسرائیل که از شدت ظلم به درگاه خداوند استغاثه کردند، ھمدل و یکصدا باشند، نعمت دیدار آن نازنین نصیبشان خواھد شد.


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#Imam al-Mahdi

bring up your children in such a way that enables them to find love with God and recieve special attention from Imam al-Mahdi (Zaman) (a.j).

فرزندانمان را طوري تربیت کنیم که خدا را دوست داشته باشند و مورد توجه امام زمان (عج) باشد.


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#Imam_Khamenei (May Allah protect him)


◾️Although we're far from you, we speak with the memory of you.

◾️Distance does not matter in the spiritual journey.

◾️This movement is the movement of love and faith. We too watch it from distance and envy those who were bestowed this blessing and participated in this movement.

◾️Those like me who are deprived of such movements deem it necessary to say that :

◾️Wish we were with you, so that we could achieve the great success.

#Imam_Reza (a.s), #our_heavenly_father

▪️Imam Reza (a.s) is the father of all of us. Resolving our problems of marriage or other problems are only small gifts he can give us.

▪️But, the most important thing Imam Reza (a.s) wants from us, is gaining resemblance to him by following their school of thought and establishing a close relationship with them.

▪️It is so important to realize that when we say Imam Reza (a.s) is our Imam, we point to a lawful relationship but when we say Imam Reza (a.s) is our father, a true and real relationship is established because he is our origin and root.

▪️With this father (Imam Reza), we will never feel humiliated even if we do not have earthly parents but we always feel great and important.

🔶 How to live amongst people

#Imam_Ali (AS)

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Islam & Life
🔶 How to live amongst people #Imam_Ali (AS) #Nahjulbalaghah 🆔 @islamandlife
How to live amongst people

🔶 خَالِطُوا النَّاسَ مُخَالَطَهً إِنْ مِتُّمْ مَعَهَا بَكَوْا عَلَيْكُمْ وَ إِنْ عِشْتُمْ حَنُّوا إِلَيْكُم.

🔷 با مردم چنان بياميزيد كه اگر مرديد بر شما بگريند، و اگر زنده مانديد به شما مهربانی ورزند.

🔶 Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company.


نهج البلاغه حکمت 10
#Imam_Ali (AS)


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🔶 Ignore ...

#Imam_Ali (AS)

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