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Eight States Are Seeding Clouds to Overcome Megadrought

“Amid growing concerns about water resources in the western U.S., scientists are working to answer those questions. Today, cloud seeding research represents the cutting edge of weather and climate science—a convergence of questions about the influence of warming on our dwindling water resources and our ability to control those consequences.”
If you’re still on the twatter, my condolences. Just kidding, but now you can find/share these awesome posts there as well!
China institutes “No Pig Zones” to limit the flow of #AfricanSwineFever .

What’s left unsaid here: this sets the stage for use of 4IR tech like tagging & geofencing to prevent epidemiological spread — now it is needed for your safety:

“With new guidelines expected to be in place in a matter of days, areas known for little or no pig farming will have to increase capacity. 

"Some areas that used to call themselves no-pig counties or no-pig cities will have to build pig farms," Guofa said. 

Under the guidelines, the only way for pork to be transported across regions will have to be in frozen meat form, leading to an expansion of the cold-chain industry, added Guofa. “

EU to launch carbon farming framework by end-2021 following two-year study

In the ‘Farm To Fork Strategy‘ announced as part of its European Green Deal last year, the EU stated that farming practices which “remove CO2 from the atmosphere contribute to the [EU’s] climate neutrality objective and should be rewarded, either via [EU policies] or other public or private initiatives [such as a] carbon market.”

It added that a “carbon farming initiative [will be set up] to promote this new business model, which provides farmers with a new source of income and helps other sectors to decarbonize the food chain.” Furthermore, the strategy tasked the Commission to “develop a regulatory framework for certifying carbon removals based on robust and transparent carbon accounting to monitor and verify [their] authenticity.”

‘Megadrought’ in American West May Trigger First-Ever Water Shortage Declaration

The American West has been suffering from what’s sometimes referred to as a “megadrought,” centered around the Colorado River, for years. And this week, things are accelerating, on both a state and federal level, as government officials (and farmers) prepare for the worst.

Arizona and Nevada would automatically be subject to significant cuts in water access

In response, the Biden administration announced the formation of an Interagency Working Group, chaired by both the Departments of Agriculture and Interior, to determine how to cope with the worsening drought. In California, Governor Gavin Newsom declared a drought emergency in two counties in the northern parts of the state. This comes with a huge reduction in the amount of available water for agriculture in the region—primarily grapes in wine country.

Unseasonal snowfall covers mountains in Gangwon Province

SEOUL, April 30 (Yonhap) -- Unseasonal snowfall blanketed mountainous areas of Gangwon Province, east of Seoul, on Friday, the last day of April usually known in South Korea as a season of early summer-like warm weather.

Martin Armstrong again writing today about #GlobalCooling / #GrandSolarMinimum:

Our model has projected we are entering another “grand-minimum,” which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last lasting through the 2050s, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to 43 years. The last grand-minimum event produced the mini-Ice Age in the mid-17th century. Known as the Maunder Minimum, it occurred between 1645 and 1715, during a longer span of time when parts of the world became so cold that the period was called the Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1300 to 1850.

If Gates blocks the sun as he has been suggesting off-camera, we are looking at not just the reduction of population by 70%, but all life.
Germany: April brought frost and snow - to the suffering of the fruit growers.

Setbacks are normal, in spring as in life, snow and cold are more the rule than the exception. But spring 2021 has exaggerated its predilection for frosty falls, polar air flooded the pandemic-weary continent at regular intervals: lockdown and "flockdown" are constant companions. And for the first time in decades, April will be much too cold on average . The last days of the month won't change that either.

The year 2021 produced April as it used to be known: capricious and uncontrolled. It can feel like a warm June and a short time later like a grim February. Typical April weather. The current average temperature is 5.1 degrees, which means the spring month is almost four degrees colder compared to the new reference period from 1991 to 2020. Even in relation to the mean for the years 1961 to 1990, the temperature is 2.3 degrees Celsius lower. The last time there was such a negative monthly deviation was almost ten years ago. If the end of the month were now, we would have the coldest April since 1973 behind us.

The cold air flooded large parts of Europe as far as the southern tip of Italy and Crete. At the same time, further east in parts of Russia it was clearly too warm for the time of year. The ingress of cold air was caused by a special weather constellation. A strong high south of Iceland contrasted with a strong low over Scandinavia. While the high rotates clockwise, the air masses in the low move in the opposite direction. As a result, together they conducted arctic air far south in an intense north-westerly current.
Records falling everywhere. More from Germany:

* Coldest April in 104 years (since 1917)
* Most snowy April in 35 years
#Italy: "After visiting all the main fruit-growing areas in Italy, I can say that in 2021 there will be even fewer kiwis in Italy than in 2020," said Pietro Cimatti, fruit-growing expert.

