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1.10.2021 記錄
// 仲喺香港嘅朋友話已經好少人覺得要幫手足,事隔咁耐,每個人都應該可以生活到。其實不然,好多 2019 年已去咗外國,有身份嘅當然已開始慢慢適應生活。但 2020 年啱啱走甩嘅,面對變幻國際局勢,身份未定真係唔能夠太大安旨意。而仲留喺香港嘅,有朋友啱啱出嚟做嘢,因為被捕過隨時要上庭無咗份工;有繼續返工嘅受政治打壓而隨時失業,經濟亦未必能夠完全自立;有啲未畢業嘅,因為抗爭無得再返學,面臨上庭壓力同家庭壓力,情緒仍未能平伏;有啲坐緊;有啲因為要上庭,除咗律師費仲需要好多錢去揼靚 case。

#在囚手足 #在囚 #手足 #移民 #香港獨立唯一出路 #hk #hongkong #hkprotest #前線 #流亡 #exile #心理 #心理支援 #上庭
IG @studioincendohk

香港攝影師 Harvey Hung 2019年曾在多區連儂牆拍攝全景記錄,再以影像拼接(image stitching)重建連儂牆。他的作品〈Assembly〉在國際攝影大獎 IPA ( International Photography Awards )專業組社會事件(Professional Event, Social Cause)中獲得第三名。

#HongKong photographer Harvey Hung took records of Lennon Walls in 2019, and reconstructed the walls by image stitching. His work "Assembly" won the third place of the International Photography Awards IPA in the Professional Event, Social Cause category

Related page:

#連儂牆 #2019年 #毋忘抗爭 #反送中 #抗爭歷史 #國際殊榮 #攝影獎 #LennonWalls #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong #光復香港時代革命
Source: t.me/internationalfccp

In November 2019, #HongKong was shocked by how the unscrupulous police stormed a university campus with teargas and bullets. News of the the attack on #CUHK did not only shake the entire city, but also brought back traumatic memories of #TiananmenMassacre, how 30 years ago, armed soldiers gunned down students fighting for #democracy. According to a phone-in programme on 881903 after the #DistrictCouncil election later in the same month, many first time voters cast their ballots against the pro-#Beijing councillors because they were astounded by the CUHK, and later #PolyU siege.
#HK #university #standwithhongkong #china #CCP #黎明行動 #西灣河 #槍殺人 #毋忘 #你還記得嗎 #黑警死全家
記念理大圍城兩週年。。 畫了新作 "保衛校園 - Defend Our Campus"

16"x30" acrylic painting by Ricker Choi @HKRevolutionArt
#理大圍城 #理大 #理大保衛戰 #FreeHongKong #hongkong #standwithhongkong #PolyU #StandWithHK
Global Day of Action - Brisbane 🇦🇺
4 Jan marks the one-month countdown until @beijing2022.

#HongKong, #Tibet, #Uyghur groups have gathered in Brisbane to call for a total boycott of the @Beijing2022 Winter Olympics!

Supporting the Beijing Winter Olympics would only encourage the Chinese community party to continue its atrocities to its people and turn a blind eye to its crimes against humanity.

We should unite ourselves, stay strong, and fight for our homeland. Support our boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics today!

Source: IG twitter mewe @HKIAbrisbane
#澳洲 #Australia #Brisbane #海外活動 #北京冬奧 #杯葛2022北京冬奧 #解放西藏 #CCPvirus #NeverTrustCCP #chinaliedpeopledied #Uyghurs #新疆 #ConcentrationCamp #集中營 #UyghurGenocide #evilCCP #SayNotToChina #光復香港
Stuck in #HongKong quarantine, a father painted a Star Ferry travelling the world and turned it into a children’s book.

SCMP article: https://is.gd/XvkMFV

#quarantine #starferry #天星小輪 #武漢肺炎 #苛政猛於疫情 #暴力清零 #鐵腕清零 #抗疫為名 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #CCPvirus
The struggle of the Ukrainians against a neighbour who is flexing its brute muscles inspired #HongKong deeply. Our Ukrainian friends stood with us as we were plunged into trouble. Today we wish to express our solidarity with the brave men and women fighting for #Ukraine.
The fall of #HK proved (once again) that appealing to a violent abuser with "humanity" is useless, we hope those who are truly able to help Ukraine wake up to this fact and do not leave Ukrainians stranded. // @internationalfccp

To support Ukraine: savelife.in.ua/en/donate

#Ukraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StayWithUkraine #StopRussianAggression #UkraineUnderAttack
One year ago in #HongKong, 47 democracy activists were charged with “subversion” under the National Security Law 🇨🇳 for participating in a primary election.

