//外國有指引講明寵物驗出陽性後嘅措施:其中美國 cdc.gov 入面一篇 What You Should Know about COVID-19 and Pets 一則細項 What to do if your pet tests positive 講到,如果你寵物對中共肺炎呈現陽性,係應該將寵物隔離喺家中,其對待與同人類染病做法相同,切勿放寵物到外面走動,並需持續檢錄寵物嘅情況與及定時通報。隔離 14 日後,再無相關症狀並且驗出 negative result 後,就無需再有後續跟進。
根據加拿大官方指引,你無需幫任何寵物做 COVID test,因為中共肺炎主要人傳人,如果寵物有病徵,都係同主人一樣隔離。
根據英國官方指引,寵物傳人機會甚微,多數係人傳寵物。寵物無需做額外保護措施,但如果你養雪貂,則需隔離雪貂及其他人 21 日。如果你染咗武肺,最好同寵物一齊隔離,但確保你要好好照顧寵物,唔好同寵物共用食物,要清潔自己後先好掂寵物。
全文: instagram.com/p/CY8YUIuP5zj
文字: @rehk_neverforget
插圖: @side._lee
#倉鼠 #武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #禍港正苦 #冷血暴政 #生命有價 #有生存權利 #濫殺無辜
根據加拿大官方指引,你無需幫任何寵物做 COVID test,因為中共肺炎主要人傳人,如果寵物有病徵,都係同主人一樣隔離。
根據英國官方指引,寵物傳人機會甚微,多數係人傳寵物。寵物無需做額外保護措施,但如果你養雪貂,則需隔離雪貂及其他人 21 日。如果你染咗武肺,最好同寵物一齊隔離,但確保你要好好照顧寵物,唔好同寵物共用食物,要清潔自己後先好掂寵物。
全文: instagram.com/p/CY8YUIuP5zj
文字: @rehk_neverforget
插圖: @side._lee
#倉鼠 #武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #禍港正苦 #冷血暴政 #生命有價 #有生存權利 #濫殺無辜
How could u be so heartless?
Designer IG @zacarus_art
We have chosen hamsters and those animals to be our pets. We should treat them as pets but not normal animals. Hong Kong government is doing wrong, kill them before investigation report come out (do hamsters really spread COVID to human?) (Some hamsters really get infected)
Bless them, live good in heaven.
Hamster and little animals become the second type of animals to be killed by gov. after the boars
#野豬 #倉鼠 #生命有價 #動物生存權利 #武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #禍港正苦 #濫殺無辜 #冷血暴政
Designer IG @zacarus_art
We have chosen hamsters and those animals to be our pets. We should treat them as pets but not normal animals. Hong Kong government is doing wrong, kill them before investigation report come out (do hamsters really spread COVID to human?) (Some hamsters really get infected)
Bless them, live good in heaven.
Hamster and little animals become the second type of animals to be killed by gov. after the boars
#野豬 #倉鼠 #生命有價 #動物生存權利 #武漢肺炎 #支那病毒 #支共禍患 #禍港正苦 #濫殺無辜 #冷血暴政