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Today is #RemembranceDay. Never really understood how it was like to fight for your own country, the home you love, until last year. The unsung heroes who defended #HongKong should not be forgotten.
Today last year, #HongKongpolice attacked the Chinese University of #HongKong. #CUHK was defended by young students.
#HK #WWII #soldiers #English #DIYms #中大保衛戰 #二橋之役 #殤十一 #毋忘 #中大 #黎明行動 #黑警 #催淚彈 #第二次世界大戰 #解說
中大床褥盾 - CUHK Mattress Shield - 11/11/2019.

Acrylic painting by Ricker Choi
#CUHK #FreeHongKong #StandWithHongKong #中大 #中大保衛戰 #毋忘 #黎明行動 #黑警 #催淚彈