Most of them are still held in custody, without bail. #HK47

#47人案 #初選大搜捕 #國安法 #未審先判 #毋忘手足 #在囚手足
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
“I hate politics”, “I am neutral”, “I just want to mind my own business and live my lil life” - these words are often uttered by #HongKongers who refuse to see that politics affects everything and everyone, there’s no way to stay out of it. And now, it’s encroaching upon #artists and #musicians we love. Welcome to the age of #censorship in #HongKong. #popculture #music
#DeniseHo #AnthonyWong #CAllStar #Rubberband #DearJane #KayTse #Serrini #AlfredHui
🎂Happy Birthday Lord Patten🎂

12 May 2022 is the 78th birthday of #LordPatten.

The Last Governor of #HongKong, Lord Patten, is one of #HongKongWatch's patrons and one of the most important and irreplaceable allies of Hongkongers.

Posted by twitter @hk_watch
#彭定康 #ChristopherFrancisPatten #happybirthday
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Thousands gather at the Parliament Square in #London to commemorate the 3rd anniversary of 612 incident in #HongKong, where it marked the beginning of the #antiELAB movement. Such assembly is no longer allowed in Hong Kong since the enactment of the #NationalSecurityLaw.

Source: twitter @leungjasminee
#英國 #集會 #遍地開花 #UK #London
Post on twitter @hkdc.us

For most #HongKongers, the 25th anniversary of the #CCP occupation of #HongKong is a #DayOfMourning. The CCP’s killed “1 country, 2 systems," refusing to introduce universal suffrage & denying real autonomy. The world's HK policy must be based on HKers’ #RightOfSelfDetermination

#佔領立法會 #七一淪陷日 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #七一 #沒有兩國何來兩制 #消失的香港
On the 25th anniversary of #HongKong's handover, we take a look into how #CCP's #NationalSecurityLaw is a sham, a pretext to crackdown on #HK's identity and liberty. This "law" descended arbitrarily and abruptly onto us 2 years ago today, the bottom line is this: whatever actions or words #Beijing doesn't like is a potential breach of "national security", one man's insecurity ruins 7 million people's lives.

source: t.me/internationalfccp
There are no more big protests in #HongKong, but we haven’t forgotten our fight for freedom and the price we paid.

Credit: TG @internationalfccp

#721Yuenlong #毋忘721 #警黑勾結 #721元朗恐襲 #721唔見人 #白衣人 #警黑合作 #警謊
【候鳥工作報告 2022.3 - 2023.2】 @waitingbirdhk



候鳥在囚支援: https://linktr.ee/waitingbirdhk

#候鳥 #平安包 #waitingbird #在囚 #支援 #在囚支援 #在囚物資 #在囚手足 #香港 #hongkong #同行 #重生
🇬🇧英國國會跨黨派香港小組 發佈香港媒體自由報告


The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Hong Kong (APPG-HK) has launched a new report following their Inquiry into the devastating impact the National Security Law (NSL) has had on media freedom and freedom of expression in Hong Kong earlier this week (24/4). The report launch has sucucessfully being held and chaired by our co-chair, Baroness Bennett. // IG @standwithhk_

#JimmyLai #MediaFreedom #NSL #Hongkong #UKxHK #APPGHK #重光團隊
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Source: Benedict Rogers 羅傑斯 @benedictrogers

Dear #HongKongers: here's my video message wishing you a happy #LunarNewYear, in #HongKong and around the world.

I hope the #YearOfTheDragon brings better times for you and for everyone.

#香港人平安 #新年快樂 #恭喜發財
「終有一天,當來自 #俄羅斯#白羅斯#古巴#香港#社運人士 不再從監獄中寄信,而是親身出席論壇,大家會視之為奇蹟。」

«I am afraid that it will soon be considered a miracle if a well-known #activist from #russia , #belarus , #cuba or #hongkong attended the forum in person instead of sending paper from a prisoncell .»

#納瓦尼 奧斯陸會議 2021
#alexeinavalny #navalny , Oslo Forum 2021

Credit: @ngodeiorg