The situation in Emilia-Romagna is slightly better than last year, when the frost had impacted very heavily. This year the damage was patchy. "However, in other growing areas, such as Veneto and Piedmont, the quantities have more than halved. In some areas the temperature has dropped to 7-8°C below zero, so there is little left to save."
#Taiwan: (remember they were cutting water allocations to keep semiconductor factories running)

Drought reduces Taiwan lychee production to 10% in worst case — 90% crop failure!

Prolonged drought in Taiwan has affected the harvest in various areas. In Qishan, Dashu and other areas in Kaohsiung, Yuhebao lychees have trouble fruiting due to continuous drought. Growers lament that the production may only be a little over 10% in the worst case.
People in southern Madagascar have been reduced to eating wild leaves and locusts to stave off starvation after consecutive drought and sandstorms ruined harvests, leaving hundreds of thousands on the brink of famine, according to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP).

Speaking by videolink from Madagascar’s capital, Antananarivo, Daoudi told a UN briefing in Geneva he had visited villages where “people have had to resort to desperate survival measures, such as eating locusts, raw red cactus fruits or wild leaves”.

Famine looms in southern Madagascar as communities witness an almost total disappearance of food sources which has created a full-blown nutrition emergency,” Daoudi said.
Analyst: U.S. on verge of running out of soybeans by mid-July

"The average American celebrates Independence Day on July 4 with gatherings of family and friends, barbecues, parades, concerts and fireworks. However, farmers, ranchers and those that produce agricultural products such as soy oil and meal, as well ag speculators, will witness a different kind of fireworks in mid-July because the United States may literally run out of soybeans for domestic use.

“Two years ago, projected U.S carryout stocks were estimated to be 900 million bushels. A year ago, ending supplies were pegged at 523 million bushels. Now, the U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast stocks of U.S. soybeans at 190 million bushels,” I wrote. “My work suggests ending stocks to be under 100 million. And the historic decline with ending U.S. soybean stocks has many whispering, ‘Are we going to run out?’”

In the final paragraphs of the same column, I wrote: “It has been shocking the USDA lowered soybean stocks so dramatically as it did over the past few months. Such data sets the stage for higher and just maybe unprecedented soybean prices, depending on Chinese buying habits and the weather issues plaguing several of the world’s major grain producers.


Imagine, if you will, a stiff price rationing rally underway for soybeans — or corn — when suddenly weather issues surface in the heart of the growing season.

How high could prices possibly spike on the upside in light of the potential for the United States to “run outta” soybeans in mid-July? Just how high would soybean prices have to rally to kill demand?

Moving forward, soybean prices are poised to embark on a price rationing rally to prevent a scenario where soybean crushers simply cannot find soybeans.
And continuing from previous post — we ARE having weather issues in US. So running out of soybeans for domestic use is not just possible, but increasingly probably.

Look for US to start importing beans — this is a next huge red flag.

We may see some fireworks in mid-July ... and not the patriotic ones.

(Also interesting this aligns with the timeline we've been seeing around next set of lockdowns...)
Look for US to start importing soybeans — this is next huge red flag.
CONFIRMED — US *is* importing soybeans — just getting reported.

Perdue shipping one cargo of Brazil soybeans into the U.S.– Cargonave data

U.S.-based meat processor Perdue is shipping one cargo of 31,450 tonnes of Brazilian soybeans into the United States, according to line-up data from shipping agency Cargonave, as stocks dwindle in the destination market.

, the world's largest soy producer and exporter, very seldom sells to the United States. China is the main buyer of its soy."

Again — this is a red flag for US (TOP exporter of soybeans) domestic supplies being so short that companies are looking to source elsewhere.
Need a new entrepreneurial venture? Rent chickens.

For €140 (£121) Spalik, 19, will provide four birds plus a coop, a fence, feed and care instructions. Chicken renters must have an outdoor space of 25m square of grass. The minimum rental period is two weeks. Customers include retirement homes and people who want to try out keeping chickens before deciding whether to buy.

“The hens have been used as therapy animals in retirement homes,” Spalik said. “People with dementia respond well to them.
Limit up lumber, corn, soy oil today.
Cascading supply chain failures - affecting agriculture:

“It's finding the raw materials,” says Nic Beck, of Nebraska-based Clarks Ag Supply that produces seed tenders. “That's really what the issue comes down to. It's the steel, the tube steel, especially, for our augers that go into our seed tenders on our machines. It's just really hard to come by.”

He says it’s not just trouble in sourcing supplies at a reasonable price that’s turned into an issue. He says supply is short no matter where you try to source it.

“The price of tube steel in one week went up 150% for 10-gauge tubes of steel,” says Beck. “And then it just couldn't be found. There's nothing around for it.”

Beck says the raw materials are being pinched by transportation issues, but it’s also turned into a shortage of sourcing the correct parts to run the machines.

“The company that cuts out the holes on a part, they had just a small $10 part break and all a sudden it shut down a million-dollar machine for two weeks and put a backlog on everything," he adds.
