Ijin share..
Dear Rekan Rekan Profesional
Saat ini kami memiliki #Project yang mana dibutuhkan beberapa posisi sbb:
1. #FITTER (27 Pax)
2. #MECHANIC (5 Pax)
3. #WELDER (45 Pax)
4. #HSSE / #HSE / #SHE / #Safety #Officer
- Pendidikan minimal SMK/STM/Sederajat (1, 2, 3) dan D3/S1 K3/Teknik/Umum (4).
- Usia antara 30-50 tahun (1,2,3,4).
- Pengalaman minimal 5 Tahun di Offshore/Onshore (1,2,3,4).
- Memiliki sertifikat keahlian pendukung (1,2), sertifikat khusus #6G, #6GR #SMAW, #GTAW, #AWS D.1.1 (3), sertifikat #Ahli #K3 #Umum
- Memiliki pemahaman #electrical menjadi NILAI TAMBAH (2).
Rencana project akan dieksekusi *after* *Lebaran*.
Kirimkan CV yg terupdate beserta dokumen Sertifikat pendukung yg #VALID ke binsar.roy@gmail.com dan binsar.siahaan@auzelrejeki.com
Dear Rekan Rekan Profesional
Saat ini kami memiliki #Project yang mana dibutuhkan beberapa posisi sbb:
1. #FITTER (27 Pax)
2. #MECHANIC (5 Pax)
3. #WELDER (45 Pax)
4. #HSSE / #HSE / #SHE / #Safety #Officer
- Pendidikan minimal SMK/STM/Sederajat (1, 2, 3) dan D3/S1 K3/Teknik/Umum (4).
- Usia antara 30-50 tahun (1,2,3,4).
- Pengalaman minimal 5 Tahun di Offshore/Onshore (1,2,3,4).
- Memiliki sertifikat keahlian pendukung (1,2), sertifikat khusus #6G, #6GR #SMAW, #GTAW, #AWS D.1.1 (3), sertifikat #Ahli #K3 #Umum
- Memiliki pemahaman #electrical menjadi NILAI TAMBAH (2).
Rencana project akan dieksekusi *after* *Lebaran*.
Kirimkan CV yg terupdate beserta dokumen Sertifikat pendukung yg #VALID ke binsar.roy@gmail.com dan binsar.siahaan@auzelrejeki.com
Innovation Cloud Services ( ICS ) Compute has been certified as AWS advanced partner from Indonesia
Currently We're Hiring any position about Cloud Services :
1. Cloud Engineer (AWS Certification is a plus)
2. Cloud Support Engineer (AWS Certification is a plus)
3. Solution Architect (AWS Certification is a plus)
4. Dev Ops Engineer (AWS Certification is a plus)
5. Security Engineer (AWS Certification is a plus)
6. Project Management Officer (PMO)
7. Account Manager (Experience in quota carrying software or technology sales and account management experience, preferably in Cloud Technology)
8. Pre Sales
Work Location : Kuningan, South Jakarta
For detail information, linkedin/ Whats App : 0812-9677-7006 or send your CV : angga.nurcahya@icscompute.com
So what are you waiting for, have a great day everyone !
#Talentready #Openhiring #Opentowork #Hiring #ICSCompute #AWS #Cloud #DevOps #JobVacancy #ITRecruiter
Currently We're Hiring any position about Cloud Services :
1. Cloud Engineer (AWS Certification is a plus)
2. Cloud Support Engineer (AWS Certification is a plus)
3. Solution Architect (AWS Certification is a plus)
4. Dev Ops Engineer (AWS Certification is a plus)
5. Security Engineer (AWS Certification is a plus)
6. Project Management Officer (PMO)
7. Account Manager (Experience in quota carrying software or technology sales and account management experience, preferably in Cloud Technology)
8. Pre Sales
Work Location : Kuningan, South Jakarta
For detail information, linkedin/ Whats App : 0812-9677-7006 or send your CV : angga.nurcahya@icscompute.com
So what are you waiting for, have a great day everyone !
#Talentready #Openhiring #Opentowork #Hiring #ICSCompute #AWS #Cloud #DevOps #JobVacancy #ITRecruiter