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CNN﹕前中國公安受訪 公開虐待維吾爾人細節

西方一直指中國侵犯新疆維吾爾人人權,而中國則予以否認。CNN 日前發表一則罕有報道,一名前中國公安詳細描述他如何被派往新疆,虐待維吾爾人,方法包括「老虎凳」、電擊生殖器,和讓其他囚犯強姦男維吾爾人。CNN 指無法獨立確認其所言屬實,但其描述細節,與 CNN 訪問的受害人證詞契合。


CNN 指,他們與該名前中國公安進行了三小時訪問。報道指,該前公安現已流亡歐洲,訪問也是在歐洲進行。該公安要求匿名,僅被稱為「江(Jiang 之音譯)」,以保護其中國的家人。

CNN 為確認其證詞,已檢視江的警察制服、官方文件、照片、影片及中國身份證明文件。CNN 指無法獨立確認江所言屬實,但江所言的許多細節,與 CNN 訪問的兩名維吾爾受害人經驗契合。

CNN 亦指有向中國政府查詢,未獲回覆。

來源 : 立場新聞
credit: IG @stand.for.hk

#維吾爾 #新疆⁣⁣ #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #UyghurGenocide #種族滅絕 #Uyghur #FreeUyghur #genocide #evilCCP #BoycottChina #SayNotToChina #支共暴政 #中共極權 #NeverTrustCCP
Yesterday was the 5th year since Yaqun Rozi was detained by the Chinese authorities. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He is a well-known Uyghur literary critic, writer, and textbook editor. His only "crime" is to preserve Uyghur literature, culture and history.

#FreeYalqunRozi #維吾爾 #新疆⁣⁣ #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #UyghurGenocide #種族滅絕 #Uyghur #FreeUyghur #genocide #evilCCP #BoycottChina #SayNotToChina #支共暴政 #中共極權 #NeverTrustCCP

pc: @rfauyghur
IG @yette.su
"The cheapening of the seriousness of terrorist acts and sedition offences, when Governments improperly use them to justify quelling domestic dissent, limiting protests and curbing criticism by civil society and human rights defenders, is deeply troubling," said the #UN #humanrightsexperts, yet without any actual power, the #CCP simply ignores them.

#nationalsecuritylaw #OneCountryTwoSystemIsDead #支共暴政 #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP #光復香港
【43國發聲明 籲中國尊重新疆人權】


法國駐聯合國大使尼古拉斯.德里維埃(Nicolas de Rivière)於會上宣讀聲明,指美國、歐洲及亞洲國家在內的43個國家,對新疆維吾爾族的情況極為擔憂,並直指現時有100萬名維吾爾族人,在新疆被拘留於政治再教育營內。


#新疆人權 #再教育營 #聯合國人權會議 #維吾爾 #新疆⁣⁣ #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #UyghurGenocide #種族滅絕 #Uyghur #FreeUyghur #genocide #evilCCP #BoycottChina #SayNotToChina #支共暴政 #中共極權 #NeverTrustCCP

報導: #自由亞洲粵語 @rfacantonese
#WEBINAR | Hong Kong: Crackdown on Christians

China’s Communist Party overlords are preparing to crackdown on Christians in Hong Kong. Recent articles published in CCP-controlled media have called out Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen and Christian schools for promoting and supporting massive 2019-2020 extradition law protests.

Join us February 17th for an important panel discussion on these dangerous developments in Hong Kong. Reserve your spot today. Registration is required to attend.

Event page: https://is.gd/on7PK7

#宗教自由 #清算 #支共暴政 #中共極權 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP