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#法治笑話 #趙家賢 #陳真 #太古城中心 #2019年 #暴動 #意圖傷人

Source: IG @museumofhk126

Festival of Hongkong: Eurasian or Chinese?
Date: 26th January, 2022 (WED)
Location: Brent Hub, 6 Hillside, London, NW10 8BN
Time: 14:00-21:00 (Ceremony: 19:00-19:30)

#香港節 #開埠 #香港文化 #香港史 #倫敦 #英國 #HKFestival #FoundingDay #Hongkonger #London #UK
“Revolution of Our Times” won the IMPACT Documentary Grand Prize at FIPADOC 2022.

「《時代革命》獲得『最具影響力紀錄片大獎』不單單是對它的藝術肯定,也是對這部香港人的作品,在世界各地得到關注,去追隨公義和人權的一份鼓勵。我希望電影可以連結彼此,希望這部電影,這次獲獎,讓世界各地不同的人知道我們的堅持。我們並不孤單!」- 周冠威導演

“REVOLUTION OF OUR TIMES, having won the IMPACT Documentary Grand Prize is not only an acknowledgement of its artistic value, but also as a Hong Kongers production, to be able to gain world attention, it encourages the pursuit of justice and human rights. I hope the film can connect us, with people around the world and winning this prize will let the world learn about our persistence. We are not alone!” - Director Kiwi Chow

FIPADOC - International Documentary Festival

#周冠威 #時代革命 #香港電影 #港產片 #紀錄片 #香港導演 #電影
良心 基隆茶餐廳
香港有需要既基層~ 🙇‍♂️

Designer IG @middlefriends.hk

#撐同路人 #黃店 #基隆茶餐廳 #良心小店 #繼續做應做的事 #香港人加油 #茶餐廳 #雪災 #髮菜 #盆菜

#自由亞洲粵語 詳細報道:https://bit.ly/3KHpZYD





#葵涌邨 #圍封強檢 #禁足 #交叉感染 #失飯碗 #無人幫 #困獸鬥 #播毒 #一鑊熟 #暴力清零 #鐵腕清零 #抗疫為名 #苛政猛於疫情 #武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #禍港正苦 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied
🚨10 days #CountdownToBeijing2022

Freedom of press is crucial to a healthy society, as it allows people to be informed while keeping the government accountable to the people. Yet in Hong Kong, the arrest of Jimmy Lai, the founder of prominent pro-democracy news outlet Apple Daily, blatantly demonstrates the Chinese Communist Party’s contempt to crush Hong Kong’s freedom of press. Now, as Apple Daily, Stand News, Citizen News, and more media outlets are forced to shut down, it has become more of a challenge for us to know the truth.

Posted by @students4hk @wethehongkongers @internationalfccp

#NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijingOlympics #UyghurGenocide #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom #Beijing2022
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Queues for daily, compulsory Covid-19 testing have formed around Kwai Chung estate, the epicentre of an Omicron outbreak with over 170 cases.

@hongkongfp news: https://bit.ly/3FUPcey

5,000 residents of Yat Kwai House and Ying Kwai House are under a 5-day lockdown as the city sees a surge in daily infections - the highest in 18 months.

Around 200 people - among them elderly residents in wheelchairs and parents with children - waited in line for a Covid-19 test outside Chau Kwai House. The long queue snaked around several blocks and a park.

#葵涌邨 #KwaiChungEstate #圍封強檢 #禁足 #交叉感染 #失飯碗 #無人幫 #困獸鬥 #播毒 #一鑊熟 #暴力清零 #鐵腕清零 #抗疫為名 #苛政猛於疫情 #武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #禍港正苦 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied
If you care about the Uyghurs, Tibetans, Hong Kongers, Southern Mongolians and Taiwanese people, now is your time to prove it: say #NoBeijing2022 and join us!

#NoBeijing2022 #BoycottBeijing2022 #NoRightsNoGames
#StopUyghurGenocide #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
澳網協稱球迷可以穿 #彭帥在哪裡 服飾觀看比賽


#彭帥#METOO#張高麗#WTA #Australia #支共禍患 #NeverTrustCCP #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #TakeDownTheCCP #天滅中共全黨死清光

Photos from 美國之音中文網
2022.1.26 係香港開埠181周年紀念日
#開埠 #香港史 #FoundingDay
Happy 181st Anniversary of Founding of Hong Kong, the real birthday of Hong Kong, 26th of January.

9 years ago we started our first celebration for Hong Kong Day, and we make it our annually tradition. Over the past 9 years. we never stop on constructing a #desinocentrism perspective on Hongkong Studies. We believe Hongkongese people should and could take back the rights of interpretation on our own history and culture, and there would be the day we all shall see.

自九年前初次舉辦開埠慶典、隨即成為每年傳統、直至今日、我哋仍然堅持同一信念 — 為香港建構 #香港本位 香港文史研究。重奪自己嘅文史詮釋權、由你、我、同各位香港人做起。堅持香港本位、拒絕中華史觀。

Post by IG @museumofhk126
#happyhkday #hkday #FoundingDay #香港開埠日 #香港日 #開埠 #香港史
1.30 Boycott 2022 Winter Olympics

In collaboration with 蘇格蘭香港人 Scottish Hongkongers and Tibet Solidarity. We will be holding an assembly at the National Records of Scotland on Jan 30, 2022. This will be followed by a march to the Consulate General of China.

Source: Democracy for Hong Kong in Scotland fb page
Link: fb.com/d4hkinscotland/photos/a.488944128516035/1169121503831624

#NoBeijing2022 #StandWithTibet #StandWithUyghur #standwithhongkong #海外活動 #UK #Scotland #英國 #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
Lunar New Year Fai Chun Writing Service
農曆新年 和你寫揮春活動 (23/1)

Thank you for joining our Lunar New Year Fai Chun Writing Service on Sunday (23/1) at the @riversideatthegardensmarkets! Wish you all Happy Lunar New Year!

感謝各位過去週末出席我地於@riversideatthegardensmarkets舉行的農曆新年 和你寫揮春活動!預祝各位新年快樂!

#香港人加油 #FreeHongKong #Australia #Brisbane #海外活動 #揮春 #新年 #農曆新年 #書法 #香港文化

The Hong Kong International Alliance @HKIAbrisbane