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A Documentary about 2019 Hong Kong Democratic Movement
Screening in Brisbane International Film Festival


The protests in Hong Kong were portrayed from the inside by young activists in a courageous film about an entire generation’s last chance for a democratic future.

Tickets: https://biff.com.au/film/when-a-city-rises/

WHEN A CITY RISES Official Trailer:

2019年 反修例運動 相關紀錄片
布里斯本 國際電影節上映

該片英文原名為"When a City Rises",在今年的哥本哈根國際紀錄片電影節(CPH:DOX 2021)上奪得FACT AWARD紀實調查競賽單元 最佳影片獎

語言 | 廣東話、英文,配英文字幕
LANGUAGE | Cantonese, English With English subtitles

DIRECTOR: Iris Kwong, Ip Kar Man, Cathy Chu, Han Yan Yuen, Huang Yuk-kwok, Jenn Lee, Evie Cheung
GENRE: Documentary, Politics

#紀錄片 #國際電影節 #抗爭城市 #香港人反抗 #2019年 #毋忘抗爭 #反送中紀錄片 #歷史意義 #Brisbane #Queensland #Australia
一月廿六日香港人節 - 布里斯本
Jan 26 HongKonger’s Festival - Brisbane

點解Queensland HongKongers 响1月26日舉辦香港人節?因爲呢日喺香港開埠日。1841年1月26日,香港正式成為英國殖民地嘅自由港,原由喺因為清軍喺鴉片戰爭大敗,於是清廷欽差大臣琦善同英軍代表義律簽訂咗《穿鼻草約》,割讓香港本島同賠償600萬銀元畀英國等嘅條約。

Follow facebook for details to come: fb.com/QLDhkers

#HongkongDay #HongkongFestival #香港民族 #在澳港人 #香港節 #香港開埠 #布里斯本 #Brisbane #香港人節 #Queensland #Australia #英殖香港 #穿鼻草約
2023年1月26日布里斯本香港人節 - 食物券預購
Food Voucher for Jan 26th 2023 Brisbane HongKonger’s Festival Pre-order

link: https://tinyurl.com/2p88747b

Queensland HongKongers Inc. is organising the HongKongers Festival on the 26th of Jan, entrance is FREE to the event. There will be Hong Kong-style curry fish balls, fish Siu Mai, steamed rice rolls, chicken wings, and Hong Kong-style milk tea and lemon tea prepared by our volunteers. Please pre-purchase food vouchers to allow adequate time for our volunteers to prepare the food. The $10 food voucher includes a portion of food and a drink, which you could redeem at one of the three designated time periods.
Time slots:
- 12pm to 1:30pm
- 1:30pm to 3pm
- 3pm to 4:30pm

#Queensland #HongKongersFestival #布里斯本 #巿集 #年宵 #農曆新年