With the Apple Daily and Stand News gone, Citizen News and Mad Dog Daily -- two pro-democracy news outlets -- were forced to cease operations out of concern for the safety of their staff. What does this mean for Hong Kong? It means those publications who are not willing to simply become mouthpieces for the Hong Kong government and Chinese Communist Party will be forced to self-censor and perpetuate the harmful, false narrative that this regime continues to force on the Hong Kong people and readers across the globe.
Full article: www.bauhiniasforfreedom.com/blog/in-support-of-press-freedom
#standwithstandnews #freedomofspeech #新聞自由 #守護真相 #眾新聞 #立場新聞 #蘋果日報 #AppleDaily #StandNews #不要讓真相消失
Full article: www.bauhiniasforfreedom.com/blog/in-support-of-press-freedom
#standwithstandnews #freedomofspeech #新聞自由 #守護真相 #眾新聞 #立場新聞 #蘋果日報 #AppleDaily #StandNews #不要讓真相消失