Ice Age Farmer
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“Most everyone saw temps of 21 degrees for several hours,” Murden, who also is a grower, said. “We will no doubt lose some of the crop as we are seeing some ice buildup inside the fruit.” Murden said that when temperatures dip below 28 degrees and stay below that mark for five hours or longer, the fruit that is still on branches begins to freeze on the inside.

And, usually, the weather is warm there. In fact, just as recently as Wednesday of last week, the high temperature in Mission reached 85 degrees, which is more than 10 degrees above average for this time of year. By Friday, though, the temperature had crashed to a high of just 43, with a low in the 30s. And it only went down from there, bottoming out with an overnight low of 22 degrees on Feb. 15 as Arctic air continued pushing southward.

It wasn’t just the unseasonable cold that was causing problems for growers. The wind also foiled growers’ attempts to protect the fruit. “The wind was blowing so hard” on Sunday night, Murden said, that “most measures to warm trees up couldn’t work.”

#GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling
Israel suffers 6.25 million euros in damages from mid-Feb snow:

Although the snow that covered Jerusalem and the Golan Heights mid-February was a sight to behold, the storm that went along with it brought great harm to Israel’s agriculture.

The damage caused by the strong winds, hail and heavy precipitation are estimated at more than NIS 25 million (€6.25 mln). Over 500 damage reports have been received from farmers and growers across the country, reports Kanat, the Israeli fund for national damage insurance in agriculture.

Most of the damage, about NIS 12 million, concerned vegetable growers. Growth tunnels and citrus orchards were severely affected. The strong winds shook the fruit trees, damaging the fruit and causing it to fall. The hail pierced the fruits, disqualifying it for consumption. In addition to all this, the tunnels were damaged, in particular the banana tunnels on Mount Carmel and in the south of Israel where the plastic sheets were torn by heavy rainfall, some even collapsing entirely.

Substantial damage was also suffered by avocado and fruit growers, who both lost more than NIS 1,23 million due to the extreme weather.

Recent years have shown a strong increase in extreme weather due to global warming. [IAF: !??!?!?!?!] This weather is expected to cause more damage to crops in the future and consequently bring economic losses to the growers. Kanat warns that growers without insurance in particular will suffer the consequences of these heat waves or late rains.

#GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling
Spain - Citrus production in La Ribera decreases by 30% because of the weather and pests

The abundant rains in spring affected the early varieties. The cold in December and January
impacted the late productions

The decrease in production, together with an almost 20% increase in demand for citrus fruits in European markets, has led to a rise in prices.

Global temperatures continue to cool: #GlobalCooling

Like January and February,March 2021 has so far been significantly colder than the same month last year.
Anomalous cold weather and deep late March snow engulf strange parts of the globe

Polar Spring might be the perfect expression for this new wave of cold weather and its pack of late March snow, currently surprising different countries around the world… From the US to India, to China, to Algeria (Africa) and even Mallorca, a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea

#GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum
UAH March global mean temperature is BACK BELOW multi-decadal averages.

This is #GlobalCooling.

Martin Armstrong again writing today about #GlobalCooling / #GrandSolarMinimum:

Our model has projected we are entering another “grand-minimum,” which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last lasting through the 2050s, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to 43 years. The last grand-minimum event produced the mini-Ice Age in the mid-17th century. Known as the Maunder Minimum, it occurred between 1645 and 1715, during a longer span of time when parts of the world became so cold that the period was called the Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1300 to 1850.

If Gates blocks the sun as he has been suggesting off-camera, we are looking at not just the reduction of population by 70%, but all life.
“Many farmers and fruit growers suffered enormous losses.”

#UK: Coldest in 99 years, but MET Office diverts your attention by talking about ‘frostiest’ instead of ‘coldest.’

Another snag for shipping: "there is now an ice layer across most of the Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea that is up to 30 cm thick where as in the last few years this area was ice free for October and much of November.

Russia deploys icebreakers as cold snap catches ships out along the Northern Sea Route

An earlier covering of sea ice in Arctic waters this year compared to many previous years has caught a number of ships out with icebreakers called out to help vessels which have become stuck in the East Siberian Sea.

Local authorities report there are some 20 ships that are either are stuck or struggling to make it across the icy waters of the Northern Sea Route with many vessels facing the prospect of being unable to move for the coming week as icebreakers have many miles to cross to get to them.

Looking at ice maps from the Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, the Barents Observer, an online newspaper covering the Barents Region and the Arctic, estimates there is now an ice layer across most of the Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea that is up to 30 cm thick where as in the last few years this area was ice free for October and much of November.

#GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling
Very interesting to see ‘Little Ice Age’ coming out of the Mirror with respect to their inbound storm:

“I couldn't imagine a better weather pattern for cold weather fans, with forecast models showing a northerly straight from the Arctic next week. There is not likely to be any relief from the freezing temperatures for weeks as it will hang around -2C to -4C for much of the country."
UK weather forecast: Heavy snow to fall 'for days' as temperatures fall to -12C
The UK is set to have freezing temperatures from the start of next week which are likely to drop to as low as -12C by the end of the month while snow is predicted that will last for days

Brits face freezing temperatures from the start of next week along with several days of snow, which could extend as far south as London.

From there the mercury will fall dramatically and possibly hit -12C by the end of November in what has been called a “little ice age” due to Arctic plumes blowing south.

#GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling
Fast onset of ice growth ( #GlobalCooling ! ) results in dozens of cargo vessels stuck in Ice:

Dozens of ships stuck in Arctic as ice freezes early in reverse of recent warming winters

Shipping firms blame the Russian Met office for a forecast that failed to predict the early ice

More than two dozen cargo vessels are stuck in Russia’s Arctic ice, waiting for ice-breakers to come to their rescue, after an inaccurate forecast from the country’s Met Office.

But this year several segments of the Northern Sea Route froze up about a fortnight earlier than usual, catching many ships unawares.

Latest GFS outputs indicate some serious cold temps and snowfall (up to 1m) coming to Europe — right as France and Germany shutter their nuclear PPs, Russia cuts off the gas, and day-ahead elec prices hit record highs.

Winter is coming. Get ready.

#GrandSolarMinimum #EnergyCrisis #GlobalCooling
Tonga's Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai underwater volcanic eruption today is significant — and WILL absolutely contribute to #GlobalCooling in the years ahead. This isn’t just about TikTok videos of tsunamis in Santa Cruz.

This was likely a VEI6 — not a VEI7 like Tambora before the “Year without a Summer”— but non-trivial to say the least!
Unprecedented cold spell in Cyprus destroys potato crop:

Potatoes fall victim to war and weather

A frost wave in March is unprecedented.”

It has also proved deadly.
“Approximately 70 per cent of aggregate potato production in Cyprus has been destroyed and the crop left relatively intact is of subpar quality,” he said.

#cyprus #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling
Blizzard incoming for US, not good for producers:

“farmers are weathering yet another challenge as they prepare for a blizzard that could bring 50 mph winds and up to 30" of snow.
Central North Dakota seems to be the bullseye for the blizzard, with forecasts showing that area could see more than two feet of snow, along with winds that could cause white-out conditions.

“After these calves get 2’ of snow dumped on them and then it stays cold, it's hard,” says Langley. “It's going to be hard to keep them healthy. It's going to be hard to keep things alive.”

#usa #GrandSolarMinimum #GlobalCooling
I’m hearing from many Iowa corn farmers - heart of our corn belt - and the prognosis is not good.

Recall the analyses I’d shared about USA needing a bumper crop for the world to avoid global shortage. A bumper crop is NOT happening for a number of reasons...

#us #corn #GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum #WeatherWarfare