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#houdini #tips
#houdini #tips
To make normal map work in Houdini with Redshift remember to turn on "compute vertex tangents from the object UV map" in geo - Redshift OBJ > render tab
#redshift #houdini #normals
#redshift #houdini #normals
How to use PBR Materials in Redshift and Houdini
In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to properly map PBR type of materials in Redshift. I’m doing this in Houdini, but these techniques should easily a...
List of #houdini tips and tricks (also for converting sequnce to video file)
He is using terminal with ffmpeg to convert. Looks simple enough. You need to install ffmpeg first. Then in terminal you change directorty to where your image sequece is and write something like this:
create video with ffmpeg
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '*.tif' -start_number 1 -vframes 190 -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p _out.mp4
ffmpeg -framerate 25 -pattern_type glob -i '*.tif' -c:v libx264 -r 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" _out.mp4
-start_number 1 -vframes 190 (define frame range 1-190)
-pix_fmt yuv420p (better quality/more colour than RGB)
-vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" (divisible error)
He is using terminal with ffmpeg to convert. Looks simple enough. You need to install ffmpeg first. Then in terminal you change directorty to where your image sequece is and write something like this:
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -start_number 1 -vframes 72 -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p _out.mp4
create video with ffmpeg
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '*.tif' -start_number 1 -vframes 190 -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p _out.mp4
ffmpeg -framerate 25 -pattern_type glob -i '*.tif' -c:v libx264 -r 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" _out.mp4
-start_number 1 -vframes 190 (define frame range 1-190)
-pix_fmt yuv420p (better quality/more colour than RGB)
-vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" (divisible error)
Kristian Jungk
Houdini • Tips & Tricks
Over the years, I accumulated a lot of notes in txt files. This page parses the txt files and serves them as html. Browser search rocks!!
To fix middle button in #Houdini on mac you can add this to .env:
# to work with magic mouse
# to work with magic mouse
SideFX Houdini - Navigate without a Middle-Button Mouse.
Want to use Houdini on a Mac or on a laptop with a trackpad but you lack a 3-button mouse to be able to navigate the viewport? Fret no more my friends, here ...
Several interesting HDA for #houdini. Video with "wolverine" looks fun:
H17 Wolverine Drawcurve http://users.tpg.com.au/adslo9rl//Houdini.htm
Spiderweb houdini tutorial:
Creating Smooth connections in #Houdini | Contribute tutorial from Meradi Omar
Meradi Omar share us a Contribute tutorial about Creating Smooth connections in Houdini for #MotionGraphics. Using qlib which is a free set of tools that you'll find installed in most vfx studios actually, you can find it here : https://github.com/qLab/qLib…
I was trying to add absolute path in favorites part of open window in Houdini. But it constantly was replacing it with $HIP or $JOB variables. The solution is to set job or save hip in a directory that Houdini can't use as a relative path. THEN I was able to add absolute paths as favorites.
2 big updates for Substance Painter: Custom Fonts and Native Illustrator File Support with artboards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSVgnyiDADc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lMpyz0Vhx8
Flexible Color Assignment in Houdini and Redshift
How do you assign random colors from a specific set to objects and keep the setup flexible for changes with Houdini and Redshift?
Let’s say we have several plastic cups in a scene and 4 specific colors from a client.
Create a class attribute with a connectivity node (you can name it whatever you like).
Promote it to the vertex level with an attribute promote.
In the shader tree, use an RS Integer User Data node to bring in the attribute named “class” (or any other name that you gave it earlier).
Connect it to an RS Jitter node (name it “max_variations_01”) and select “User Data ID” in Input ID Mode. In “integer jitter,” set the min to 0 and the max to 3, so we will have 4 variations. With this node, we only control the number of variations.
Create another RS Jitter node (name it “lightness_range_01”). We will use it to create lightness variations. Keep the color to black and set Saturation Variation Max to 0. Now, with the Value Seed, you can control the randomness.
Create an RS Color Ramp (name it “recolor_01”) with 4 colors from your client and set the interpolation to constant.
After adjusting the seed on the “lightness_range_01” node, you will need to move the colors a little bit on “recolor_01” so each of them will end up in a range generated by “lightness_range_01.”
Another thing that you can do is to offset UVs for each object. So when you add textures for roughness, they will not repeat obviously. To do this, after the connectivity node, add an attribute wrangle node (Run over Vertices) with this:
#houdini #redshift
How do you assign random colors from a specific set to objects and keep the setup flexible for changes with Houdini and Redshift?
Let’s say we have several plastic cups in a scene and 4 specific colors from a client.
Create a class attribute with a connectivity node (you can name it whatever you like).
Promote it to the vertex level with an attribute promote.
In the shader tree, use an RS Integer User Data node to bring in the attribute named “class” (or any other name that you gave it earlier).
Connect it to an RS Jitter node (name it “max_variations_01”) and select “User Data ID” in Input ID Mode. In “integer jitter,” set the min to 0 and the max to 3, so we will have 4 variations. With this node, we only control the number of variations.
Create another RS Jitter node (name it “lightness_range_01”). We will use it to create lightness variations. Keep the color to black and set Saturation Variation Max to 0. Now, with the Value Seed, you can control the randomness.
Create an RS Color Ramp (name it “recolor_01”) with 4 colors from your client and set the interpolation to constant.
After adjusting the seed on the “lightness_range_01” node, you will need to move the colors a little bit on “recolor_01” so each of them will end up in a range generated by “lightness_range_01.”
Another thing that you can do is to offset UVs for each object. So when you add textures for roughness, they will not repeat obviously. To do this, after the connectivity node, add an attribute wrangle node (Run over Vertices) with this:
#houdini #redshift
Flexible Color Assignment in Houdini and Redshift
Another thing that you can do is to offset UVs for each object. So when you add textures for roughness, they will not repeat obviously
Here is a table with maps names, what value types they should be and what profile to put in color. Can be useful when preparing shaders and textures in new COPs contexts in houdini 20.5 #houdini