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中共七宗罪 (三)警暴鎮壓
7-Sins-7-Days Rite for CCP 100th anniversary.
3rd Sin - Police Brutality


The Hong Kong Police Force is CCP’s fierce running dog to oppress Hongkongers. Police brutality, indiscriminating arrests, threat, abuse & seizure of civil rights … all become too common. Western countries & international human rights groups condemned the horrific situation, but despised by CCP & the Hong Kong Government. Police brutality in fact is worsening in Hong Kong.

MeWe : mewe.com/group/60d8b302cfe8c1038786a59d
Instagram : @hongkongerunitysquare
Twitter, fb : @hkerunitysquare

#PoliceBrutality #CCP_is_terrorist #CCP #HumanRights #Freedom #PressFreedom #FreedomOfSpeech #Democracy #NationalSecurityLaw #PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #StandWithHongKong #HKprotest #政治迫害 #國安惡法 #國安法 #濫捕 #香港人 #自由 #新聞自由 #言論自由 #民主 #公民權利 #七宗罪 #極權 #殺人政權
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中共七宗罪 (六)
7-Sins-7-Days Rite for CCP 100th anniversary.
6th Sin - Destroy Democratic Election

中共以 「改善香港選舉制度」排頭,徹底扼殺本已簿弱的民主選舉空間。各級選舉(包括選出行政長官、選舉委員會委員、立法會議員、區議會議會、新界村代表與街坊代表的選舉),將由 「候選人資格審查委員會」篩選參選人,確保所有反對派無法過關。亦方便日後更順暢批出大白象公程,吸乾香港。香港人,化悲憤為力量!

English version @ HongKonger Unity Square
香港人團結主埸 👇
TG/IG : @hongkongerunitysquare
Fb/Twitter : @hkerunitysquare

#HongKongLegco #HongKongElection #CCP_is_terrorist #CCP #FreedomOfSpeech #PoliceBrutality #PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoner #NationalSecurityLaw #HongKong #HongKonger #言論自由 #政治迫害 #濫捕 #國安惡法 #國安法 #七宗罪 #香港 #香港人 #公民權利 #自由 #民主 #極權 #殺人政權
I covered Hong Kong for decades. Now I am forced to flee China’s ‘white terror’

Full article: is.gd/mxoL9r

After 35 years, the Observer’s former correspondent is leaving as what was once a haven of liberty and peace is transformed into a police state.

#言論自由已死 #freedomofspeech #新聞自由 #English
TLDR: 就算失望,不能絕望。共勉之。
For years, #HKers had been struggling to defend our rights and values from the #CCP. The #UmbrellaMovement in 2014 was for many an awakening to the root cause of the social problems in #HK - the lack of a popularly mandated government as ours was (and is) but a #Beijing puppet.
The experience of 2014 produced the now much more mainstream indigenous ideology and inspired new protest tactics in 2019. Hong Kong has never stopped evolving to cope with challenges and does not intend to stop now. "Be water", the city-wide pro-democracy movement in 2019 taught us, even though it may be dark and the suffering ahead seem endless, don't lose heart. We will remember who we are, what we stand for, persevere and outlive the tyrant.
#democracy #freedomofspeech #standwithhongkong #FightForFreedom #HongKongIsNotChina #光復香港 #時代革命

TG @internationalfccp
IG @internationalfuckccp
Twitter: @MenSuen
With the Apple Daily and Stand News gone, Citizen News and Mad Dog Daily -- two pro-democracy news outlets -- were forced to cease operations out of concern for the safety of their staff. What does this mean for Hong Kong? It means those publications who are not willing to simply become mouthpieces for the Hong Kong government and Chinese Communist Party will be forced to self-censor and perpetuate the harmful, false narrative that this regime continues to force on the Hong Kong people and readers across the globe.

Full article: www.bauhiniasforfreedom.com/blog/in-support-of-press-freedom

#standwithstandnews #freedomofspeech #新聞自由#守護真相 #眾新聞#立場新聞 #蘋果日報 #AppleDaily #StandNews#不要讓真相消失
被斥 #引起人群聚集



報導: IG/FB @boomheadhk
#Ukraine #反戰 #示威 #PoliceState #FreedomOfSpeech


#羊村繪本案 #港區國安法 #煽動罪 #煽動刊物 #言語治療師 #出版自由 #言論自由 #陳國基 #華盛頓郵報 #NationalSecurityLaw #Sedition #FreedomOfSpeech #thewashingtonpost

追新聞報導 TG/IG @the_chaser_news
CCP calling the ban of TikTok unconstitutional and a coward act... (while most of the Internet is banned in China)

Cartoon by @tainanheiming

#FreedomOfSpeech #Censorship #EvilCCP #網絡監控 #tiktok #wechat #籠的傳人 #牆国