Hotline for refugees and migrant
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Update regarding visas:
In the last six months, since the spread of the Coronavirus in Israel, asylum seekers have been able to extend their visas online without in-person appointments at the Population Authority offices. During these months we received many messages from asylum seekers who could not receive service at the banks because the officials could not identify them without a valid visa, as well as from asylum seekers whose employers demanded new visas instead of extension documents.
These difficulties stem from the fact that the visa extension document issued by the Population Authority website does not look similar to regular visas, and therefore many officials and employers have difficulty understanding what it means and accepting it as valid. For that reason, this week we asked the Population Authority to change the extension document to include a photo - like the visas of foreign workers - so that it will look more like a regular visa. We hope that the Authority will adopt our proposal, and that we will be able to alleviate, if only slightly, the many challenges you face these days.

We would like to thank everyone who contacted us regarding this matter and encourage you to continue sharing any issues you encounter regarding status, visas, detention, and the asylum system with us. We are available and will keep you updated on developments,
Please note: Following Yom Kippur, the last telephone reception for the month of September will be held on Wednesday, September 30th. We will return for telephone reception on Mondays and Wednesdays after the Sukkot holiday on 12.10.
We remind you that according to the Population Authority's recent announcement, asylum seekers' visas can be automatically extended until 14.10. You can get the extension document at this link >>
Please note: We are changing our phone reception hours
Starting next week, (October 25-10) we will hold telephone reception at 054-6270898 on Tuesdays only, from 9:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00. We are also available on WhatsApp, for text or voice messages, via the same number, on other work days.
For regular updates on the Hotline's work and news related to status, visas, and the asylum system, please follow us on Telegram:
The Hebrew channel >>
The Arabic channel >>
The English channel >>
The Tigrinya channel >>
vaccination information
Please note that this coming Tuesday (17.8) and next Tuesday (24.8) there will be no receipt at the hotline. We will return for a receipt on 31.08.21
Please note: Due to a professional training, this Tuesday (28/12/21) there won’t be reception in our office. You can contact us via WhatsApp at 054-6270898.
// An important notice regarding the A5 status for Sudanese asylum seekers//

Dear friends, as result of the petition at the high court of Israel, the ministry of interior have published last sunday a list of visa numbers of Sudanese asylum seekers of Darfuri, Nubic or Blue Nile origin, who deserve a status of A5.
Mainly, according to the decision of the high court, people who applied for asylum prior to 11.06.2017 are eligible for the A5 visa.
However, people who have a criminal record are exempt from the list.
Please notice, that the A5 status is not a permanent one. People on the list still have an open asylum request and the MOI stated that it will keep processing their cases and invite them to interviews.
In the list, there are some numbers that have stars at the beginning. Those numbers are mostly passport numbers and not visa numbers. Please search for the last 4 numbers. If in their visa, people have a zero at the end that is a little far from the rest of the number, do not include it in the search.
for further questions and assistance, Sudanese asylum seekers can come to the Hotline office in Hazfira st. 18, 1st floor every Tuesday from 09:00 - 17:00. Or they can write us via Whatsapp on

link to the list:
//Urgent update regarding our reception this week//

Dear Friends,
Following the publication of the list of asylum seekers from the Darfur, Nuba mountains and Blue Nile regions, who are eligible for A / 5 status, we have received many calls from the Sudanese community in Israel. However, and due to the increase in Corona infection cases, we will not be able to hold an open reception this week, as usual, in our office. Our reception will be held only by prior appointments. To make an appointment, call 054-6270898 tomorrow (Monday, 03.01.21) between 13:00-16:00 only. The appointments will be scheduled for Tuesday (04.01.21) in our office. We do our best to give an effective response, but we have a small team and so it might take time until we get back to you. Furthermore, unfortunately we will not be able to give an assistance without prior appointment.

We wish you all a happy and safe New Year
// No reception this Tuesday (18.1) //
Due to the omicron variant and isolation of many of our staff members, we will NOT have a reception this Tuesday (18.1). We wish you all good health, the CIC team.
//An important update regarding our upcoming reception//

Due to the Corona pandemic and quarantine of staff members, this week reception will be held by telephone only. This Tuesday (25.1) we will be available on phone between the hours of 9:00 - 13:00 on the number: 054-6270898.
As always, you can also send us a WhatsApp message to the same number.
We are doing the best we can to provide effective response and we thank you for your patience in these days.
Please note, this coming Tuesday (22.02.22) there will be no reception at our office in Tel Aviv, due to the hotline staff's trip to Eilat to hold a reception in the city.
The next reception in our office in Tel Aviv will take place the following Tuesday (01.03.22). In addition, as always, you can send us a message via WhatsApp to 054-6270898.
Please notice: due to professional training the Hotline will not hold a reception this Tuesday (22.03). Our next reception will be on next Tuesday (29.03).
Dear women,
the hotline staff is coming to Unitaf's office in Ayelet Hashahar str. 4 next Tuesday 12, April.
We will meet you there from 16:00 to 18:00 to talk about your legal status in Israel and to answer all your questions.
for further information, please call: 050-4040543

looking forward to see you,
the hotline staff

* please note that we will be holding our regular reception hours in the hotline office in Hazfira st. 18 from 09:00 to 17:00
Please note: next week (24.4 - 26.4), the Hotline will be closed due to the holidays. Our next reception will be on Tuesday, 26.4 from 9:00 to 17:00 at our office in HaTsfira St 18, Tel Aviv.
Dear asylum seekers,
The Ministry of Interior in Bnei Brak decided to automatically renew all visas without the need to go physically to Bnei Brak. This decision is relevant to refugees with an open Asylum request only. This is relevant also to refugees from Eritrea and Sudan that their visas are about to expire between 22.05.22 and the end of June. As for asylum seekers from Eritrea and Sudan that recieved an invitation for an interview regarding their asylum request, they are advised to attend Bnei Brak on the day of their visa's expiration date.
An official message regarding the automatic renewal of your visa should be sent to you by the MOI on your phone number that is documented in their office.
Thus, the ministry of interior will not hold a public reception hours in Bnei Brak and Eilat from 22.05.22 until the end of June.
You can check the visas renewal date and renew your visa via this link:
Please note, next week (Tuesday 31.05.22) there will be no reception at our office due multiple ongoing existing cases. The next reception will take place the following Tuesday (07.06.22). In addition, as always, you can send us a message via WhatsApp at 054-6270898.
Please notice: due to professional training the Hotline will not hold a reception this Tuesday (19.07). Our next reception will be on next Tuesday (26.07).
Dear friends and partners,
Next week (28.8 - 1.9) we will be on a one-week-long vacation, thus the Hotline office will be closed. There won't be a reception at our office and we won't be able to respond via WhatsApp.
We will get back to our regular work schedule on Sunday 4.9 and the next reception will be held on Tuesday 6.9.
We hope to get back to work with renewal energies and we wish you all a nice summer.
with best regards,
Hotline's staff