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2020 年逾萬港人獲台灣居留許可 創近 30 年新高

自 2019 年香港爆發反送中運動,政局動盪,加上《港區國安法》去年 6 月底實施,加速新一輪「移民潮」,而鄰近的台灣成為不少港人移居選項。台灣移民署數字顯示2020 年,高達 10,813 名港人獲台灣居留許可,較 2019 年升近九成,數字同時創過去 30 年新高 ...

#Immigration #Taiwan #ResidencePermit #StatisticReport
立法會議員、新民黨主席葉劉淑儀周三(24 日)出席印度媒體舉辦的視像會議,因不滿會上台灣代表,前台灣國防部長蔡明憲多次提到「武漢肺炎」,及稱台灣為「一個國家」,離場抗議。

昨(26 日)獲國台辦辦言人朱鳳蓮點名稱讚,指葉劉「當場即進行有力批駁,表達了正義之聲」…

#立場新聞 相關報道:https://bit.ly/3w4FGSj

'Wuhan virus' and the travails of being a pro-China Hong Kong lawmaker
#WION https://bit.ly/39l3O9o

WION Global Summit 2021 | Pro-China lawmaker walks out during live discussion | Dubai Summit

#WuhanVirus #Coronavirus #Covid #ReginaIp #IpLauSukYee #Taiwan #NeverTrustCCP #ChineseVirus #CCPVirus #fxxkCCP
#CCP has wasted no time to endorse #Taliban's takeover of #Afghanistan. While it claimed to respect the choices (🤮🤮🤮) of the #Afghan people, footages of civilians fleeing #Kabul shows the world clearly that the reaction to the new regime is fear. #Beijing's mouthpiece even praised the Taliban for not disturbing ordinary lives. The bond between CCP and Taliban is the bond of thugs.
CCP's ludicrous claims also prompt us, once again, to reflect on what it has said about #China, #Uyghurs, #HongKong, #Tibet and #Taiwan. It is a chronic liar that we should not trust!
#fuckccp #boycottchina

Credit: TG @internationalfccp

#支共暴政 #共匪 #中共極權 #CCPvirus #evilCCP #fxxkCCP #NeverTrustCCP
#Taiwan is watching the situation in #Ukraine anxiously. The western world’s response to one absolute power will inform the action of another…

#Russia #China #CCP #WWIII

Posted by:
IG TG @internationalfuckccp
Twitter @MenSuen
Cartoon by @badiucao on China threats Australia not to tie with the new Taiwanese government.

Chinese ambassador Xiao Qian: ‘If Australia is tied to the chariot of Taiwan separatist forces, the Australian people would be pushed over the edge of an abyss.’

漫畫 澳洲受中國威脅,禁止澳洲與台灣新當選政府接觸聯系

#Australia #taiwan #民主台灣 #TaiwanIsACountry #賴清德 #蕭美琴 #TaiwanElection #NeverTrustCCP #SayNoToChina