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前港督 #彭定康 開腔點評候任特首 #李家超,質疑李靠2019年打壓反修例示威獲特首之位,對經濟及社會政策毫無認識。候任特首辦昨晚未回覆查詢。另一邊廂,中國外交部駐港特派員劉光源昨在律政司法治論壇上,不點名批評有國家以「家規」強加於人,也有國家以「民主為幌子」,以意識形態挑動對立對抗,「借民主之名、行反民主之實」。

#JohnLee #PoliceState #欽點特首 #黑警治港 #永續港共極權 #NeverTrustCCP


Designer ig @together_we_puzzle
#李家超 #香港特首 #行政長官 #JohnLee #PoliceState #黑警治港 #永續港共極權 #NeverTrustCCP
Artist IG @heavymetalcomic

#李家超 #JohnLee #PoliceState #比卡超 #欽點特首 #黑警治港 #港共冚家亡
報導 @the_chaser_news

彭定康撰文讚揚黎智英「他的勇氣和信念不能被遺忘」 斥李家超如傀儡針對傳媒

前香港總督彭定康近日於「Project Syndicate」網站撰文,形容黎智英是香港自由「最強烈的守護者」(Fiercest defender),稱香港是中國對自由世界取態的縮影,港府起訴黎智英正是當局打壓新聞自由的最顯著例子,認為黎智英可能在監獄渡過餘生,支持民主的人不能遺忘他。

彭定康亦批評部分人手持外國護照,卻默許中共在港的壓迫,並形容行政長官李家超的政府是傀儡政權。 彭定康形容香港當局正「切碎」(shreds)昔日屬於香港的自由,並加緊針對異見者,卻有少部分出賣香港的人裝出若無其事。彭定康引述李家超聲稱香港新聞自由「在口袋中」,直指李家超的說法不實,「事實是香港新聞自由不在人們的口袋,而是在中國共產黨設計的牢籠中」。


#黎智英 #港區國安法 #彭定康 #壹傳媒 #蘋果日報 #李家超 #新聞自由 #ChrisPatten #JimmyLai #TimOwen #捍衛真相 #JohnLee
【Rubio, Merkley, Smith, McGovern: “Chief Executive Lee is not allowed to visit the U.S”】
【兩黨議員去信國務卿布林肯 反對已被美方制裁之李家超出席三藩市亞太經合組織論壇】

Yesterday, U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and Representatives Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Jim McGovern (D-MA) sent a letter to the Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging him not to invite the Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, John Lee, to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting which will be held in San Francisco later this year. Given that John Lee is sanctioned by the U.S. government for his role in the cracking down against civilian protests in Hong Kong, it is vital to bar his entry to the U.S.. The Hong Kong community must band together to ban John Lee’s entry. // @hkdc.us

#布林肯 #李家超 #AntonyBlinken #JohnLee #APEC #SanFrancisco
國務院今澄清APEC會議計劃 表明當局並未決定邀請李家超
Clarification by the State Department Spokesperson
— “No Decisions About Invites Have Been Made”

In an open letter to Secretary Blinken this week, it was quoted that the Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman has confirmed plans to "invite Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee to attend APEC.” A spokesperson for the State Department clarified today that an incorrect statement was issued earlier to Congress, and “no decisions about invites have been made.” They reiterated that the U.S. values the participation of the 21 member economies and emphasized that participants must comply with U.S. laws, including sanction-related provisions.

Hong Kongers in the U.S. will continue to demand that the authorities directly and clearly withdraw the invitation to John Lee and bar his entry into the U.S..

#李家超 #APEC #JohnLee #SanFrancisco #制裁 #sanction


#比卡超 #李家超 #APEC #JohnLee #SanFrancisco #制裁 #sanction

Art by 茶色金魚 IG/twitter @draculatoki

#比卡超 #李家超 #APEC #JohnLee #SanFrancisco #制裁 #sanction
消息指美拒李家超出席APEC 盤點歷任特首與美國的距離

集誌社全文: http://bitly.ws/PrbG


報道引述美方官員指,特區政府仍然可以派出其他官員率領代表團參與。行政長官李家超在吉隆坡重申立場清晰,希望 APEC 主辦國按一貫指引、做法和慣例,邀請成員經濟體領導人出席。盤點屆任特首訪美安排,董建華在上任兩個月後即訪問美國、獲時任美國總統克林頓接見,到林鄭月娥原定 2019年9月的訪美行程因反修例運動取消;李家超自2020年8月起被美國制裁,至今甚至被拒入境美國出席 APEC 會議。

#APEC #李家超 #制裁 #比卡超 #JohnLee #SanFrancisco #sanction