香港勞權監察在《#國安法》生效前夕發表研究報告,剖析當局如何利用《國安法》趕絕香港的獨立 #工會運動,起訴工會組織者、威嚇工會組織運作,亦會透過官方媒體抹黑、派出中間人以「約談」等形式要脅,迫使工會組織自行解散。
自《國安法》實施以來,至少有 62 個工會被迫 #解散,一個工會被取締撤銷登記,另有11名工會組織者被捕或被檢控。
Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor published report "Hong Kong Trade Union Movement under the National Security Law: Two years into the authoritarian rule", exactly two years since the Beijing-imposed legislation took effect.
The report documented the authorities’ have waged a campaign of repression, with union leaders detained, legitimate union activities restricted, and intimidation and harassment to force unions to disband.
Since the introduction of the #NSL on 30 June 2020, at least 62 unions have been forced to disband; one trade union’s registration was revoked, and 11 union organisers have been arrested or charged
Full report:
IG @HKLabourRights
#打工仔 #LabourRights #Activism
自《國安法》實施以來,至少有 62 個工會被迫 #解散,一個工會被取締撤銷登記,另有11名工會組織者被捕或被檢控。
Hong Kong Labour Rights Monitor published report "Hong Kong Trade Union Movement under the National Security Law: Two years into the authoritarian rule", exactly two years since the Beijing-imposed legislation took effect.
The report documented the authorities’ have waged a campaign of repression, with union leaders detained, legitimate union activities restricted, and intimidation and harassment to force unions to disband.
Since the introduction of the #NSL on 30 June 2020, at least 62 unions have been forced to disband; one trade union’s registration was revoked, and 11 union organisers have been arrested or charged
Full report:
IG @HKLabourRights
#打工仔 #LabourRights #Activism
自 #國安法 實施以來,共八名工運組織者因他們參與工會及民主運動而被檢控,至今已被未審先囚逾一年。未經審訊而被長期羈柙令被告未能獲得公平審訊,有違《公民權利及政治權利國際公約》等國際人權法及標準。
Since the imposition of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, 8 union organisers have been prosecuted before of their role in their trade union of their involvement in Hong Kong #Democracy movement.
They have been held behind bars over a year. The lengthy pre-trial detention impedes the right to a fair trial and contravenes international human rights laws and standards such as International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
#李卓人 #吳敏兒 #余慧明 #黎雯齡 #楊逸意 #伍巧怡 #陳源森 #方梓皓 #工會運動 #LabourRights
Full report:
Post on ig @HKLabourRights
Since the imposition of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, 8 union organisers have been prosecuted before of their role in their trade union of their involvement in Hong Kong #Democracy movement.
They have been held behind bars over a year. The lengthy pre-trial detention impedes the right to a fair trial and contravenes international human rights laws and standards such as International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
#李卓人 #吳敏兒 #余慧明 #黎雯齡 #楊逸意 #伍巧怡 #陳源森 #方梓皓 #工會運動 #LabourRights
Full report:
Post on ig @HKLabourRights