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報導: 美國之音中文網
全文: https://is.gd/KSdIoA
圖: IG @stand.for.hk

#強国 #男子冰球隊 #外國勢力 #BoycottBeijing2022 #NoBeijing2022 #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #ConcentrationCamp #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong
北京冬奧賽事持續,瑞典競速滑冰名將雲達普爾(Nils van der Poel)此次贏得兩面金牌。不過,他周日回國接受當地傳媒採訪時直言,讓中國這樣嚴重侵犯人權的國家舉辦奧運,是「極度不負責任的行為」。



#北京冬奧 #瑞典 #Sweden #雲達普爾 #NilsVanDerPoel #humanrights #olympics #NeverTrustCCP #SayNotToChina #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
Posted by IG @fortuneinsight
#beijing2022 #olympics
Posted by IG @score4rights

We call Olympians not to miss this historic chance to draw the world's attention to China's rights abuses.

Once you raise your hand, the light of hope will be reflected in the hearts of millions.

#raiseyourhand #score4rights2022 #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #ConcentrationCamp #SayNotToChina #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom
德國 雪橇運動員蓋森貝格(Natalie Geisenberger)
在北京冬奧得到兩枚金牌 回德國後說:
『此生 再也不去 中國』

全文: https://p.dw.com/p/47AoV

#NatalieGeisenberger #雪橇 #Germany #NoBeijing2022 #humanrights #uyghurs #genocide #olympics #ConcentrationCamp #SayNotToChina #FreeTibet #StandWithHongKong
3月8日是 #國際婦女節 ,林鄭洋洋得意稱女性一直是確保「一國兩制」在香港特區行穩致遠的堅實力量。與此同時我們不能忘記,維族婦女是世界上最備受打壓的一群。根據在2021年9月由英國 Uyghur Tribunal 發表的判詞、現時保守估計有超過一百萬名維族人口被拘押在新疆集中管理設施,同時維族婦女被系統性地強制節育、絶育。

Today is International Women's Day, while Chief Executive Carry Lam proudly proclaims that women are a corner stone of the "One Country Two System", let us not forget Uyghur women are among the most repressed group in the world. According to a judgement delivered by the Uyghur Tribunal in London in September, 2021, more than 1 million Uyghur population are currently imprisoned in Xinjiang correctional camps. Uyghur women are systematically detained, raped, and forced to be sterilized.

Posted by IG @hkladyliberty

#uyghur #InternationalWomensDay #SaveUyghurs #humanrights #genocide #EvilCCP #UyghurGenocide
The UN General Assembly suspends Russia from the Human Rights Council.

#russia #Putin #humanrights #un #unitednations #evilCCP #NeverTrustCCP
Designer IG @tjeerdroyaards
公務員516前須打齊3針 否則被視為曠工

Posted by IG @hk_feature
採訪: Venus Ho
全文: https://ly.hkfture.com/nZWRm


另一端,政府合約員工阿傑(化名)說︰「啲人(身邊同事)陸續開始打第 3 針,都多嘅,啲人都快,大家又無話特別反抗。」但這對阿傑而言,不是好消息。他患有嚴重濕疹,早前注射兩劑疫苗後,出現手抽筋後遺症。迎來第 3 針,內心徬徨不已。

#公務員 #谷針 #暴政必亡 #humanrights #武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患
4團體交報告書 批國安法未符國際公約

聯合國人權事務委員會將於下月初,審視香港政府落實《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》的情況,為香港在《國安法》立法後首次被審視人權狀況,屆時李家超政府上任後將首次派員出席聯合國會議。不少過去被邀請的團體因《國安法》的威脅而未能列席或提交報告,今次有 4 個海外港人及國際組織分別提交兩份報告書,指香港《國安法》未符《公約》,促請委員會要求港府修例。

報導: 同文 Commons
全文: https://is.gd/uqhRbt

#聯合國 #人權 #humanrights #国安法 #公民權利和政治權利國際公約 #StandWithHongKong
Anthony Albanese hits back on China’s four demands to rebuild relationship. He has warned China he won’t be taking orders after Beijing issued four demands to “get the relationship on track”.

China‘s 4 demands on AUS:

First, stick to regarding China as a partner rather than a rival.

Second, stick to the way we get along with each other, which features seeking common ground while reserving differences.

Third, stick to not targeting any third party or being controlled by any third party.

Fourth, stick to building positive and pragmatic social foundations and public support.

designer @badiucao
#humanrights #freespeech #australia #NeverTrustCCP #BoycottCCP
Who are they? #XuZhiyong

Human rights activists – Challenging discrimination, defending justice, rights and freedoms. In China, we often see the authorities suppress, intimidate, harass and torture the activists against the government. Let’s learn about a prominent legal scholar @zhiyongxu’s case today.

維權人士 — 挑戰各種歧視,捍衛正義、權利和自由。 在中國,我們經常看到當局打壓、恐嚇、騷擾和以酷刑折磨異見人士。 今天我們來了解一下著名法律學者 #許志永 的個案。

Read more about Xu:

#HumanRights #EvilCCP #legal #activist #Justice #RuleofLaw #維權人士 #打壓異見 #酷刑

追新聞報導 TG/IG @the_chaser_news




#天下圍中 #中歐合作 #波羅的海 #拉脫維亞 #愛沙尼亞 #立陶宛 #貿易戰 #關稅 #BalticStates #Latvia #Estonia #HumanRights
聯合國人權組織對「光城者」4少年遭判刑感擔憂 籲港司法與執法乎合國際人權法

追新聞報導 TG/IG @the_chaser_news

香港以港區《國安法》對未成年人士以言入罪並判刑的做法,再度引聯合國關注。外媒報道,聯合國人權高級專員發言人沙姆達薩尼(Ravina Shamdasani)周二(11日)在瑞士日內瓦談及,香港上周六「光城者案」有4人未成年人士因涉及違反港區《國安法》而遭判刑時,直言對此感到擔憂。她呼籲,香港的司法以及執法應與國際人權法規定的義務保持一致。


#人權 #光城者 #以言入罪 #莫須有 #國際人權法 #國安法 #聯合國人權組織 #humanrights
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// 30th September 2023 // @lei_uk
New mural in Brick Lane by @china_deviants in collaboration with the local graffiti artiste @7th_pencil. The artwork commemorates the social movements in 🇨🇳 🇭🇰 🇹🇼 to react against oppression, injustice, and equality, as well as calling for democracy, freedom, and human rights. The theme follows: White Paper Revolution, Yellow Umbrella Movement, June 4th, Chained Woman/#Metoo, and the Sunflower Movement. #video

#bricklane #freedom #humanrights #democracy #freechina #freehongkong #freetibet #freeuyghurs #freetaiwan #takedownCCP