Here is his answer:
1️⃣ Durov is obviously aware of the problem posed by Google and Apple, which form a "duopoly".
2️⃣ Durov considers that Apple and Google are much more dangerous than Twitter or Facebook. Because Google and Apple can simply ban applications from their stores. Twitter can "just" ban users.
3️⃣ As such, Durov promptly advises to migrate from iOS to Android. Because even if Android isn't perfect, at least you can install independent APKs.
4️⃣ Telegram does not intend to comply with the censorship ultimatums of the AppStore and PlayStore. If ever Telegram is removed from these platforms, there will be two solutions:
➡️ Telegram will share an "official" APK
➡️ Telegram is working on a browser version of Telegram for mobile! That is to say that Telegram will be usable without an application. Telegram will thus become 100% independent of any store.
Official updates from Durov here: t.me/durov
#Durov #Google #Apple #duopoly #禁聲 #科網霸權
Here is his answer:
1️⃣ Durov is obviously aware of the problem posed by Google and Apple, which form a "duopoly".
2️⃣ Durov considers that Apple and Google are much more dangerous than Twitter or Facebook. Because Google and Apple can simply ban applications from their stores. Twitter can "just" ban users.
3️⃣ As such, Durov promptly advises to migrate from iOS to Android. Because even if Android isn't perfect, at least you can install independent APKs.
4️⃣ Telegram does not intend to comply with the censorship ultimatums of the AppStore and PlayStore. If ever Telegram is removed from these platforms, there will be two solutions:
➡️ Telegram will share an "official" APK
➡️ Telegram is working on a browser version of Telegram for mobile! That is to say that Telegram will be usable without an application. Telegram will thus become 100% independent of any store.
Official updates from Durov here: t.me/durov
#Durov #Google #Apple #duopoly #禁聲 #科網霸權