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Fight for freedom. Stand with HK: Hong Kong Way

Date: Sep 10, 2022 (SAT) #中秋節 #MidAutumnFestival
Time: 1630-1730
Location: Burrard Bridge

自2019年,過萬港人因社運被捕,未審先囚情況十分嚴重,很多牆內手足失去自由,無法與親友團聚。是次 #人鏈 行動希望可以凝聚 #溫哥華 港人,喚起世界持續關注香港狀況。

Since 2019, thousands of Hong Kong protestors have been arrested, jailed, and placed on indefinite pre-trial detention. Many lost their freedom and are forced to separate from their loved ones.

This human chain event aims to unite Hong Kongers and allies in #Vancouver to raise the awareness of the world towards the deteriorating political situation in Hong Kong.
#Canada #外國港人勢力

Source: IG @vanactivistshk
HUMAN CHAIN: Fight for freedom. Stand with HK

Date: Sep 10, 2022 (SAT) 中秋節
Time: 4:30-5:30pm
Location: Burrard Bridge
Remarks: 1) Block Bloc 2) Human chain will ONLY held on the pedestrian area of west side of the bridge. Participants can go from the south or north side of the bridge.
Source: IG @vanactivistshk

#人鏈 #中秋節 #溫哥華 #Canada #Vancouver
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9月10日 - 溫哥華人鏈後記




Posted by @vanactivistshk
Video credit @willisho.who

#人鏈 #中秋節 #溫哥華 #Canada #Vancouver #video
Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong (VAHK)
May-June Event volunteers recruitment

更多關於 VAHK 溫哥華手足:
For more about us, Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong (VAHK):
» TG group: t.me/VanActivistsHK
» TG channel: t.me/VanActivistsHKChannel
» IG: instagram.com/VanActivistsHK
» FB: https://www.facebook.com/vanactivistshk.page
» Linktree: https://linktr.ee/vanactivistshk

#溫哥華 #Vancouver #Canada #街站 #聲援手足 #反極權 #612四週年
May 7,2023「聲援在囚手足街站」
“Support Hong Kong” Protest

Source: IG @vanactivistshk


Thanks to the volunteers for attending the protest
and also to many Hong Kong people who have paid attention, written on the "Lennon Wall," and chanted slogans.


Apart from hoping everyone continues to pay attention to the human rights situation and imprisoners in Hong Kong, the most important thing we want to share is to please not forget that the emergence of the Hong Kong Pathway supporting many Hong Kongers to come to Canada, and we are now able to enjoy the freedom on the foundation of the sacrifices of countless imprisoners. When we come overseas to a relatively free place, we have an absolute responsibility to continue to pay attention to and support Hong Kong!

#Canada #Vancouver #連儂牆 #街站 #LennonWall #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
“Never Forget” Hong Kong Protest Exhibition (Vancouver)

Date: May 20, 2023 (Sat)
Time: 12-5pm
Location: Vancouver Art Gallery North Plaza


Hong Kong Protest Exhibition aims to raise awareness of the human rights crisis that occurred during the 2019 Hong Kong protests, showcase the sacrifice and continuous effort of Hong Kongers to fight for freedom and democracy and serve as a cautionary reminder to Canadians to safeguard our country against attacks of authoritarian regimes around the world.

#毋忘抗爭 #勿忘初衷 #展覽 #溫哥華 #Canada #Vancouver #海外港人

Source: @vanactivistshk
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Hong Kong Protest Exhibition aimed to raise awareness of the human rights crisis that occurred during the 2019 Hong Kong protests, showcased the sacrifice and continuous effort of Hong Kongers to fight for freedom and democracy and served as a cautionary reminder to Canadians to safeguard our country against attacks of authoritarian regimes around the world.

#溫哥華 #抗爭展覽 #vancouver #exhibition #毋忘初心

Source: @vanactivistshk
"Never Forget - The Fall of Hong Kong" Protest Exhibition - May 20, 2023 - @vanactivistshk

THANK YOU to the incredible volunteers and contributors! The effort to showcase the grave situation in Hong Kong, the bravery and unity of Hong Kongers, and the real threats of interference of the Chinese Communist Party in Canada required tremendous creativity, diligence and hard work. We would not be able to get this done without you!

We also want to extend our thank you to our amazing speakers who have had a long record of steadfast support to the fight for freedom with Hong Kongers. Your genuine interest in our cause and your allyship to take our movement forward are the fuels that keep us moving forward.

#香港抗爭展 #溫哥華 #展覽 #vancouver #exhibition #hongkongprotest #Canada #海外港人
June 12th Silent Protest and Vigil 默站
June 12 2023 (Mon) 8-9pm
Metrotown Skytrain Station

我哋612 舉辦悼念默站,唔單只係向香港抗爭者烈士致敬同悼念佢地嘅犧牲。亦期望本地人知道香港嘅警暴打壓狀況,知道我哋反共反極權嘅訊息!

Source: @vanactivistshk
#612四週年 #溫哥華 #vancouver #Canada
《因為愛所以革命》【加拿大放映消息:溫哥華】 @film_littor

售票處 Ticket ↓↓↓ 5/8 Vancouver + Online Q&A


感謝 @vssdm_ (溫支聯)將作品帶到溫哥華,今次特意選8‧5進行放映,希望大家唔好忘記大三罷當日的800枚催淚彈。放映將於8月5日星期六下午一點假VIFF Centre舉行,放映完畢後,更有香港政治評論員、前蘋果資訊網行政總裁 @leesimon.me 跟我進行連線映後談,各位Vancouver HKers萬勿錯過。


溫哥華 Vancouver
August 5 (Sat) 2023 1:00pm-3:30pm
VIFF Centre, 1181 Seymour St,
Vancouver, BC V6B 3M7


#因為愛所以革命 #LITTOR #LoveInTheTimeOfRevolution
#Vancouver #溫哥華 #毋忘初衷 #遍地開花 #巡迴放映 #ScreeningTour
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Vancouver 721 Waterfront Station, organized by 溫哥華手足|Vancouver Activists of Hong Kong . Thank you for having me! More videos and photos to come. #video

Source: @RickerChoi
#Canada #Vancouver #毋忘721 #警黑勾結 #721元朗恐襲 #721唔見人 #白衣人 #警黑合作 #警謊
溫哥華手足 @vanactivistshk 喺8月31號晚上於本拿比舉辦「831集會」,為因為香港抗爭而犧牲嘅人獻上白花。當日展出咗由本地藝術家Emily @emilyartgalleryvan 設計,香港人共同完成上色嘅「831大型文宣畫作」。另外, @soenggong_hk 想港、 @1released 一釋尚存同埋支持細葉榕嘅義工到場,同大家呼籲大家寫信同繼續支援在囚手足。我哋亦現場請大家一齊參與「海外代理人法案」聯署,防止中國同其他國家干涉加拿大事務。

831 為香港人而言係沉痛嘅一日,黑警無差別咁嚴重地攻擊車廂內手無寸鐵嘅乘客,事後更合理化佢哋嘅暴行。但我哋必定牢記歷史,拒絕遺忘!

香港人 做好準備 靜待時機!

#毋忘831 #Canada #831打死人 #831太子恐襲 #溫哥華 #vancouver